In One Word… Disappointment [Genshin Impact Swords Only]

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MiHoYo put out a tweet saying “Polearm Impact”… And then I saw Mtashed make a new account where his focus is just having fun on the account in Genshin Impact… So I decided to take it upon myself to make a new account, but only use characters who wield a sword because absolutely nobody asked me to.

Link to the Swords Only Playlist:



This time around, we take on Shenhe’s Story Quest, try out the new domain event, and get absolutely destroyed by RNG

#Genshin #GenshinImpact #OnlySwords


41 thoughts on “In One Word… Disappointment [Genshin Impact Swords Only]”

  1. So…he complained about there being preset items in that particular domain and didn’t check the other ones to see if it was the same? And the domains hoyoverse made are obviously going to be boring because if they make it too hard then people will complain. The hoyoverse team is probably also very busy working on the chasm so it makes sense that they would make an event where the players are doing most of the work.

    Also why’d he think he needed to do the jade chamber quest (that has no relation to inazuma) to do the new Raiden quest instead of uh…doing the Raiden story quest ACT ONE to unlock ACT TWO

  2. Oh btw I dont think you can do the Raiden boss in this accout cuz in the trial you can only use Ei and no other characters soo no swords only a POLEARM so that kinda sucks

  3. I thought the event was alright, didn't rlly have any expectations. The most fun I had was making this hell like near impossible domain and then publishing it lol. I wish there were more options available tho

  4. beidou has prototype archaic so close atk also you need to actually grind and play on your swords impact more its not doing very good in artfacts talents levels

  5. Just quit Genshin yesterday after losing my 4th consecutive 50/50 to Qiqi in Raiden's banner on fkng 83 pity but the final nail in the coffin of my Genshin journey comes not from losing my 4th in a row 50/50 but when I roll my perfect crit rate Shimenawa circlet after that which has 3.9 – 7.8 crits only to see everything rolled into flat HP.
    Screw my 17 days left of Welkin and Lvl 40 Gnostic Hymn, never going back to this game until they fixes the rtrded RNG rates.

  6. This is very off topic but I was in a mood and I made a whole element/weapon chart for genshin and… Sword has the most 5 star characters and the least 4 stars 😭 I would say if u decide to do another version of this challenge I would go for catalyst or claymore because they both have a high amount of 4 stars and low amount of 5. I understand 5 stars are going to do better in game but for money and mental wellbeing I would aim for a weapon with more 4 stars if you do this again

  7. I too hated thisdomain, very boring, some people makes it way hard, some people makes it way too easy, thats why i just did the event for primos, i still havent encountered any "fun" domain in co op, nor the one in the event were fun

  8. Just a tip that works for me. When rolling for artifacts, I think there's a higher chance you'll get good rolls when you only use Level 0 artifacts. If you like do it all in one go, it usually ends up terrible (for me at least). Maybe ya'll should try it cuz I got a crazy amount of godly artifacts in just a month.

  9. I just got two feathers with Crit Rate, Crit Damage, and ER today, I got them from two separate 20-resin runs… The first one had max everything but had Flat HP as the 4th stat, the other one had max Crit Damage but the 4th stat is Flat DEF. Wish me luck when I roll them lmao

  10. I honestly have no clue, but my yanfei is. So. So. Strong (at least by my standards) the most she does is 20k and the average is 2-5k and I didn't even have to do that many runs for her artifacts unlike with my fish wifu who I've done tones and tones of runs for, STILL with barely any ok artifacts, like I have 3 ok ish artifacts and that's still an overstatement

  11. That atk% piece from emblem is better than all my sands and im ar56 xd, java just says “it sucks” wow. I mean 20% crit value should be good enough especially for how easy abyss is right now


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