In this video we are going to be talking about tohma or tohma a Inazuma warrior in Genshin impact. He is one of the characters that people are being hyped for . We will also be discussing his relationship with ayaka in Genshin impact.
To be honest. I really dislike the thought of tohama being ayakas fiance or the ship being official. I don't have anything against the ship generally even tho I don't understand the shipping already by characters that aren't together. Anyways. I hope the rumor is fake because then anything would stay open, people would be free to ship. And have preferences in certain ships or no ship at all. Any else IF it will be canon. A part of the fandom will always fight over it (pls don't hate on my opinion)
I’m gonnna start saving for Cyno and iansan even though they are probable months or even years away, but if tohma gets released I don’t think I’ll be able to help myself…
It's actually really good to have a canon relationship for those couples who play. If ayaka and tohma's relationship is legit, me and my bf are planning to pull for them ❤️ wish us luck!!
Since in 1.7 we will get getting a free 4 star it would be nice if we got Tohama for free though it’s extremely unlikely
I hope we get him the soonest
Tohma is Houtaro of Chitanda Ayaka
However, however, however, however???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I hope it is a fake rumor. There are low chances of killing in game charecter and make them disappear from the game and lore, but it isnt 0%.
its just a rumor
He is probably a half human half oni. Oni is a yokai demon in japanese folklore
I wana see a toma vs tartaglia
I really don't mind him being her love interest, I actually would like a canon ship and Ayaka and Tohama seems perfect.
Isn't anyone going to talk about 2:24 🤣 LOL
I really hope he’s a 4 star cuz am sparing for Xiao but he looks so cool too :c
Its actually Thoma not Tohama
"budget 5 star character"
what bro?
le me playing honkai and see this : omg This story will have a tragic ending
To be honest. I really dislike the thought of tohama being ayakas fiance or the ship being official. I don't have anything against the ship generally even tho I don't understand the shipping already by characters that aren't together. Anyways. I hope the rumor is fake because then anything would stay open, people would be free to ship. And have preferences in certain ships or no ship at all. Any else IF it will be canon. A part of the fandom will always fight over it
(pls don't hate on my opinion)
Can't wait to play with another man's fiancé KEKL
I really hope he is a 4*
ayakya is overrated and waifu cringe reeeeee
sees tohma in doomguy's voice
must build them both and put them in my tea pot together
aight imma pull kazuha bcuz hearing ayaka has already tohma,im hardcore shipping aether with ayaka
Inazuma is based on China, not Japan, Inazuma is a closed county like China, and references some of the art style
is it true that tohma is ayaka's fiance?
i don't know his backstory I don't know how strong he is i don't know anything about him at all, but all i know is that he's a pretty boy.
i hope he becomes a 4 star so ayaka and tohma can come home
I stan him now
Im fine if the relationship of ayaka and tohma is canon but i can't help but to mention
Ayaka : mona [ sprint skill]
Kazuha : aether [ looks like brothers]
Tohma : childe [ idk, but they do look alot like each other…]
Mihoyo please tell us what's going on 🙂
I’m gonnna start saving for Cyno and iansan even though they are probable months or even years away, but if tohma gets released I don’t think I’ll be able to help myself…
It's actually really good to have a canon relationship for those couples who play. If ayaka and tohma's relationship is legit, me and my bf are planning to pull for them ❤️ wish us luck!!
ill skip baal just for him if they release him, a husbando+pyro? deym lol
Too bad they are not in relationship. Thoma is now my husband
I don’t think he’ll be able to pull
Nuh uh after the cut scene at baal boss fight i changed to Lumine x thoma.