Today in Genshin Impact I’m making good on a promise. Welcome back, Keqing.
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0:00 Intro / Electro Keqing
1:51 Solo Keqing vs Oceanid Revisited
5:02 Abyss
7:57 Masanori
9:41 Physical Keqing / Pale Flame?
11:22 Masanori w/ Physical
12:02 Abyss w/ physical
Oooooohhhhh the Mora,the pain of Zhongli
Zhongli: May i use your budget?🥴🥴I did not bring any mora 😭
So the cryo flower and the geo vishap are no longer the training dummies.
Moga is literally overpowered
You have a lot of dedication….for this character when she's not as powerful useful or 'meta' as other characters…no one even uses or talks about this character…
I've triple crowned Hu Tao Ayaka and double crowned Childe and crowned Ganyu. My Keqing is 8/8/8.
her ult hits 10 times TT
You can dodge the water explosion : charge attack under water !
give your kazuha iron sting and em sands to get as much em on him has possible, his a4 talent boosts elemental dmg if he swirls it (also swirl cant crit so jade cutter is useless on him)
Keqing is 4* razor should be 5*
Bro ur keqing has dendro dmg bonus… only 15% but still.
Coz of Moga, ill make my first 5star Keqing 10/10/10 too… (F2p)..
YOUR KEQING IS GODLYYY. I also have her triple crowned, all hail queen Keqing!! 💜⚡️
My keqing is the worst C6,attack 2.140,crit rate 94% and crit dmg 210%
Try keqing with shimenawa
I wait for Qiqi od 10/10/10 xD
Imagine spending that amount and have 50% Crit Rate, hahah
actual title: my mora disappearing in 3 seconds
Wait, 4k is good dmg for keqing??????? Now I don't feel like I'm lacking in dmg ☺ I'm so used to the high tier characters like ganyu and others who can hit huge numbers. Mt highest dmg for kewing was a casted e that hit with 10k and with Bennet, a 12k e ability. Is that actually good or just good for keqing??
when you lose all your 50/50 to keqing
The placid club scilly curl because vessel compellingly cover per a enchanted chauffeur. roasted, unbecoming carrot
what is the item he's using in the food slot?
please Mihoyo buff to Keqing
I just got keqing
Losing my 50/50
And I need a dps, so should I build her as a physical or electro dps?
Gdhwjsmwjnswjh I just got C1 Mona while trying to roll for Keqing (and some others). I’ve only bought gnostic hymn.
I’m fine….. totally…. yeah.
Try main kequing without any artifacts and a 1 star weapon pls
Triple crowned mine a few months ago. I’ll never regret it. She’s still my favorite character in the game both aesthetically (Yoimiya is close) and gameplay wise. Hopefully she’ll get her electro buff someday and be the true queen of Genshin as she rightfully deserves before another electro dps finally replaces her.
Tbh im glad i got keqing at noelle banner it makes my farm easier
Keqing is my first 5 star been maining her since ar 14!!
So you're telling me Hu Tao is and Keqing wasn't? Thats sad.
i dont think moga would be mad losing any 50/50 to queen keqing here, and i respect that. I really do.
You can dodge the oceanid explosions by diving in the water
Good memories when Moga first got Keqing and went “K-k-Keking??”
Keqing's electro infusion cannot be overridden, so you can still use benny with her.
As a Noelle main from day1 I never understood the pain of fighting oceanid. Then I started playing other characters such as keqing and realised how pain it is.
I want her so badly!
Free to play problems man lol
Is it worth it to build keqing ?
I just got her and i am a F2P, rank 17 player.
wow moga's keqing realy whats the word ahh powerfull, i dont have her tough shes my dream charcter and also all hail quenn keqingg
Keqing is born in October 10, 2010. jk
If they brought Honkai Keqing, Genshin meta would fall imo
Wait how did you have so many crown??