EVERYTHING you need to prepare for Eula [2.3 RERUN] | Genshin Impact

everyone’s favorite sneezing dancer is back for 2.3!


Eula Guide V1: https://youtu.be/O9Kp4k9aw50
Mastering Eula: https://youtu.be/HQDlTgQt-B8

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Intro 0:00
Investment preparation 0:56
Weapons 2:12
Artifacts 5:36
Constellations 6:39
Team Comps 8:10
Outro 9:33

Outro: Valence – Infinite (NCS Release)

#GenshinImpact #Xlice #Eula


49 thoughts on “EVERYTHING you need to prepare for Eula [2.3 RERUN] | Genshin Impact”

  1. People don’t deserve eula so early,the community hated her concept,they hated her play style,and they should live to regret it.let them simmer in vengeance

  2. Hey slice, so in your video you advise players to use a 2 pale flame 2 bloodstained artifact set. However the best in slot artifact set for her is the 4 pale flame, which is recommended by tcs and Eulamains as well.

    I'm aware a 4 set is harder to farm for; I don't have a good 4 pale flame even to this day; but I do feel you should mention it.

  3. I loved Eula so much. I thought i had time to save for her since every leaks amd other stuff were about ganyu,xiao and other character so i spent my savings in a chill way on hu tao banner but mihoyo siked me so hard 😭. Got nothing left anymore. Most chests and quests are done. Sad that she had to come this early and she won't be mine but it is what it is

  4. Luckily I had farmed her artifacts weapon ascension and talent mats like a month b4 her rerun was announced cuz I knew she was coming eventually so now I just need to win 50/50

  5. The only reason I need Eula, is because before I started playing Genshin, my younger self saw the Eula ads, and made a promise to get Eula so i could learn how to dance 😭

    Wish me luck to get Eula for my younger self💜

  6. Man i hope i can get her with every primogems i got rn, i lost my 5050 just for her, i need a cryo dps so bad :pepesob: o yea i also got wgs just for her (gotta switch from beidou)

  7. I have her guaranteed but the problem is I also want itto and albedo lmao, im going for eula though. My team will probably be Eula, Klee, Fish, Diona, if not something similar <3 (sara might be on there if I get her) If I win the 50/50 for both eula and itto, team will be Eula, Itto, Gorou, Diona

  8. I only use my eula in abyss. Already fully invested in her and shes awesome at c0 but I took my raiden to c2 and raiden does more dmg for me and gets her ult up much faster. So eula for me is situational. Shes hot af and thats all that matters KEKL

  9. Pale Flame 4 piece bonuses do work on Eula tho.

    Each hit gives a stack so if you do a Hold E while in burst you would still get the Phys and Atk% bonus.
    I tested this rn against Childe cuz I was doing weekly bosses.

    She also works with Beni if you tap E with Eula -> Beni Q -> Any Eula stack combo you use that uses Hold E


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