The State of Dehya & Near Guaranteed Hope | Genshin Impact Dehya Discussion / Speculation

With the reveal of genshin’s 3.5 update, Dehya was revealed. Dehya is a long awaited 5 star, yet many are now skipping her and labelling her as the worst 5 star unit. The reason is that Dehya’s kit has an odd place within genshin impact, and it has many flaws. Though true, those that are mentioning this are forgetting very important things, that may end up making dehya a good, if not great character. These are buffs in form of changes of which I will explain in this video. I’ll explain these forgotten, yet important things as a possible hope for dehya. These are not leaks but an educated guess per se, on the future of dehya. Within this video, I also explain Dehya’s kit and its problems.

Chapters :
0:00 Dehya Overview & Massive Problems (Important)
6:23 Reasons Why Dehya Will Be Better

♪lukrembo – jay (royalty free vlog music)
By LuKremBo

Dehya Kit
Dehya Speculation
Dehya Buffs


32 thoughts on “The State of Dehya & Near Guaranteed Hope | Genshin Impact Dehya Discussion / Speculation”

  1. First thing first, i really like this sort of content with you talking about a genshin topic while in the background you just play the game. Second thing, I totally agree with your point of view, hoyo always make character that will be powerful later on. On top of this it's always better having new character that does something unique rather the an already seen kit with better scaling (any reference to alhaitam is purely coincidental)

  2. For me the main problem with dehya is that she comes to fix a problem that doesn't exist, for damage mitigation we have at least 4 shielders that negate damage, for elememt aplication there are like 5 characters that do that already, and for a main dps with pyro you could use diluc or any other pyro dps and for extra emotional damage baizhu just got confirmed for the next update so… looks like we got our second yoimiya like banner

  3. I don't really agree with the "characters got better" and "kuki was bad" arguments, we are most def not getting something as meta changing as dendro anytime soon, also characters like kazuha who was "bad" as the casuals were saying was being praised by Theorycrafters fot being a 5 star sucrose but ofc casuals understood it wrong, same with kokomi, zajef77 talked about her before her release I think it was? He was really positive, same with most Theorycrafters because it was clear that she was a better hydro applier than mona, also I don't think we are getting a set for dehya, they don't have any financial gain from it

    I'd expect her to be just a meh option for anyone who wants a shielder in hu tao/yoi vv vape, but other than that, idk why anyone would use her

  4. It really shouldnt metter how good or bad a character is, the most difucult contend isnt so demanding that perfect min maxing is needed anyways. and since there are only so many elements and roles a party member can fill we will have redundency. The reason you should choose to play dehay isnt that she is the best at her job but that she fills a role that is fun for the player. from what i have seen she is a new type of deffencis support with ok pyro of field dmg on her skill, and her burst might let her also fill a main dps role. not every character can and will be able to fit in the community created roles perfectly. id rather she is mid tham meta defining, we dont want power creep, so this is better. and those that think she is a waste they should be happy that they safed 100+ $

  5. Hey all, I just want to quickly confirm my stance on Dehya and the purpose of the video, to avoid any confusion. I, probably like you all, think she's bad. Really bad. If you didn't watch my overview on her kit, or my mentions of her current state being sad/disheartening, I don't at all think she's in a good spot right now, nor do I think she's going to be crazy or insane as kuki became. I only mentioned her to show that there are characters that are released, that over some patches, become much better than they were initially (I should've used thoma as a better example). I should've outright said in the vid that I'm not saying dehya will be like kuki in this regard, to where she starts off bad then becomes insane. I only said in the video that dehya will get better as kuki and other characters did, but I should've made it blatantly obvious that I don't mean in the way that she'll be meta changing as kuki is. If anything, as mentioned in the video, Dehya will only be meta changing if the devs make/work around enemies to make her so. It is by no means of the greatness of dehya herself, as was kuki and dendro. Next the reason for this video is not at all to say that Dehya is going to be insane or good, as if its any sort of fact. The reason for this video is to say that there is still hope for dehya. We of course don't know the plans of hoyoverse, but given recent occurrences with characters initially bad, it is possible for dehya to be improved. How so? We'll all find out, but changes are a possibility, given the tendencies of hoyoverse. So though I absolutely understand the frustrations and feeling of giving up on dehya (I myself feel them), its not the end when it comes to dehya. Changes can occur

  6. Imagine a weapon such as the prototype amber but claymore. Dehya would become an absolute beast of a tank and energy giver. It would also partialy resolve her own energy regeneration problem during her ult. Just one weapon and half her kit is 'fixed'

  7. Totally agree. I see this re-iteration to death how Dehya's kit is bad. Peeps keep parroting each other "it's bad, it's bad" like zealots summoning the goddess of garbage. Fine it's bad. Nobody is arguing with the numbers. The argument lies where, as in many previous times, the numbers don't tell the whole story. We are all myopic and aren't privy to approaching complementing characters, different enemies etc. Basically everyone is saying that HYV has lost its mind because [insert batshit level conspiracy theory revolving $$$] after 2+ years of proving time and time again that they care for good balancing [WhAt AbOUt XiNYan, hUH? XinyAN!!!?!] why would this be any different? Likely it won't. Likely, once again, a bunch of 4th graders just need some attention and a reassuring hug.

  8. Any videos I see entertaining the thought of Dehya being useful is pure copium is my eyes. Hoyo crushed all hopes of her usefulness by dropping her in the Standard Banner- before this, people expected some form of artifacts that helps buff units through HP drain, now that's super unlikely because NO WAY are they making an exclusive artifact set for a measly standard unit character (plus people aren't even going to care enough since they will not roll her to make their voice heard, and .5 patches are generally boring). Kokomi got her Clam set because she's limited and released in the anniversary where all the attention was on her (imagine losing consumers' trust by making them fear that future characters will be bad).

    Another way to make her useful is through future characters in Fontaine- Yikes, imagine waiting 4-8 patches before Dehya becomes synergistic which is STILL unlikely to happen just because they dumped her in the standard pool; no way are they going to create characters circling around a standard character this bad. One leaker who was trusted assumed that she would become useful after 4.x and also told us to roll her now . His reliability got ruined right after Keiko(another leaker with good record but went silent after 2.0), leaked the correct banners of 3.5 with pinpoint accuracy and this heavily supports the point that Dehya will receive no future supports.

    Last is the most likely chance imo, where MHY introduces more enemies that benefit from you trying to heal your whole party(which you brought up the idea that healing only Dehya is more efficient) or shield(serpent knights). But what's not stopping MHY from introducing new characters that will powercreep Dehya to oblivion?

    Dehya has little to no chance of redeeming herself like Kuki with future updates.

  9. If you haven't watched the video where Dehya vaporizes with Mona, Sucrose and Bennett, I highly recommend players to watch that before saying that she sucks. If that damage is not enough for you then what dmg are you looking for? It's not that we play the abyss everyday we only enter the abyss twice a month and majority of our playthrough in Genshin is in the open-world. I bet no one is using Raiden national to kill a hilichurl in the open-world 😆.

  10. I think that Dehya is going to be best suited in a burgeon team, but we don't have the necessary characters for that kind of teamcomp to shine. either way, her design is fantastic imo so i'll definetly want to get her & her weapon

  11. Deyha and a Pyro DPS self Healing (C6 Bennett /Hua Tao ) is maybe what Hoyo had in mind for Burgeon team
    put nahida for dendro
    Yelan /nilou or xinqui for hydro
    and you probably got her best team

  12. Solution: Create a Character which passive considers a character that drained damage through a Skill for 20 seconds, as a Dendro one (not changing Element to Skill and Bursts)

    Ready, throw her at Nilou teams and that's it, solved

  13. Copium. If you really hope any char will become more relevant via meta change like Kuki with dendro, remember Fischl and Xingqiu become really bested and they are also the good ones from before. Plus fellow standard 5* Qiqi is still waiting her turn.

  14. I'm also hoping that they're not just going to dump Dehya into the standard pool with nothing going for her at all, but honestly, not expecting much. It'll be nice if she becomes useful in the future like Kuki, but better keep expectations low. Still gonna pull for her since I love her design though

  15. I thought she would be good in the future, if they don't put her in standard banner. Her being in standard banner kill almost all of copium way to make her better bc there's no financial incentive to make standard character. I know that Keqing got buff from dendro but It's more like a lucky accident bc it's a buff for electro element as a whole.

  16. The thing i been hearing is it ok for them to release a unit that may take a year give or take for her to be at the state which is less or far less then what we expected with another unit that we also have to pull for

  17. Her niche is Burning. I'm calling it now. You saw it first here.
    – damage mitigation for self burn, esp. quaratic scaling scenarios
    – just enough pyro app so high EM gets Burning EM ownership
    – 250-300k DPR contribution better than ZhongLi/Thoma/Xinyan as defensive slot
    – short field time so anemo swirler or dendro unit can do their thing

    Current team: Bennett Dehya Kazuha Nahida

    I've been playing Burning teams since 3.0 immediately when I saw Dehya kit, I knew she is a key unit for this archetype. Pulling on Day 1, got all materials prepped already.

  18. Yeah, no, not buying it man. There are entirely too many examples of characters who've gotten left behind and still aren't considered good in the meta despite all the changes. Dehya doesn't have the luxury of a new element being introduced around the corner as it's pretty obvious that Kuki was specifically designed for Dendro before its release.

    The cope argument I've seen from plenty of people about a future artifact set for Dehya also holds no water as it would not only have to be hyper specific but essentially act as a full on buff to everything Dehya has to even work which Hoyo ain't gonna do since they try to design artifact sets with one character in mind but also be interchangeable with others who share certain traits like elemental boosts or certain damage categories.

    Dehya's entire purpose in her kit also doesn't and most likely will not ever exist in Genshin. There are no true "tanks" because the game is highly focused around dps. Why would you ever keep a character out to take damage but not deal it back out in any meaningful way? It's entirely worthless for a single player experience and almost as bad in co-op since there is no aggro for her to take advantage of as a tank. Healers and shielders are only important for ensuring that the damage doesn't stop but the idea of a tank goes against this combat philosophy and honestly has no place in Genshin. I'm not even saying that as an opinion because Genshin is designed in a specific way.

    The metas you were talking about didn't really create the kind of meta you think it was. There was no shield meta, there was simply a Zhongli meta. No other character even comes close to the amount of protective power Zhongli has so the meta was specifically about him, not characters with shields. Same about energy recharge. It was all about the Shogun but even then, most stuck to the usual powerhouses in Xiangling, Fischl or Xingqui since the meta was always still about damage through massive elemental reactions.

    You can't really trust that Hoyo knows how to push a new meta out either because one look at Eula is all you need to know that they aren't great at trying to break the mold like you suggest. A physical dps meta would've been somewhat interesting but Genshin's inherent design would've never allowed it to reach any sort of potential it had and for whatever reason, Hoyo didn't seem to understand that and made their own character utterly irrelevant. You could even argue that it's a possible reason why it's taken so long for her rerun to appear as it is fully agreed upon by the community that it's just plain weird and stupid that she's not being rerun next to Mika.

    Dendro was only as big of a shake up to the meta as it was because it was a new element with new reactions. The current meta is almost exclusively Dendro with Burgeon/Burning playing catch up to its more successful sibling reactions which simply isn't good for Dehya. One could debate the idea that Dendro may be too good given that the damage output is far greater than the usual elements which makes it unbalanced and further pushes other characters into irrelevancy.
    No matter how you slice it, Dehya not only got the short end of the stick but Hoyo has done nothing but quietly burn it, bit by bit until there won't be anything but ash on release. It's baffling and just disappointing. Dehya deserved better but we more than likely aren't ever gonna get better with her unless they introduce a new widespread mechanic or element a year or 2 down the line which is also a stretch since they'll probably have characters that will work with them better when they release anyways

  19. I think Dehya have the same problem as Candace, we analyze her kit wrong. Everyone focus on her bodyguard ability, just as Candace is analyzed by her buffing capacity, both are wrong. Candace carry can go toe to toe with hu tao, Dehya most likely will be a extremely strong pyro melt or vape, we just have to ignore the HP ascension and her bodyguard ability.

  20. you are huffing some premium and massive amounts of copium. If you expect me to believe you havent looked at the leaks and are just GUESSING and STILL think shes good? Oh man…..yeh man…keep inhaling that copium….thats some premium stuff.

  21. I think her kit would be a lot better if they increased the up time of her skill and made it apply pyro more frequently through her skill with the added bonus of interruption resistance making her a hybrid of offence from her burst and defence and off field aplicator from her skill her kit could of worked very well in some teams like this if this was the case she could work very well as a off field applicator for someone like ayato or ganyu who both also can function as a off field applicator for dehya to use her burst

  22. Hoyoturd tried something different and failed miserably. They either ran out of time or simply don't care, and now they're trying to hide their failure by exiling her to the standard banner.


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