Today in Genshin Impact we’re comparing C0 to C2 Kinich.
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Mualani is objektevli better, because if higher Vape damage and better AOE ( I know she is single target but she still has better AOE than Kinich). My Mualani C0 already hits 227k Vape damage with Ka CR of 70/170 45k HP and a Hydro damage Goblet holding Yaxche Ring R1. That is no highly invested and she already does more damage than Kinich because only his first Canon shot hits 400k, and my Mualani hits 227K Permanently. Mualani has good Cons and Weapon too, vertical investment on my Mualani would already hit more than this Kinich.
i lost kinich's 50/50 to mona at 80pity😢😢
I think I'll get C2 next rerun and skip Nahida.
I got his c2 and his weapon
Co can do 400k actually
This game just wants to burn a hole in my pocket 😢
Did dendro also have cracked reaction boosters like mualani vape multiplies, that deal so much big dmg, did dendro has something like that
did 449k with mulani
reminder that this is all with his signature, but even with the craftable natlan claymore at r5 he's still good, easily hitting over 100k
Gift me c2 im broke 😓
Gift me primos pls so I can get C2 pls pls 😭
It gived me c2 until now between 10-15 pulls every time xd
I got 3 Kinich, Dehya and Tighnari in 30 pulls😊