The Fall of Zhongli | Genshin Impact

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37 thoughts on “The Fall of Zhongli | Genshin Impact”

  1. As much as I've relied on zhongli since his rerun, I'm not upset cause I have kokomi built.
    I think in general this is more of a shift towards healer content cause for a long time they had zero relevance to meta and it was severely biased towards shielders. (like azhdaha, primo geovishap etc). This leads for characters such as Barbara, Qiqi and Kokomi being seen as trash/not worth building. With the current mechanics, they will be useful.

    So rather than a zhongli nerf I see this more as a healer buff for current and upcoming meta

  2. I will still be waiting for his second rerun, since there are a few bosses who I can’t fight without coop and zhongli will make it so I can, but I think they’re going to make it so extremely op units aren’t always useful. You can see with the new characters recently that they want you to have different team comps and I don’t mind that. Maybe one day people will see how good xinyan actually can be and that rosaria is a good dps (don’t ask me how I made her a dps, it just happened. Her stats are bigger than my old dps unit and she’s a lower level)

  3. Like Venti who was extra op in the start and later gets content whenre it doesnt feel like a breez using venti the same is happning with Zhongli yet both are still very usable and have other aspects of their kit that still is great especially Zhongli he still have the petrify and his sheild still makes the attacks fluid and don't forget the defence shred it offers

  4. Not only zhongli but any shield centered character will be in danger if this losing health continues. Having shielder and healer(whole group heal) limits team build.

  5. Honestly those dog enemies aren't a big threat for me,zhongli's shield blocks their actuall attacks and the bleeding effect isn't a big problem specially if you have jean who can get rid of it with her burst

  6. I feel like this is happening more for buffing healers than it is for nerfing zhongli since healers haven't ever been a necessity before, there's still gonna be places where sheilds make it comfortable but now there's also places where healers are great so I personally like this change (it's also great I got jean recently after a year of wanting her too lmao)

  7. i think it's not an anti zhongli or shield, but it's a pro healer move. they know almost all the healers are literally useless except jean, diona, bennett.

    in my opinion this is not a solution. the solution would be to bring new healers that are actually useful for many teams. we definitely need electro and geo healers for example, that would make new comps possible.

  8. Zhongli is still great to have and protects from you a ton of damage but just not all damage anymore, so you just add a healer and your good. There might be more flying enemies in the future so ganyu might become more meta cause of that. Zhongli is still the first five star to get if you can cause he will make the game easiest on his own.

  9. I'll be real… I'm a zhongli simp. i lost all ability to dodge back in 1.3… i've been using shogun and kokomi plus 2 characters that i'm just trying to get their friendship level to 10 (thoma and sucrose.) i hate kokomi. i am ashamed to use her. i feel like i have brought shame upon my family's name for using her. but damn if shogun + kokomi isn't pog in this domain. may god have mercy on my soul.

  10. personally I think they're doing this to make healers more relevant. They probably plan to release more 5* healers in the future but usually healers don't sell well because they're not gonna one shot the geovishap or whatever so by making bosses/content that is healer reliant they are then making them more relevant. If corrosion was not able to bypass shields people would probably still not use healers as much so they had to sort of indirectly nerf shields to make healers more relevant against this mechanic. Now, if they continue to create other effects that bypass shields and make you gradually lose hp then I'd say they're definitely targeting Zhongli/shielders, but if not then corrosion is just their effort to introduce healer meta I guess.

  11. it's kinda nice that meta changes and forces you into different comps as we go along, but to me Zhongli will always be valuable because corrosion alone is better than corrosion + dmg from enemies

  12. Zhongli will never fall
    Even if they introduce corrosion as a full blown thing
    I don't care, I'll run him with my C6 Bennett and turn him into a pyro dps.
    (I C6ed him intentionally, no regrets🗿)
    Nothing will stop me running Zhongli 🗿

  13. I think giving us reasons to build up different characters for different situations is good as long as it isn't forcing people to need the latest character. They are clearly pushing healing but it's not like you need the latest healing character, any of them will do.

  14. To be fair, even though Zhongli shield is strong I still always run a healer. There are times when that shield drops. As for the corrosion, thats fine. I got Jean and she's built for damage yet full heals the whole party. Zhongli amps her even more with Anemo shred. In addition, like you said, shields stop interruption, which is what I feel the real reason we all use shields all the time.

    Do I think they're doing it for Zhongli? Not at all. Iirc, corrosion is a similar mechanic to something from Honkai (never played honkai, so correct me if I'm wrong). I feel like the corrosion, if targeting specific units, was put in place to make other healers more used, like Barbara, Jean, Kokomi, and Qiqi over Bennett or Diona. Shields just happen to fall in line with it

  15. They should add petrify as geo reaction and should not limit only to Zhongli's burst. Other Geo characters will only have partial petrification which the enemy can still attack in place. Petrify will be similar to freeze but can not be shattered so you can group them up to an AOE damage like dendro samachurl range attack plus pyro or Venti's burst without missing a hit.

  16. I think it's a two birds one stone situation with making Zhongli not enough and making healers more desirable. I mean… I fought wolflord with Zhongli for geo resonance, but I had Barbara too.

  17. Zhongli is the new qiqi 😂 remember when qiqi was tier S? Still, this is healtier for the game, if a character is so necesary it should be on the standar banner. Its a weird work around but in china they dont allow to nerf gacha characters. If this was not a gacha game Zhongli would be nerfed a long time ago.

  18. Been farming this domain with Noelle and Raiden, the other 2 members are unbuilt character that im still leveling friendship. I wanna try the clam artifact for my Dps Qiqi while farming the def artifact for Noelle.


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