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•In Today’s Topic We Are Gonna Talk About how to unlock the new end game mode which is known as the imaginarium theatre in genshin impact with new update v.4.7 in the game
Hope the time stamps will help
00:00 Intro
00:09 Info On Imaginarium Theatre
00:42 Rewards Of Imaginarium Theatre
00:55 Crucial Info On Imaginarium Theatre
01:42 Outro
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Thanks for the info man!
Hope you got the information you were looking for please do like and subscribe
and hope these time stamps will help you
00:00 Intro
00:09 Info On Imaginarium Theatre
00:42 Rewards Of Imaginarium Theatre
00:55 Crucial Info On Imaginarium Theatre
01:42 Outro
I was sooo tensed lol 😅
We have to do wat ? Wait for that much
Why did devs do this …. They are making some bad decisions lately
arcon community 🙃🙃🙃🙃
i thought it will be released after update 4.7😹
Hello Everyone i have come to notice that people are hating me for the video, but i am just a messenger here (to give info) and not the developers, Hoyoverse has taken the decision to launch the event on the specified date which i cant do anything about . so dont hate me I am here just to help you guys
They did it on July 8th because they want you to buy packs for clorinde. Marketing basically.
They don't want to give a free 10 pull.
Where do I find the quest?
okay so how do i find it im confused help
Can we play it?
Really?😭 that’s when I’m on vacation for three weeks
This video won't show you the location, clickbait
yall this video is clickbait you can’t actually play the imaginarium theater yet bc it comes out in July
lol i saw it in my bio and was confused asf
Can we play thia now
Why would i share this 😂
whut July 1st????
The only thing that hyped me out for this patch after 3 dry patches and they decided to GATEKEEP it for another weeks, a truly genshin devs moment
Bruhhh why 1st of July??? The achievements for this endgame content are literally available in the current game but not the actual event?
Where is the quest tho? Like I’m in the library and I don’t see anything I’m stuck pls help😢😢
infact that the imaginarium theatre was already here but no world quest, Well not sure. But like if you check your profile the imaginarium theatre was.. already right.. there
Even achievements too, Already there. Its hurts seeing it litterly 0% . They should like not change the date alot and make it more far and far until its next year?? (My english is bad rn)