Please STOP Doing This to Kokomi | Genshin Impact

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20 thoughts on “Please STOP Doing This to Kokomi | Genshin Impact”

  1. I feel like building crit kokomi is just pushing her too hard, even more so compared to the meme physical builds I've seen but as long as someone's having fun let them be as long as they're not misinforming people

  2. Kokomi does so good without CRIT properties anyway at least for me, this is also without running her dedicated Clam artefact set. A staple to my team, she's a great enabler and the one that makes my team(s) work so much better with reactions while of course keeping everyone on their toes.

  3. actually if you think about it, its very easy to do crit kokomi, with R5 royal grimoire you remove 80% of her -crit rate, with double cryo and base 5%, she is at 0 crit rate, you can slap her with any build you want and any build is gonna crit

  4. "If you get that high" yeah thats how critic kokomi works, you need to smoke grass 😂 its nice the game allows you to be creative sometimes with builds, but suboptimal builds should never be taken seriously

  5. She's literally fine the way she is never associate with platers who whine about characters fighting styles she does exactly what she's supposed to do deal dmg while healing it's not complicated ppl not every character needs crit to be good especially a freaking support

  6. I'm sorry but I'm a Kokomi main and I've been on the internet 24/7 almost always do coop but haven't seen any Kokomrade who boast their crit rate??? Or is this another resinless behavior?

  7. Hmm…. From my point of view. I don't think ever run into Kokomi user brag about crit in co op. I only notice about 2 video about Kokomi doing crit relate. But that it…… This coming from a guy got Kokomi since day 1. Only few toxic kokomi I know about from youtuber talk about toxic user in co op. Those annoying user only brag about healing….

  8. this video gave me a good idea to make a kokomi build, u just gonna give full crit build to her and ignore the -100% of it, thanks valk u help always where u can 😋

  9. It's not just Kokomi. This applies to all showcase vids in general. They bait you into dealing tons of damage, but in reality, they cannot even 36 star the Abyss. They give false narratives to people watching them deal that amount of damage, hehehehehe

  10. My kokomi deal 350k total dmg per burst rotation without any buffs or reaction with no rng shit from crits. Bruh just build her hp hydro healing bonus with clam set, she's cracked dps already considering she can also heal at the same time.

  11. Do these builds even kick ass? How low are her needed stats (ATK, HP%, Healing Bonus)? At the end of the day, Criticals are just a multiplier; amplifying d*ck for damage just gives not-quite-as-d*ck for damage.


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