All Inazuma Changes After Sakoku Decree Was Removed (Genshin Impact)

Inazumans and many other people from other nations are affect with the abolishment of Sakoku decree. This only happned after you complete Raiden Shogun Story Quest Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II “Transient Dreams.” Let’s take a look at all of these changes. I hope you enjoy the video 😀

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38 thoughts on “All Inazuma Changes After Sakoku Decree Was Removed (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Those NPCs dialogue (that you mentioned) changed after Sakoku Decree abolished along with: Ogura Mio that sells kimono, some people in Konda Village, most of the guards in Inazuma and some in Kujou Encampment, Kujou Kamaji near Statue of the Omnipresent God, Takatsukasa Tomohide and Matsukawa Souzen near Royal Hot Springs and Nagaoka Hidemitsu south of Inazuma above Tenshukaku…

    It's noteworthy that after the fog around Tsurumi Island clears, Shima Masaoki (inside of Tenshukaku near stairs) and Nagaoka Hidemitsu talks about sending scouts to the Island.
    Also (Idk if someone knew about this) Battle of Revenge is a World Quest in Inazuma. It is obtainable after completing the commission An Art to Be Honed 4 times and when you get near Asakura at Tenshukaku.

  2. very cool Lumine and Aether speaking xD but I not very good on english so I prefer with subtitles xP.
    its happy to see some people could get home after the abolishment of the sakoku.

  3. Not only is this video cringy as fuck. Why are you literally moving a lot in circles and attacking? JUST STAY STILL. Pretty cringy. I konw asian people don't really understand what comedy is, but come one dude. If you're trying to be funny, at least try to be less cringy.


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