missing *him* already… | Archon Quest 2.6 Reaction! | Genshin Impact

I played through the Archon Quest for Update 2.6 in Genshin Impact and suffered emotional damage….

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#ArchonQuest #Dainsleif #GenshinImpact


50 thoughts on “missing *him* already… | Archon Quest 2.6 Reaction! | Genshin Impact”

  1. Dain is trying to make things right after this war and I know that khanrieha will be rebuild until aether gonna find her sister and defeat every fatui harbingers except not childe.I wish we could get a chance to see scaramouch in 2.7

  2. It was interesting seeing the Lumine version of this. I play as the male MC and, of course, he also recognizes the flowers because Lumine wears them in her hair. I feel like it hit a little harder playing as him, but either way, it's cool that they made that connection.

  3. WAIT, so idk if I missed any info on this during my playthrough of the quest, but I realized when seeing lorie play it: Dain said that the cleansing had an effect on those who have the curse, however why didn’t it affect the abyss people themselves when they also have the curse? Even if it’s because of the abyssal power, since dain has it too, why did it not effect ALL of them??

    Also, surely I’m not the only one torn on killing the hilichurls for the mats…..

  4. Lore wise, I feel bad for the civilians and knights of Khaenri'ah. They were tormented by the sins they did not do but just because they were subjects of the final dynasty of that fallen kingdom.
    Celestia was bad, yes. No mistaking that considering all the other lores we get so far.
    But what did the Eclipse Dynasty and Gold did or was trying to do to receive such wrath from Celestia in the first place?
    Dain definitely knew something since he specifically told us not to make an enemy of the divine. Suggesting that the Eclipse Dynasty and Gold did something to trigger the whole calamity.

    In game play though, I would still kill them if they start running to me with killing intent first. lol

  5. 2.6 Archon Quest:
    Dain – "The Inteyvat – It would only last two weeks before wilting. But if you were to pluck one and take it out of Khaenri'ah, the petals would stop growing and turn hard. Only when it finally returned to its home soil would the petals grow soft once more, and finally turn to dust…"

    Story Teaser – We Will Be Reunited:
    Lumine (as Abyss Order Princess) – "We will meet at this journey's end, once the dust has settled."

    Meaning, once we return to Khaenri'ah at the very end, and the Inteyvat on Lumine's hair turns to dust, that's when everything will come to a head. Subtle detail about Dust and how it relates to the siblings and the Inteyvat.

  6. The level of pain that each archon quest bring every time is getting higher and higher, I can’t wait to see what pain Sumeru is going to bring to us, because I really want to see more of the siblings interacting

  7. Sad part is what if the Hilichurls that attack us… Want us to give them their end if these ones chose to go to this place to die in peace.. The ones who are hostile want us to be the one to end their suffering

  8. One thing to remember: Not all Hilichurls are from Khaenri'ah. They were around Teyvat at least thousand of years ago. (The information is from Hilichurls' ingame description) 500 years ago their numbers grew. The Hilichurls that are from Khaenri'ah are likely the ones who are called the "Eclipse Tribe", in the name of Khaenri'ah's ruling Eclipse dynasty. (It's mentioned in the Traveler's voicelines).
    Also, the architecture here is literally the same as in Enkanomiya, even the statues are the same

  9. After this history, the hole in my heart is deeper than the deep of the Chasm..Now I feel that defeat Hilichurls in the missions are like a liberation of their pain..U_U

  10. I watched the twitch vod and I have a comment about the discussion during the stream with the archon quest
    I think the problem with people not recognizing or recognizing the negatives about a character stems from people's desire to place things as absolutes.
    Like Ayato, he is gaslighting, gaslighting is bad, therefore Ayato is doing things considered bad. However, this doesn't mean he is evil or a bad character. For some characters these "evil" things are simply character flaws, while some they are actual evil things, but neither of these mean the character is a hero or a villain.

    I think Raiden is a good example of a character who can't be generalized because it all comes down to a matter of perspective. She has done atrocious things by human standards, from the perspective of mortal humans this is undoubtably wrong, but from an immortal deity it seems much more inconsequential. She saw the temporary problems caused to the humans living now as miniscule to the problems she was preventing from occurring in the future. We got to witness her change her view of eternity and the future during her story quest, but at no point was she herself "evil".

    And on the other side we also got Childe. I understand why people get upset with you calling Childe a bad person because it's a similar generalization. You could reword what I said earlier about characters doing evil instead to doing "good" things that are just normal human behaviour, or that they actually do good things, but similarly neither of these make a character a hero or a villain.
    When it comes to Childe there's a lot we just don't know. Why does Childe think it's ok for innocents to get swept up in the chaos for the Tsaritsa's plan? We don't know, all we know is that he felt that he had to and told the traveler he wished he didn't have to. His action is undoubtably evil, nothing will change that, but whether a reason justifies an evil act is subjective. For some, war is necessary for peace, while others would say it's never justified. An irl example would be the nuclear bombs on Japan, where it is an evil act, yet some would still say it's justified. Or killing in actual self-defense as another example, where killing is an evil act, but conversely few would say this isn't justified. While I would personally say you can't justify an evil act (and honestly my opinion will probably change with time), it's quite clear that many don't agree with that and I don't think you can say one is objectively the case just due to the fact of morality being somewhat subjective in the first place. As humans we can easily say an act is evil or good, but whether that translates to the individual requires more information than just the action.

    Either way, it's a complicated subject that doesn't have one answer. I think it's important to differentiate factual statements from opinion about a character. I may look back at this comment and not agree with everything I said, but that's a good thing. It's only a problem once people are unwilling to change an opinion

  11. Can someone help with this… What actually happened to Halfdan/ his soul? Because I thought all of them are cursed with immortality, and the fact that his soul gets to leave the "cursed" knight body and dissipate, does it mean the Abyss device actually worked in cleansing the curse and they get to die/disappear instead of suffering from immortality? Is Dain missing sth or am I missing sth hahaha

  12. 21:17 I have a feeling that dain will transform into hilichurl boss in the end or will become evil and that's what he means by fighting him( he said this in the teyvat chapter story line)

    43:25 and here there's a foreshadowing that something is gonna happen to him

  13. If the Genshin universe is really part of the multiverse of Honkai, then maybe the reason why Celestia destroyed Khaenri'ah was to prevent it's technological advancement.

    Honkai grows and evolves with human civilization and technological progress, and appears to be dedicated to its ultimate goal of destroying humanity by all means necessary.

  14. Is no one mentioning the Inteyvat flowers?
    For some reason I can't wrap my head around the fact that the MC traveler has seen those flowers before which can be seen in the Story Teaser Video at the start both twins stand on a field of those flowers and the flower is actually on Lumine's head and end of the video Dain says how much she too loved these flowers, and Dain also mentions that this flower grows in khaenri'ah and I can't wrap my head around how come MC knows about these flowers, yet they don't have any memory of being in Teyvat especially khaenri'ah. And I wonder as to where else do these flowers grow besides khaenri'ah, if there is such a place…


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