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49 thoughts on “THIS IS WHAT A MAXED OUT XINYAN LOOKS LIKE | Genshin Impact”

  1. I once saw an article about nerfing is illegal in Japan on gacha games idk if this is true
    But the article said that mhy won't nerf and just buff certain characters to be at the same level as the broken characters

  2. Well, i guess they made HuTao as the best split scaling character we can think of, she scales with hp atk em elemental damage, and they made her good, another one is raiden… no need to say anything.
    The problem with split scaling characters are the 4 star ones, they have split scaling and bad multipliers, and when they do have only one stat to increase like ningguang, she litteraly use E and Q and kill everything with that.
    Also 5 stars that don't split scale even a little becomes op, like ayaka, and they had to put a lot of cooldown on her ult to solve that, i guess they don't want to take that route for every character.

    Toma failed to be a shielder because his shiled doesn't have 150% resistance against all sources like diona, and yoou need to hit enemys to increase shield resistance, that becomes useless once he has no shield hp left… also diona heals and provides energy, thoma gives only shield and doesnt provide energy, he needs energy.

  3. my account got hacked last month and I've been trying to retrieve it back but no update from mihoyo.

    I'm moving on from genshin now, thank you Mr. CEO for the entertainment the past year.

  4. I remember i was so happy when i first got xingyan but then i saw people smack talking about her so i was kinda unmotivated to build her but then i watched your vids and now i'm trying to build her 😀

  5. I like xinyan getting some love…. But I hate the charged attack build… I just build her for atk and and auto attack. I don’t focus on def but I got enough to have at least 1000 and just use a tenacity support and maybe bolide on her to make her shield Tammy enough without focusing on split scaling. I actually get the most damage so far from a gladiator set I got ridiculous rolls on but I’m looking for a 2pc bloodstained and 2pc pale flame since I got broken pines so I can give her an attack sands

  6. when it comes with xinyans shield, when you spec souly into it actually is 9k HP, it aint bad and pyro, but hard getting use out of the element specific affinity

  7. I saw choke and built xinyan back when game was in early state, I remember she was my 2nd team's main dps to clear floor 8 2nd half, good ol days

  8. For me, her biggest issue is that she's a physical character who can't proc superconduct. Making her shield scale off of attack wouldn't change the fact that you still need two other characters just to allow her to reach her full damage potential.

  9. Isn't the current character's DEF is what makes the shield strong? So that make characters like Noelle, Itto and Xinyan good shield recipients. But yeah, Xinyan's shield itself is so weak she's not even a good support. The shield doesn't last for too long to make good use of its buff, and the debuff can be done by other characters with much better supporting capabilities. Her being Pyro didn't help her case, too. So she's kind of stuck being that character that has weird split scaling.

  10. by the wave, the spinning bug works even when you tap on co-op/inventory/event icon thingys www its quite fun
    but its nice to see xinyan pop up again from time to time. it reminds me that characters can be viable no matter how weird/janky their gameplay is. its fun

  11. That end conclusion hits very true.
    The reason why Ayato works with split scaling is that he scales 100% on Attack but scales another 20% on HP as a bonus.
    If you completely ignore his HP scaling and put everything into attack you get a good hard hitting character, as a bonus every roll that doesn't go into DEF% but into HP% also helps him regain some damage and it doesn't go completely wasted.

    IF they want Xinyan to succeed they have to revisit her scaling, not like 50% ATT and 50% DEF, but more like 85% ATT and 85% DEF multipliers, so you can go choose to go one stat only and still do good damage.


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