Watch this! if You Are Pulling Neuvillette![ Genshin Impact ]

Watch this! if You Are Pulling Neuvillette![ Genshin Impact ]
Neuvillette DMG TEST !! | build
I talk about genshin theorycrafting and powerful dmg showcases
showcasing my characters ( Wanderer Nilou Hu tao Raiden Ganyu Yelan Ayaka Xiao Childe ) against raiden shogun boss

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faruzan theme tnbee remix
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26 thoughts on “Watch this! if You Are Pulling Neuvillette![ Genshin Impact ]”

  1. tbh its pointless to compare fontaine characters to characters from other regions.. we all know fontaine characters are too OP kit they are pretty much strongest characters in game but if ur comparing who to pull for then ok

  2. i mean im still nd always will be ayato main.. but ofc ik neuvy is stronger …iys just a game in the end use who u like better…i personally like ayato better nd i do 36 stars w him always so it doesn't really matter to me

  3. i have them all, use them all and i think its silly to compare the hydro boys since they have very different funcitions TL;DR: neuvi for raw damage but need to be treated like a hypercarry, ayato for clean hydro app and flexibility but weak, childe for international but only international. and my neuvi is benched lmao

    neuvilette does more damage with ZERO doubts, however, he feels clunky in anything that doesn't revolve around him. ayato has low scalings but compensate it with smoothness and universatility with reactions, weapons, teammates, artifacts, funny setups, etc. childe still the king when you need damage for a longer time instead of big instances every once in a while, my personal favorite when i just wanna smash buttons and get through the abyss, doesnt have ANY use out of xl-bennett-sucrose (i got personal beef with kazuha dont come at me).

    ayato for me still my favorite, enables a lot of specific supports and don't mind taking niche/mid units to run along with him (nilou, mika, thoma, candace, yunjin, beidou, miko, layla, dori lmao), also feels smoother to play, doesn't have any units attached to his hip and can be useful off field. even though he is the weakest, he is SO enjoyable. also, believe you or not, my neuvi is benched, he is such a novelty when you get him but boring to a point he ages like milk…

  4. As a water bender main who builds almost all hydro characters (except Barbara because I hate her design, for the contrary I build Candace tho 😅 because I love her design). Here is my conclusion, the must pull is Neuvilette and Furina. Good for your account if you also have Yelan and Kokomi. Only pull if you really really like Sumeru Idol, Ayaka’s Brother, and Childe. Mona is good for support but she is replaceable. Lastly, just don't build Candace even if you have her C6.

  5. Honestly Neuvilette is so busted especially with Furina and his C1. I kinda feel bad for my Ayato and Childe, I built them for months, got them their weapon then when Neuvilette came home I forgot about them even with his wonky artifacts and that BP weapon.

  6. Estos videos solo decin forman a la jente f2p que neubillett sea un personaje para jente manca no kiere decir que ayato sea mal personaje pues mi ayato se pasa todas las salas donde lo ponga que neubillett lo aga 1cegundo antes te lo puedo creer poro el punto a qui es que estos video solo decin forman a la jente pues no se a que conclucion kieren yegar con el video cera que la conclucion es Ayato lo hiso 2cegundos tarde ?? 😊
    Mmmm pues que descubrimiento no 😅 bueno para los que piensan que ayato no cirbe por que neubiillett pega mas dejen me decirles que estan mal acostunbrados ayato es igial de bueno como la mayoria de todos los personajes del texto inpact 😊.


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