The Genshin Impact KFC Glider Drama Is Kinda Dumb…

The Genshin Impact KFC Glider Drama is kinda dumb, but here we are. Genshin twitter hates this tweet. It seems like Mihoyo is always surrounding themselves in controversy and like always there is now Genshin Impact drama in the community. The only way to get this limited edition kfc wings is through twitch, but you have to pay for 2 months of subs to get it, additionally it seems like content creators are not happy with the event since it forces them to only play Genshin Impact for 2 weeks straight and per the contract. so the question is, will you be participating or skipping the KFC gliders?



34 thoughts on “The Genshin Impact KFC Glider Drama Is Kinda Dumb…”

  1. I almost didn't make this video since it was announced when I was sleeping and I personally think the whole thing is kinda dumb… ๐Ÿ˜… But its a decent talking point at least. What do you guys think about this latest community drama? Warranted or kinda dumb?

  2. iโ€™m confused i heard we had to gift 2 subs then you say no we have to subscribe to a small content creator so which one is it? also, tbh idc about subbing 10$ for them but letโ€™s not act like they shouldnโ€™t have just kept it via a KFC promotion. iโ€™d rather have a meal than sub to channels i couldnโ€™t give a shit about JUST for a glider. RIP to all the small content creators feelings who have to experience arbitrary growth for one month just to lose it all the next.

  3. Ten dollars is quite a lot in my country's money currency. Good thing it isn't a must so it's a skip for me and meh for me~ If it was a character, it would have cause a lot more problems.

  4. haters always gonna hate… i have absolutely nothing against anyone who took the deal, it's their own decision and right.
    people on the internet are too cancerous… going after voice actors or small creators as opposed to directing their dissatisfaction at mihoyo who are trying to do basically nothing for the community as a whole while earning a ton of money in the process from fans, creators, artists, cosplayers etc…

  5. I honestly didnโ€™t mind I had to pay for the wings,
    I kind of found it a bit troublesome to get cause it was bound to twitch subs only. (I feel like it should also be a purchase-able item in the shop cause I believe the wings feel kind of restrictive in the nature to get, even more than the Aloy stuff.)
    But honestly what pissed me off was the draconian like contract mihoyo is doing.
    A two week only playing Genshin contract is kind of ridiculous especially since they arenโ€™t paying for what these content creators are doing
    Because this is more free publicity for them which doesnโ€™t really promise anything to these content creators
    For all we know the smallest ones might just get a few subs and then feel stuck with this game for another week, not to mention who knows if the people might just leave after the subs and never return
    I feel like it should have been anyone and not just a hand picked selection of what mihoyo decides cause that in there also lies another problem, they can just pick a bunch of people who they consider yes men or just a small minute minority.
    But then you also have to consider you have to be positive (i heard it from I think mtashed or tectone or someone that you must be positive about the game) which just feels more controlling.
    This all just feels so predatory cause some people might just fall for this (Enviosity had a similar where he had to call Mihoyo Repโ€™s and have this contract terminated because he didnโ€™t know much about the situation.)
    I am honestly just really unhappy how this seems harmless but then you make out the inner parts and it feels so heavily greedy/ and just vile feeling.
    Even if itโ€™s two weeks it feels kind of like another pyramid scheme.

  6. I wasn't going to get the wings because twitch subs are too expensive in my country but I wasn't against the idea itself. However, the contract is absolute garbage and it's unfair to the streamers :/

  7. Personally I find these wings ugly and never wanted them – unpopular opinion I know – but seeing Mihoyo taking advantage of smaller content creators for free advertising yet again makes me just…sigh. Why couldn't they just be a paid item ingame? No different than a skin, imho.

  8. I don't really care but I feel one way they could've minimized backlash was to to just put it on the genisis shop for maybe 20 or 30 but then again people would probably still complain anyway

  9. I wanted that but I don't care anymore. The drama does come out kind of dumb but we must consider how Mihoyo/Genshin treats their fans/creators/etc. This much is expected since they make sure to destroy what ever goodwill they have with their customers.

  10. I feel like if they were going to force content creators to ONLY play Genshin Impact for 2 weeks they should have offered the creator something in return… also I'm not really that crazy about the wings in the first place TBH


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