[REQUEST] Ayaka-Jean Sunfire Rev Melt and Sweeper Noelle 2.4 Spiral Abyss Floor 12 | Genshin Impact

I finally leveled Noelle. But I still need to farm 4pc husk for her
💻 Monthly Welkin Giveaway in Discord: https://discord.gg/89dvGvHzXd
Suggest a team comp and get a shout out on the next video 🙂
List of characters I currently have: https://bit.ly/3FbYm6n

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🎬: Spiral Abyss 2.4 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXDi82ydh-DTrqOaU4bHiX_PpjblU1-9v

🎶: Outro Music: https://youtu.be/MCFX_wkTLq8
❤️Kaeya image source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85010321

0:00 Intro
0:05 Selection
0:09 12-1-1
1:29 12-1-2
3:17 12-2-1
4:32 12-2-2
6:16 12-3-1
7:15 12-3-2
9:15 Ayaka Jean Sunfire Team
10:14 Noelle Team
11:12 Outro

❓ FAQs:
1️⃣ Are you F2P?
Answer: No, I buy Welkin and Battle Pass to help build characters and create more videos
2️⃣ What server are you playing?
Answer: I play in Asia server. If you catch me streaming, feel free to join me here is my UID 800088468. I usually stream on weekends and occasionally on weekdays when I am free.

#genshinimpact #ayaka #noelle #jean #xiangling #rosaria #xingqiu #zhongli #bennett #gameplay #showcase #abyss #floor12 #genshin2.4 #spiralabyss #request #honedspirit #pma #kenki #pyro #lector #cryo


21 thoughts on “[REQUEST] Ayaka-Jean Sunfire Rev Melt and Sweeper Noelle 2.4 Spiral Abyss Floor 12 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Im almost using the same team
    In my melt i use sucrose instead of jean
    In m second team i use raiden instead of rosaria
    And same set for my noelle with white blind almost same crit
    But sadly i only 6star the floor twelve
    Its a me problem anyway


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