We got early early access on Thoma from his hangout event so this is not a leak please no ban me mihoyo thank you.


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00:00 Abilities
04:54 Passive Abilities
10:13 Constellations
14:02 Can Thoma Replace Xianling ?
14:38 Summary & Recommendations For The Thoma Mains

Music provided by @demongummies
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Patch Version : 2.2



  1. – 4 Emblem Set with HP%, Pyro%, CRIT% for Damage Build

    – 2 Emblem 2 Tenacity HP%, HP%, HP% for Barrier Build

    – ER% Weapon Ideally

    – 4 Tenacity won't work on Thoma as it requires constant damage from E ability to maintain the 3s buff whereas Thoma E only hit once

  2. I still think he will be very useful even with low scaling and base stats. They definitely gutted him cause they don’t want Zhongli shield to be power creeped and since he’s with Hu Tao that basically guarantees SoH which would also benefit Thoma greatly

  3. Until now, there’s not really any other Pyro that would work well with Xinyan except for Bennett. The major problem is that C6 Bennett wouldn’t work with her but with Thoma, he could potentially fill the spot. His shield strength buff could help making Xinyan’s shield tougher hence make it easier to maintain her Physical buff. His constellation 6 will also make her hit even harder. Being a Pyro, he could get the team the Pyro Resonance and funnel Xinyan more particles for her ult which is important if she’s using Skyward Pride.

  4. thoma looks to be the budget zhongli im looking for T.T

    but sadly apart from that its nothing much, which is actually ok. if i was expecting a pyro xingqiu im going to need someone who is like hu tao but hydro for example. he has a nice shield and is pyro (a nice element to have) and thats good enough for me

  5. So my question is this, cuz im already gonna pull on hu tao's banner and i dont have a zhongli for her, ill obv get thoma as well and i really want to use him pretty much for the same thing zhongli is used but: Does he steals reactions from hu tao? Im gonna place her with xingqiu and i wonder if she's not gonna be able to vape anymore because of thoma's burst?
    second of all ill go for a full barrier build, so what should i go on that set, still emblem, or 2 piece emblem and 2 tenacity?
    And third, isnt black tassel better then fav lance as u need to crit for the pass to proc, and basically that means u need at least a crit circlet instead of HP%, isnt black tassel just better for it cuz im only looking for barriers and not dmg mostly at all from him? and get an er sands?
    Or a 4 piece noblese with black tassel and ER sands ?

  6. I feel like since Inazuma released, MYH just dont care anymore, they just want to make a character look cool and that is it, they dont even bother adjusting the character skills and stats to at least suitable and compatible.

  7. Raiden hits are so fat during her burst I think it will work well. Plus half the time they already go in the air anyways and with the multiple hits on her charged it should pause them as well. I’m gonna run him with Xinqiu, Baal, and Kokomi (I’m f2p btw)

  8. did you even see his lvl 70 talent? his ult scales off his hp. 2.2% of his maximum HP. idk if that's a lot, but it's something extra if you're building him for his shield.
    here's hoping it's a mistranslation and the HP converts into ATK, not damage. if it's damage, it's only 880 extra damage for 40k hp. ew. if it's 880 extra atk then it's pretty damn strong

  9. Thoma just seems like a really comfy character for non Zhongli havers rather than a dps enabler or carry. Thoma + Benny, seems like a nice slap on duo for any main dps. With those two, you have both healing and shielding in addition to pyro resonance and Benny boost. This way, you can have your main dps with any support of your choice and don't have to worry about taking damage all that much. If your main dps is pyro, you can switch out Benny for a different healer or an anemo unit for really easy pyro shred then have Benny free for another team.

  10. He’s design to work with Hutao the same way Sara is designed around Raiden’s kit and how Gorou is designed to support Itto’s kit. An interesting way for designing characters, it has its pros and cons, but since I have almost every character it doesn’t matter how strong the new ones are for me.


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