With Venti’s rerun and a potential Kazuha rerun eventually (I hope), many people are wondering who to pull for. This video explains that and covers the strengths & weaknesses of both characters.
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Shoutout77 to Zajef77 (friend and math guy):

Sorry for the delay on this video, been extremely busy irl — hope this video helps though!
I appreciate likes & subs ty

Initial Info (0:00)
How Good Is Venti? [Strengths & Weaknesses] (0:53)
How Good Is Kazuha? [Strengths & Weaknesses] (5:51)
Venti vs Kazuha Comparison (10:32)
Who Should You Pull? [Overall Thoughts] (12:22)



46 thoughts on “VENTI VS KAZUHA: WHO'S THE BEST ANEMO SUPPORT? | Genshin Impact”

  1. honestly kazuha and venti are both some of the most fun and satisfying characters to use lmao anemo impact is real

    *also i wanna emphasize that kazuha can also do REALLY well against elemental shields like abyss lectors/heralds, if i didnt make that clear in the video.
    & side note: venti's burst can refund 15 energy which is nice in some teams with high energy bursts (ex. freeze), while kazuha can run a fav sword as a good option for giving your team energy.

  2. Just in case y'all in the comments don't mind, I have a question: So the team I'm saving for is Zhongli(I have him), Childe, Diluc, and Either Venti or Kazuha. Who do y'all think would be better for this team? Thanks!

  3. You did point out the unfairness Venti gets against certain types of enemies. That's COMMON in a game like this. A lot tend to see ONE thing a character is bad at and play it up as an excuse to say a character sucks overall. This is why I like vids like this cause it shows that someone actually took the time to LEARN a character instead of having a one track mind about them

  4. my personal take:
    if you are still trying to fill your 2 abyss teams, i would recommend kazuha since he can basically be used in any team and be an amazing option no matter the abyss.

    if you are done your 2 abyss teams and wanna pull for some improvements, venti would be a better pull. you dont have to use him all the time, just pull him out when he is favored and obliterate the content much faster

  5. me who has both kazuha and venti at lv 90 and c6 sucrose built: hm interesting
    btw id like to add that I love venti and kazuha for other different support abilities: kazuha makes my mono element teams pretty amazing, while venti's energy refund makes some wacky teams viable–kinda like raiden. Particularly, i like running mono cryo ayaka team with kazuha (no i dont have shenhe but this team is so good) and I recently found that kokomi venti yae and (burst) ganyu runs surprisingly smoothly–after getting venti i am running kokomi without xingqiu to battery her for the first time and this is amazing to me, seeing as ive been maining her since release

  6. Just wanted to post on your most recent video just to say your videos are always the best and leave me feeling what I really need to know. You never have crazy long intros and get into it while doing such a great job. Thanks dude ✨

  7. After playing through the event story, I was kind of surprised at how much I missed Venti. The last time I’d seen him in any story was his brief appearance in the midsummer islands event. I also now find his Chinese voice incredibly therapeutic for.. some reason. I don’t need him at all, I have Kazuha and he works splendidly in all my teams, I’m working on building my Jean and Sayu, and getting another Anemo character is completely unnecessary, especially when I’m on a guaranteed. But.. arugh, f*ck it, I’ll pull for him tomorrow morning. I love this stupid little guy too much, and I feel like I’ll regret it if I skip him. Hoping for an early Venti guys!

  8. im saving for kazuha.. but many says venti is more usefull… now im confuse..
    F2P btw… thats why i have to careful who to pull…. any idea? im building second team with shugon and xingqui

  9. The unit that’s better changes based on the abyss rotation. Kazuha is safer since he’s always going to be able to buff your team and swirl, but if Venti CAN suck the units in, Venti is undeniably able to cheese the level.

  10. i actually let Venti slide from his 2 previous banner but now i got the 50/50 pull and fortunately i got him. I also have Kazuha and definitely a must have for every player specially clearing the abyss floors, and yes both can fit to any team.

  11. im still waiting for kazuha and already got my venti from this banner. i gotta say venti makes my overworld team so much fun and easy and ofc my abyss team is also become much stronger. now i just need kazuha and I'll have the two broken anemo characters in each team

  12. me who wanted to pull venti just for fun but also wanting someone to validate my claims that he is still somewhat useful when everyone else was shitting on him real bad in comparison to kazuha: nice.

  13. sharing my own two cents: i have both, venti since his first rerun. however i only bring venti out for floors 9 to 10 and when he's good in the current abyss like now. other than that, kazuha's never left any of my teams for almost a year now both in abyss, overworld, and combat events. also don't have any problems in getting energy for other characters in the team with kazuha as long as you get your rotations right. although i barely use venti, i can say he's still a very good unit to have, up to you though if you're fine with a situation like mine if you do end up getting both.

  14. (I don’t have Kazhua) The only reason Kazuha is broken, because his weapon also gives a huge buff, also his c2 his nutty, giving him 1k EM with full EM build that’s a 40% buff, also his style is superior to ventis (in my opinion) using a Bennett with kazhua is just unfair to any mob

  15. i have kazuha and c6 succrose now and been thinking if i should get venti just to get him. succose cc isnt that strong its decent but not no venti amd that ult is fun too. would it be worth getting him even tho i have 2 good anemos already?


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