the CREEPIEST CURSE in Genshin Impact Revealed in NEW Fontaine Book – Perinheri

#genshinimpact #genshin #shorts #genshinlore #hoyocreators

A leify lore streamer’s initial analysis on Perinheri

⟡ I’m your leify lore streamer Minsleif
⟡ “I read the Genshin Impact lore so that you don’t have to”


22 thoughts on “the CREEPIEST CURSE in Genshin Impact Revealed in NEW Fontaine Book – Perinheri”

  1. The Lore getting Deeper but our MC didn't have any Development eventho Aether Lumine already collecting 5 element 😅
    I want more Reason or Goal, what happens if he collecting all elements?

  2. So if people try to re-enter Teyvat they become Hilichurls. That makes me feel bad for every hilichurl I’ve ever defeated. Since I don’t believe they’d have any of their previous memories, but if they did that makes me think back to the begin of the game where the hilichurls are infront of Monstadts bridge. What if they were previously human, but we’re turned into hilichurls after trying to leave and with the little bit of memory they have left (if they have any) they just want to return home. Since we don’t know the life span of hilichurls.
    Just a thought that came to mind that I thought I’d share.

  3. I just hate how they put this stuff in random books and stuff that the majority if the player base is not going to read. How about putting this in the main story? I bet it'll be referenced but not actually explained leaving people who don't fish for random clues all the time really confused

  4. genshin developers is that type of peoples who put craziest lore and put it on sell on a super market evne tho they know the players wouldn't even dare to biy it… unless your that person who is bored and got over 1 billion mora

  5. And even though the Traveler lived in Khaenri'ah for a while, since they are not from Teyvat, they don't get affected by this curse, right?

    So, perhaps descenders are the only ones that can fight fate precisely because they are outside of the system setup by the Heavenly Principles? Or could someone from Teyvat also fight fate, like Arle for example?

  6. “Crimson moon shines upon a town smeared in blood, cried the diva given into lament. All those sweet little dreams buried deep in memories till the very end” being true for every Raiden in the Honkai universe is crazyyy

  7. Minsleif, you sound more eager or.. upbeat? Basically your old voice sounded more dead
    What have you been eating, or are you in that phase to phase situation of mourning Dainsleif


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