I finally leveled Noelle. But I still need to farm 4pc husk for her
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List of characters I currently have: https://bit.ly/3FbYm6n
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🎬: Spiral Abyss 2.4 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXDi82ydh-DTrqOaU4bHiX_PpjblU1-9v
🎶: Outro Music: https://youtu.be/MCFX_wkTLq8
❤️Kaeya image source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85010321
0:00 Intro
0:05 Selection
0:09 12-1-1
1:29 12-1-2
3:17 12-2-1
4:32 12-2-2
6:16 12-3-1
7:15 12-3-2
9:15 Ayaka Jean Sunfire Team
10:14 Noelle Team
11:12 Outro
❓ FAQs:
1️⃣ Are you F2P?
Answer: No, I buy Welkin and Battle Pass to help build characters and create more videos
2️⃣ What server are you playing?
Answer: I play in Asia server. If you catch me streaming, feel free to join me here is my UID 800088468. I usually stream on weekends and occasionally on weekdays when I am free.
#genshinimpact #ayaka #noelle #jean #xiangling #rosaria #xingqiu #zhongli #bennett #gameplay #showcase #abyss #floor12 #genshin2.4 #spiralabyss #request #honedspirit #pma #kenki #pyro #lector #cryo
Are u going for ayaka cons when her rerun come?
Damn, energy recharge kinda long but ayaka still strong tho
Thank you for request me, bro
Nice Noelle
Now i want to lose the 50/50 with jean
Ayaka a must pull
Can u do ayaka with blackcliff sword? And team with sucrose,bennet,xiangling(f2p reverse melt)
Ayy I'm labbing Sunfire Jean and Ayaka and this helped me decide to build. Question would Jade Cutter be a alright replacement for Mistsplitter?
Lets go Noelle shatter team
So 4gladiator is good for noelle?
Sheeeessshh your noelle is more amazing than my itto.. that domain is still cursing me.
Im almost using the same team
In my melt i use sucrose instead of jean
In m second team i use raiden instead of rosaria
And same set for my noelle with white blind almost same crit
But sadly i only 6star the floor twelve
Its a me problem anyway
Can you please try a mono element for each half
The first team is straight up disgusting. That amount of damage should be illegal wtf.
im using raiden national (bennet xq xl) and ayaka mona hu tao sucrose but cant 3 star chamber 1 can you try it
Can you team comp xiao sucrose diona rosaria, i don't have zhongli so i want to see can diona shield can replace zhongli shield. Tks u so much
You are great bro, did you solve the background audio problem
I want Ayaka now Ugggggghhhhh
Quick question, is there a reason to use Jean here instead of Sucrose or Kazuha?
would you like to try ganyu shenhe jean bennett?