Mihoyo Literally Broke Console Genshin with 2.0 | Genshin Impact

#genshin #console #inazuma

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22 thoughts on “Mihoyo Literally Broke Console Genshin with 2.0 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Also anytime i log off any recent messages i sent gets deleted from my side. Going to and leaving the teapot does the same thing. Console got fucc'd

  2. …if they're gonna have a limit, the PSN friends SHOULDN'T count towards that limit at all. It just doesn't make sense to count them when they're added through PSN and not through the game.

  3. Also had a problem in PS where I try to join a friend's world but it says I have outdated client and I have to go restart Genshin, never had that problem before but now it's happened twice

  4. I just wanna know is it just me or if anyone else loading screen for PS (like teleportation to other waypoints) takes an unusually long time? For context, I used to play to iPad then switch to PS4.

  5. I noticed the new friends list thing since I play on ps4, but I didn't actually look into it. I honestly only have 3 psn friends, and maybe 30 GI friends. Since you looked into it, it's probably something to bring up on the next survey and see if they'll do anything

  6. The only thing i noticed on console is that it doesn't show with whom i was in coop lately. Like i've been helping my friends on discord and usually when i go to someone's world his acc would be added to "recent list" but not anymore apparently. I dunno when that started but i noticed it only now.
    (it's because I've been helping the same people but do not add them to my friend list, usually i searched their nickname in that recent list, but now i can't see them there, kinda strange)


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