5 Star Pull Reactions Compilation | Genshin Impact Wish #7

Some twitch highlight and funny moment again :D.
This time we see People do big damage and do stupid plays like alwaysXD
Let me know what you think in the comments 🙂

5 Star Pull Reactions Compilation | Genshin Impact Wish Pulls #7

If you enjoyed the video make sure to check out the content creators

Content creators credits:
If there are any problems please contact me with the mail in my About section!

Outro Song:
Better days – Lakey Inspired

#GenshinImpact #Funnymoments #Twitchhighlights


42 thoughts on “5 Star Pull Reactions Compilation | Genshin Impact Wish #7”

  1. So me and my brother and my younger than 7 sister decided we were gonna play Genshin impact cause it’s multiplayer. We get on the game and my sisters starts lagging out and she can’t play. Me and my brother level up and gets some characters. I have a good amount of characters while my brother isn’t so lucky and only has 1 extra character. Now, after a while we decide to try my sisters again. We get into the game and everything is good, we complete the intro and the first missions. So she makes her first ten wishes. Now my first ten wishes I got noelle. My brothers first ten wishes, he got nothing. Now, mind you my sister is younger than 7. She doesn’t even know how to play the game. Her first ten wishes she gets Noelle. That’s fine. She gets Chongyun. That’s ok. She gets razor. My brother is currently crying because the moment he saw razor, he was gonna get him. I’m fine.

  2. 😍B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G
    ———————————— √√√√😘
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