Thoma in Genshin impact | Thoma and Ayaka relationship | Genshin impact 2.0

In this video we are going to be talking about tohma or tohma a Inazuma warrior in Genshin impact. He is one of the characters that people are being hyped for . We will also be discussing his relationship with ayaka in Genshin impact.


34 thoughts on “Thoma in Genshin impact | Thoma and Ayaka relationship | Genshin impact 2.0”

  1. To be honest. I really dislike the thought of tohama being ayakas fiance or the ship being official. I don't have anything against the ship generally even tho I don't understand the shipping already by characters that aren't together. Anyways. I hope the rumor is fake because then anything would stay open, people would be free to ship. And have preferences in certain ships or no ship at all. Any else IF it will be canon. A part of the fandom will always fight over it
    (pls don't hate on my opinion)

  2. Im fine if the relationship of ayaka and tohma is canon but i can't help but to mention

    Ayaka : mona [ sprint skill]
    Kazuha : aether [ looks like brothers]
    Tohma : childe [ idk, but they do look alot like each other…]

    Mihoyo please tell us what's going on 🙂

  3. I’m gonnna start saving for Cyno and iansan even though they are probable months or even years away, but if tohma gets released I don’t think I’ll be able to help myself…


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