This Is a Huge Problem In Genshin Impact #shorts #genshinimpact

This is a huge problem in Genshin Impact. If you ever wanted to see true end game content, I’m sorry to say that’s not on Hoyoverse’s agenda, at least anytime soon. What are your thoughts on this interview article?

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23 thoughts on “This Is a Huge Problem In Genshin Impact #shorts #genshinimpact”

  1. See they say no for now

    I'm one of the many believers of the light and dark elements coming once all seven nations are fully completed (proof is Dain is in fact confirmed to be playable yet he has no vision and all we've ever seen him use is his blue magic, also our twin their light is still white, meaning? They seemingly regained their powers after their 'journey') also of course there's nothing other then the Abyss for now but it's still absolutely entirely possible that we will get true real endgame once our journey through the seven nations is near it's end (plus maybe I'm the only one but the TCG looks interesting no cap)

  2. The amount of people that I got to know from Genshin and how most of them quit cause there’s no actual fucking content in the game is 9/10. Most got to AR58-59 and quit cause it’s just the same old stuff, hell even events outside of major story ones are just a copy paste of themselves.
    Unless they go back on their word that happened during this interview, the game’s gonna die soon.

  3. I think people are forgetting that Hoyoverse INITIALLY created genshin as a "casual game" meant to be played after school… the reason its so well known now is thanks to Geo Daddy and all the other incredible characters they designed, so techinally speaking they are allowed to go with whatever they want for the game in the future.


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