The truth about Genshin Impact content creators…

There is a lot to consider when it comes to gacha games. I hope you never feel lesser because you don’t have a full gallery of 5-star characters and 5-star weapons and hitting 500k crit damage.



#genshinimpact #gacha #dish


44 thoughts on “The truth about Genshin Impact content creators…”

  1. The fact that you don't want to whale because you want your game to not be out of reach to your average viewer= 10000% RESPECC🙏🙏
    I always see genshin content creators that have everything that I don't have and I'm like: so you're saying that to enjoy the game, I have to be broke?? 👁️👄👁️⁉️

  2. I feel like if you have money to spare and you think it's a good idea, go for it as long as it makes you happy and boosts your mental health

  3. That's why I adore your gameplay vids here in youtube even if I can't see your stuff on twitch coz of how busy I am. Because the way you play and the way you build your characters and the way you do gacha, feels exactly in reach with people who are both f2p and slightly spending on just BPs and welkin. It makes us feel that even without spending a ton of money, we can reach the same numbers eventually just by going through the daily grind as a non spender or a low spender. Thanks for being one of those beacons for people like us, Dish. Really appreciate

  4. The thing is, I'm not really a whale nor f2p. I spent money on games, only when my parents says: "it's yours, you can spent it on whatever you like, no limits." This kinda helped me reach pity and get characters that I liked. I don't think it's bad to be a f2p or be a whale, its doesn't really matter. You can deal more damage, and be better in some statics, but who said that people will love talk with you? No one. Player is a player, nothing changes. You spent money? Yeah cool, You are f2p? That's great. But you can't say that you are better than someone. F2p is not worse than whale, whale is not better than f2p. You still can be good at this game, it's just depends on what you choose. Once in a month, when my welkin is ending I'm buying another one. Its helps me get things that I want bit faster. This game is beautiful itself, and there's no bad characters, only bad players. But that's doesn't mean you are bad, it's just that this character is not for you, if you like characters go get them, you like they're design, they're persona, go and get them. But if you don't like characters element or they weapon, don't go for them. This just will disappoint you. I don't know why I even wrote this, haha

  5. I am a free to play player.. I think I spent about 2 bucks for this just bcoz there's a spare in my PS4 account and want to get rid of it XD that's it.. started since Feb and I only play during weekends so spending money is really unnecessary for me

  6. Im a low spender – bought Welkin twice and am considering buying it a third time. I kind of want BP but I'm terrified I'm going down a slippery slope – before AR 50, I thought "I'm never spending a single penny on this game," but then I wanted to save for Zhongli and Venti's re-runs. What happens if I do buy BP and think it's okay but it gets worse from there :/ and i start whaling when I can't afford it

    Like where's the line…does anyone have any experience with this 🙁

  7. i have spent some money on the game (around $150 if i had to guess) and while i definitely don't regret it, getting venti when i was ftp was much more rewarding than getting childe and mona when i was spending money. but, this isn't to say that just because you spend money you aren't playing the game currectly. it all just depends on what works for you and your different attitudes and opinions towards different aspects of the game 🙂 i hope i explained that currectly im super bad at this stuff

  8. Yes. I completely agree. Spend if you want. It's no different than other hobbies. BUT Genshin is not a game you need to whale or even spend a dime to beat the game.

    Also… do not press yourself for not reaching numbers content creators do. At the end of the day, they do it for entertainment/amusement.

    Btw, if you have the means, welkin is enough. BP is an upgraded luxury. You can stay clear from thr Genesis crystals.

  9. Oh, that Blessing does sound like a good deal! I wish I bought it on the last banner. But at this point, I feel like I have all the characters that I will ever need. So, I'm only wishing for constellations and weapons (4 or 5 star) now. I'm basically free 2 play as well and in the 5 months I've been playing, I got 2 5 star characters and a 5 star weapon. But to get that, I've been doing the daily commissions almost every day.

  10. My least fav thing about Genshin impact is the content creators (excluding you and maybe some others I hope that I just haven't heard of). Most vids I see that are supposed to be providing helpful tips just say 'oh just build with all these 5 star artifacts, 5 star characters and make sure you have a full constellation :p

  11. I agree with you completely but having a five star every two months as a f2p especially if your lucks bad like me- na. Even I who gets the welkin moon sometimes I don’t get a five star every two months

  12. I'm a f2p and honestly the things I've pulled could be worth a lot of money. I have four 5star characters and almost every 4star (missing 2). And two of the four 5stars i got without even counting pitty/wishes and i got them on the third banner randomly.. You can play for free just requires hours upon hours of grind to get primos for wishing when you get around AR 40+

  13. I felt much better when you and even everyone in the comments gave me an assurance that you don't need to feel obligated to spend money without leaving a hole in a wallet

  14. This really made me feel much better. Because my friend is always getting every 5-star and spending money left and right where as I only have two 5-stars because i save primogems and spend 5 dollars on welken moon monthly. I'm still saving and I have around 7k primogems currently (saving for Klee's re-run). This made me feel much better about how much money I'm spending on this game. Plus, Keqing,Zhongli,barbara and Kaeya is a good team right?. I'd probably only whale for a C6 Barbara so it won't cost as much. As the old wise saying goes, "We won, but at what cost?" :]

  15. its really sad to see players and creators that reinforce mass spending on a gacha, on a game that should be a hobby and just for fun. So many people try to make it so serious that they make f2p and low spend players feel bad for not spending 200$ a month. I've seen so many people make fun of other players for not having 5 stars or not doing big demage or not having these super amazing builds and teams. At the end of the day its just a game, no one should feel force to spend all their savings to fit in and "have fun" :(((
    Im not saying that whaleing is bad or anything like that, if you can afford to do it and truly want to because it makes YOUR personal game experience better then go ahead, but that's not the situation for everyone.

  16. i’m kind of a whale to pull for the characters i like but other than getting like 3 5-stars, bp and welkin is so worth yesss! ngl genshin is such a pretty game and i enjoy it so much that i consider those two as me paying the creators back for the massive amts of enjoyment i’ve gotten from their art

  17. spending money is so encouraged in the community and i think that's very unhealthy. most of us are very young and aren't great at managing our money/spendings. encouraging the modern equivalent of gambling to young people isnt something to take lightly. if youre in the financial position to be able to easily spend money on a game, thats fine. but if you arent in that position dont feel like you have to spend money to enjoy a game like this. i ensure you that most f2p players enjoy it far more than whales. facing challenges in the game, keeping up with the lore and having fun with friends is far more enjoyable than oneshotting enemies and logging off. i say this because i have friends who've whaled on the game but lost interest in a few months. ive been f2p since the beginning and its still enjoyable to keep up with genshin's lore for me.

  18. Saving for something that u really want and like is so rewarding .. even if u didnt get what u want at times tho..lmao. But when u really got it..bruhh its like a blessing..

  19. id say im a goldfish tier spender. the game gives me so much comfort that when i see the characters that comfort me come out- i make sure i get them. so far ive spent under £200 over the whole time ive been playing.

  20. I didn't think that I had spent that much money on genshin until I started adding it up, and I realised that I've spent a lot of money in genshin (I could afford it though and I'm no ultra whale) and I started to feel bad and guilty about it, even more after hearing many fp2 players making fun on spenders or making them feel less valid as players. That was until I read a comment that said: "sports fans can spend a lot of money on merchandise, people who like to go fishing can spend a lot of money on fishing rods or even buy a boat, neither of them tend to feel bad about it, and no one makes them feel bad about it, because it's a hobby", gaming is also a hobby of mine, so yes, even though you don't need to spend money on the game to enjoy it, if spending brings you joy (and you are able to afford it ofcourse), I say go ahead. Hope this makes anyone feeling guilty about spending money, feel a little better 🙂

    PS: I've decided to not spend more money on genesis crystals as I'm really happy with my current characters and I wont feel like I'm missing out on other new characters (I do plan on spending on the BP and welkin moon though), but as I said, if you want to keep on spending money, It's up to you, as long as it makes you happy (I do recommend checking how much you've spent though)

  21. As someone who only recently spent any money (I spent about 30 dollars on Zhongli to get him faster since I already gather all his materials and wanted to unlock his stories sooner :3). I started right before Latern Rite and I actually have C2 Mona(been on my team since beginning and C2 came recently), a Jean, Childe(1st pull hella lucky), Zhongli C1(got the second one on my own primos w/out money by accident single pull). So out of all my 5 stars after about 3 months? 4? I got 3 5 stars, one being a double (Mona). Thats not counting for what 4 stars I have either but even than thats a pretty good roster of 5stars before I spent money on Zhongli! I spent money because im invested in the story and want a lot of the 5stars in order to get their stories and have more teams to try out. I love when content creators come out and actually discourage us to spend money if we don't have it and make it a point that their damage being delt isnt realistic. Its seriously refreshing. But me being in the middle of having just a 4star team or a 5star team I can enjoy both whales and almost nothing/ftp creators because I have some characters that I see that I personally could build myself (Like Zhongli, Childe, and Jean)


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