Wuthering Waves Vs Genshin Impact
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#wutheringwaves #genshinimpact #gameplay #comparison
Ngl, that Calcharo plunge.. Reminds me of Sephiroth plunge from Final Fantasy Dissidia..
Genshin could never
the same gacha game with the same purpose.. to make people spend the last moneys from wallet (not all peoples, but most of them)
Love that every character jumps high enough to plunge in wuwa……
Genshin Could Never
Sorry, you're not competing with the game that LITERALLY has the Death Plunge for Aerith.
This is like comparing a strand of rice to a buffet
0:34 Final Fantasy 7 PTSD
Special plunge should have been included in this
Xiao, Kazuha, Xianyun/ Jiyan, YangYang, Lingyang etc
Neuvillette plunge was a joke compared to Calcharo, water splash vs Sephiroth nuke 💀💀💀
0:35 bro doing that aerith stab again 😭
Genshin doesn't have permanent parry bug in the game
But wuwa have, parry memphis hologram and use dreamless = u cannot move all Memphis illusion got parry stuck
I like that wuwa has more individuality, no two character plays the same. Not even shared animations (except for gunner aerial attack and aimed shot)
For example Danjin, Sanhua, Yangyang (medium, female, blade) same model and all blade user yet they have their own playstyle. 3 distinct characters
If we look at genshin, their animations are tied to their model. For example Diluc & Eula (Tall, Claymore). They share the exact same plunge, charged attack animations. What determines genshin characters are their height model and weapon used. Some even ignore the height and just affected by their weapon. Prime example being the catalyst. No matter if you're short or tall, you turn to orbs when you plunge. The only difference is color of the orb (element). There's no differece between barbara, kokomi & nauvilette when they plunge
I don't get it, in wuwa you just jump and plunge, why bother flying a glide
the Rectifier/Catalyst Resonator in Wuwa already got enough of personality based on their plunge/mid-air attacks alone.
the Rectifier/Catalyst Resonator in Wuwa already got enough of personality based on their plunge/mid-air attacks alone.
Dont forget, you can just jump to plunge in Wuwa. Genshin you need a specific character.
What I like the most is their idle animation on the weapon section. Even though characters have the same weapon type, they do not have the same idle, Yangyang and Sanhua for example which is both sword user
Genshin is great man and love the idea of elemental reactions which is the only thing thats interesting about the game… The only problem for me is not having endgame content, and the artifact system is hell…
0:37 is it me hearing Sephiroth’s theme when he plunge. I have Calcharo it’s hard not to do his plunge on the last hit on bosses. 😂
Imagine locking plunge attack behind premium characters when your game already has small option for moves.