It’s not as simple as it seems when looking at the newest Childe’s banner…
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In this video, GG reviews all the burning questions a lot of the Genshin viewers keep asking, things like the newest revealed Geo characters Gorou and Arataki Itto and the 2.2 Childe re-run banner. This video also delves into the more focused topic of possible future comps with Ningguang seeing how Gorou and Arataki Itto are both from the same element and could possibly mean there is going to be a viable alternative to Zhongli. The newest Childe re-run banner is going to be the first one in Genshin Impact 2.2 update while it’s speculated that 2.3 Genshin Impact will feature the new Gorou and Arataki Itto characters.

Genshin Impact is an open-world gacha game that’s available on PC, PS4, PS5 and mobile devices (iOS & Android). Genshin Impact features fast gameplay with best RPG elements in an action packed setting.

Genshin Impact

All footage produced by Gacha Gamer.

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  1. I personally don't really care that childe got another re-run and don't understand why a lot of people are kinda mad about it. Yeah, it's his 2nd, and there are characters that haven't even gotten one yet, but as a low spender, and my friends are f2p, I think it's nice that they added a banner that not many people will roll on. I think that the majority of players won't roll on him so realistically this is a free save banner which is nice for f2p and low spenders. I guess it's not the best for players that do want him though since the 4 stars don't have any synergy with him, but I like that it's kind of a free save banner, since a more popular character, Hu Tao, is coming in the next banner, as well as Arataki coming soon, and everyone seems to be going crazy about him.

  2. As an F2P myself I can say that the pity system is pishicaca, I spent almost a month cleaning half of the map only to get 13M primos. Now new characters are released and I have not enough primos I thought that 13M was enough to get Childe, Hu Tao and Thoma…how wrong I was. Still love the game

  3. I honestly don't get why Mihoyo does dirty to Childe every time he gets a banner. His first rerun was just before Zhongli and now it's before Hu Tao's and Itto.

    Like I think Hu Tao would had made good revenue by herself, so I don't know why they abandonded Tartaglia like that. People would have pulled on this banner if they put Thoma with him.

    Economically, I really don't get his plan.

  4. Ok I was excited for ittou when his splash art dropped but not when I saw a vivid dream of his 3d model…let's just say that it wasn't what I expected and left me disappointed. Might even pull hutao instead tbh

  5. Have all the 4 star C6 and have Childe. His constellations don't interest me enough, so waiting for Hu Tao and Thoma.

    Sadly I also want Ito and Albedo. Hmm.

    Also they may have dropped the 3 specific 4 stars to clear them from needing to appear on rate up for a while

    Also, Rumor is that Childe won't be rerun anymore, and will instead be the first of the limited 5 stars on a new Permanent banner that limited will be added to after their second rerun.
    Apparently it may have the weapon banners path system. Allowing players to target specific characters as the pool grows.

  6. We're really need to see the rest of the featured 4-stars, besides the new character Thoma in Hu Tao's first rerun banner. My target is Thoma only, but I want to save my pity for Albedo's eventual rerun banner.

  7. EXACTLY It hurts my brain and heart to see them throw Childe under the bus like this, like, none of the 5 stars deserve to be used as a filler/hype-up for another banner and the fact they chose Childe having his 2nd rerun (which makes things way worse than if it was just a second rerun of any other 5 star) really makes me think they must hate him…


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