My thoughts on the Genshin Impact End Game Leaks


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#Genshin #GenshinImpact #Tectone


Video Edited by Tryanzical!

OUTRO: Custom Eggy Song!


46 thoughts on “My thoughts on the Genshin Impact End Game Leaks”

  1. Wow that actually paints a coherent story that explains a lot of things. Ei's story quest really sheds a light on a lot of things. Maybe the Dainsleif we fight is actually the one in the past who would inevitably wipe out everyone due to his abyss powers. Makoto, even though she sucks at fighting compared to Ei, probably went to khaenri'ah cause she knew the only way to save Inazuma was to sacrifice herself and plant the sacred sakura in the future.

  2. I’m waiting till the game ends just to see the ending is hella different compared to the theories for i can go to their videos and comment on how wrong they were

  3. The thing about this is that this wouldn't be the first time Mihoyo/Hoyoverse use time travel/parallel timelines , they didn't in Gun Girl Z ( timeline reset because Kiana kills everybody ) , they did it in Honkai Academy ( the time line post GGZ end ) , they did it in Honkai 3rd ( with Otto's plans and the multiverse tree – forgot it's name ) and I wouldn't be surprised if they also did it for Genshin

  4. Ok there is no way in hell genshin actually thought through this shit it is actually all interconnected and functions and that guy has 10 million iq for figuring it out

  5. New Weapon Types let's go
    Sumeru ~ Chakram, Staffs, or Wands
    Fontaine ~ Guns or Crossbows
    Natlan ~ Gauntlets, Knuckles, or Chains
    Snezhnaya ~ Hammer or Cannon
    Khaenri'ah ~ Tech Suits, Armors, or Mechs
    The Abyss ~ Scythes, Daggers, or Blades
    The Celestia ~ Cubes, Wings, or Globes

  6. How we fight paimon is that maybe the traveler gets tired of being of being involved in so much shit so they leave the “timeline” without knowing and paimon get mad and fights us because we refused to go back in the “timeline” (idk if this makes sense lol)

  7. Istaroth is the god of time and also one of the 4 shades of the primordial one. However, the primordial one is an enemy of Celestia so I highly doubt Istaroth is part of Celestia like the video you reacted to claims.

  8. I've always called it that paimon is working with the god. She controls time (when you change time in the menu) and her cape has space in it. Not to mention she kind of looks like the unknown god

  9. I did write it off as stupid up until paimon was introduced…. she could just lead us straight to sumeru, through the Chasm or whatever, ignore every rules (because we're basically as strong as gods) and straight to Khaenri'ah….but she doesn't.

  10. Wei got one thing wrong (I assume this was Wei’s theory). The reason Ei remembers, if Wei is correct, is NOT because she was “outside the timeline” in Khaenri’ah, but because she was INSIDE Makoto’s consciousness saying her goodbye’s. The Planes of Euthymia are considered outside the scope of time and space, hence why so little time passed for us, yet 500 years passed in Makoto’s Plane. Because the Planes of Euthymia are not connected to Teyvat’s time, when Istaroth (supposedly) spliced timeline 2 with timeline 1, Ei remained unaffected while everyone else living in Teyvat was.

    Though, I’m not entirely convinced in this theory myself.

  11. Step 1: make ambitious but vague starting chapters of the story
    Step 2: stall the players with a bunch of events
    Step 3: wait for players to figure the plot, and create interesting story progression
    Step 4: Use that in the game later

  12. Some of the best (mostly tragic) stories I've encountered was like watching a trainwreck in motion. You saw it coming, you braced for it but nothing could prepare you for actually witnessing it. Foreshadowing is a big part of good storytelling and with the amount I'm seeing from Genshin Impact I wouldn't be surprised if MiHoYo/Hoyoverse were to go with this route.

  13. I dont know If i belive this entirely as it seems like tunnel vison, using one thing to prove one theory while ingoring other evidence and bending evidence to fit but some of it has to be true

  14. Let's remember again what's happened during the first few minutes we start our journey. Here is from Aether perspective

    Now, let's take it step by step. First from Our (Aether) point of view:
    1. We come to Teyvat. Possibly enjoying our new daily life, and for some reason we decided to leave.
    2. When we about to leave, the Heavenly Principle stopped us.
    3. Lumine vanished in front of our eyes
    4. We (Aether) got trapped and when woke up our power got sealed.

    And second from her (Lumine) points of view:
    1. Same as us (Aether)
    2. Same again as us (Aether)
    3. She got trapped and when woke up the world on fire. Basically this spoiler video drop by Mihoyo themselves
    4. Somehow became the Abyss Princess

    I'm debating on three things:
    1. Was Lumine witnessed the destruction before or after the timeline 2?
    2. Is the cause of destruction us and our sibling? I mean was our involvement with Kaenriah's technological development the cause of the wrath from Celestia?
    3. Why Lumine care so much for Kaenriah which basically she and us (Aether) has left behind when we about to leave for next world?
    4. This is out of topics, but is Tsarista's rebellion heavily connected with Kaenriah's destruction? I mean every country has their God(es), so maybe Kaenriah's God(es) was Tsarista's lover or something.

  15. If they end the game anyone who bought gems will get a refund. It was stated as something like "non-refundable in game purchases as long game is accessable". Its literally in their policy. 🤷‍♂️


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