Most Common Teammates Spiral Abyss 36* Floor 9 – 12 | Genshin Impact 2.3 – No Archons on team

this video is a continuation:
Most Used Build Set Artifacts:
Most Used Weapons 36* Spiral Abyss:
Characters 36* Usage Rate Spiral Abyss:

• Most Common Teammates 36* star Spiral Abyss floor 9 – 12 usage rate, ranking, tier list Genshin impact 2.3 – No Archons on team
• Most Common Teammates Spiral abyss floor 9 – 12, Most popular common Teammates and Characters team build Spiral abyss Floor 9 – 12 Genshin impact 2.3 – No Archons on team

• Best Fit For Genshin Impact 2.3 Spiral Abyss Floor 9 – 12
Research Based On 15586 ★36 Winners, Floor 9-12, all servers. Own Percentage of ★36 winners. No Archons on team

☛ take everything delicious and enjoy watching.

Songs: Against All Odds – Genshin impact OST
@Mihoyo – Hoyoverse Genshin Impact Official SoundTrack

#AniFolder #AnimeFolder #MostCommonTeammates #UsageRateSpiralAbyss #GenshinFolder #GenshinMostCommonTeammates #BestFitForGenshinSpiralAbyss


26 thoughts on “Most Common Teammates Spiral Abyss 36* Floor 9 – 12 | Genshin Impact 2.3 – No Archons on team”

  1. This video is not true. Zhongli is absent from all teams in this video even though he is top 3 in multiple. You should remove, or revise this video so that it contains the truth.

  2. 2.5 abyss really force players to come up with different teams for the wolf lord. this is one of the stretegies hoyoverse do, making new enemies and also making new niche characters so the game will have variety.

    like i play taser team for second half but now i have to insert a geo just for that stupid wolf boss.

  3. There are major issues with this data.
    First it is 100% self reported data (the previously used API no longer works).

    Second, bias is going to exist for newer characters.

    Third, due to the usage rate being %used/%owned, characters that are more commonly owned have their usage rate more heavily effected. example, everyone has Barbara but few people have Kokomi, so everyone person that doesn't use Barbara is going to effect her usage rate to a greater degree than Kokomi.

    Fourth, usage rate doesn't always directly correlate to power or usefulness. Example, Zhongli has a high usage rate but is objectively a dps loss to run on most non-geo teams.

    This is alright data for getting a broad picture of the meta but it is still very flawed data that may or may not help those that are struggling to 36* abyss.

  4. 2:37 is exactly one of my teams for Abyss. Diona, XQ, Kaeya, and Hu Tao in one team is pretty nice. I would use Zhongli, but he's assisting Raiden and Bennett in my second team.


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