Venti with Elegy bow and Childe in new Spiral Abyss – Genshin Impact

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40 thoughts on “Venti with Elegy bow and Childe in new Spiral Abyss – Genshin Impact”

  1. i love that account so many choices to use of character🤩😍 i wish im a ehaler but i dont need to spend money in that games a lot…😐😔 tenha i wish you give me primos if you would.😔 just want to prepare for my hero tartaglia…😩🥺🥺

  2. Venti(200++ ER ) + Albedo (2,3k def, mine is crown e ) , lazy team albedo e + venti ult, group them up and albedo e handle it all 15k per proc hahaha

  3. Just for people misled by Tenha, Dragon Strike wasn't fixed, another bug was fixed, but devs are keeping close eyes on it, so it will probably be removed in 1.5

  4. I really hate Floor 12-3. The dumb Ruin Guards can shoot their lasers through each other and the stupid leyline effect can make it impossible to dodge. And the shield characters I have can not always have the shield up, there is always downtime in between and they more or less can kill you in a second.

  5. For me, I had a bad time three star-ing f12 c3, because the ruin grader have really high hp and my ping was high that everytime i switched characters, it always had a delay so yeah. But, thankfully I finally have all the stars, because I switched Childe to second half and Xiao to first half, just to 3 star chamber 3, but for chamber 1 and 2, it should be the other way around atleast for me.


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