The Yoimiya Hate Is Really Sad… (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact we’re talking about Yoimiya’s anti-fan base.
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0:00 Yoimiya haters lol
2:35 Yoimiya vs Hu Tao – Intro and Stats
5:27 Hu Tao Battles
6:45 Yoimiya Battles
8:13 Closing Thoughts


28 thoughts on “The Yoimiya Hate Is Really Sad… (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Just to clarify, I don’t have any one person in mind when talking about “Yoimiya haters” or the over emotional people. It’s just like… a big clump lol.

  2. nobody hates her…
    people just want her to have a kit that makes sense (it's not even about the numbers she does, she has many other issues not just dmg)

    why are you breaking your back to "defend" yoimiya while objectively she has many issues

  3. I mean, you can't expect Mihoyo to create overpowered characters all the time, and by overpowered I didn't mean their damage dealing potential, every character can do the same if built right, but you can't expect every character to be able to do shit tons of damage with a very convenient skit, we have 2 types of DPS, the balanced type with mid-tier multipliers and convenient skits and the ones psychopaths main like Hu Tao and Xiao that deals shit tons of damage but inconsistently if without constellations

  4. Personally why i didn't pick Yoimiya.

    * Baal
    * I don't like single target damage dealer

    I feel like people are expecting her to be Burst AOE Damge dealer, and are totally igoring the fact that she is the strongest single target damage dealer in the game. Its just that she is more useful fighting bosses rather than group of mobs. Her Ult seal also works that way (just marks one at a time). The single target dmg dealer is not the meta right now. But iam sure it will come soon.

  5. I hope moga you happy with all those cheap likes and views from yoi simps (or you are really on of them idk).
    But this "comparison" is just terrible and misinformative as hell (as most white kinght video about yoi).
    listen guys you may love any character, and play any character as you want, but when we talking about reliability and potential, just admit she is weak and underwhelming, that's all.

  6. 1:08 yes.
    This is a thing for new players especially. Imagine you try this game, you're liking it so far, and you pull the new banner unit. Because you like it, you go and watch videos to understand it better. Then, you just get bombarded with "Don't pull/This character garbage/whatever." You're gonna feel pretty shitty and like you wasted your time. It's not fair in the slightest

  7. Only issue i have with Yoimiya is that her autos straight up miss for no reason sometimes. But it's not too big of a deal i love her, i like not having to chunk 30% of my hp to deal damage lmao saves me alot of food and energy

  8. Why are you using Hu Tao on Bennet? It's far better to get the extra DMG bonus from the Geo resonance and when she is under 50% HP instead. ATK Bonus from Pyro Resonance and Bennet does not scale really well with Hu Tao since her base ATK is very low. This test is pretty biased against Hu Tao ngl

  9. if you use Lisa's burst that has -15% def then bennett burst for atk buff, then yoimiya E… it will destroy shit with overload, and with Yoimiya's burst then kazuha succ, then Lisa autos… it will melt shit… there's is no other characters in the game at the moment that can be an auto onfield hyper carry and at the same time, make your subdps do even more dmg, as a C0 5star.

  10. I think if you play this game long enough you will start to see the value and efficiencies in every character and while some are better than others at first glance, everything is situational, build and team based.

    So at the end of it all, you should just play and pull for the characters you want to…

  11. The situation is simple
    For P2W players, Yoimiya is great because she is actually great
    But, for F2P (like me) who grind a lot to get primos, she just ISN'T valuable. Atleast since she is a 5 star and needs other 5 star supports.

    She is a fun character tho

  12. reason why the hate got out of hand is because this time its not just "this character is weaker than ganyu" Its because her overall kit is super messy and could've been so much better and unique if done correctly.

    Her burst could only inflict pyro every 4 seconds and has small aoe, her attacks are 100% single target. These two things alone make people feel she's underwhelming as a fireworks character.

    Her damage is insanely good for a bow character tho, nobody has a problem with the damage. Its just that the mechanic could've been done better and since she's like the 69th pyro unit we got now it just feels lackluster when u could've built a much more rewarding character instead and save for some newer characters. Also the fact that she's a new inazuma character, people naturally has high expectations for them so yeah.

    Now ofc there's also the toxic ones who just wants any dps to be stronger than ganyu. That one is indeed annoying but mostly people who dont like yoimiya has their reason and they do make sense.

    Just want to say this cuz i kept getting shat on when i said my opinion that i dont like yoimiya and they call me "meta slave" and shit, literally both sides are just as toxic. Im a waifu over meta but im also 100% f2p no welkin/bp so i pull for who benefits me most and looks awesome (zongli kazuha). I dont like yoimiya but i got my own reasons not to

  13. when i pulled for kazuha my friends told me its just sucrose but 5 star and now i got yoimiya they said "haha you got yoimiya" and after that i built her like different than the guides told me just mixed 2 pieces with those 2 set and made her really kinda op? she still is 75 and i love her playstyle than diluc because i don't clear these enemies fast it's just satisfying seeing dmg from yoimiya, and up to this day im still finding a good shimenawas so it can match with my Bow Rust


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