Hey everyone! Xiao comes out later today and I wanted to make a video on characters that I think would be amazing with Xiao. These characters will either boost Xiao’s damage directly or increase your team’s overall DPS. I also quickly go over some artifacts and weapons for these characters
#genshinimpact #xiao #genshinimpactguide
0:00 – Intro
0:50 – Wind Traveler
2:48 – Fischl
4:00 – Xiangling
5:03 – Bennett
5:47 – Xingqiu
7:04 – Mona
8:07 – Zhong Li
9:10 – Venti
10:31 – Albedo
11:31 – Jean
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XIAO IS ALMOST HERE AND I CAN'T WAIT! I will be livestreaming as soon as servers go live so stay tuned for that! I also have a small giveaway happening on Discord right now, so come and enter for your chance to win a free blessing of welkin moon! There will also be a much larger giveaway once the channel reaches 5k subs. You guys are amazing! Thank you for the support!
Albedo c4 increases plunge attack,,
Childe is also a very good support for any main dps mainly bc of his passive that add 1 level to auto attack talent, which can add around 20% damage for plunge and charge attacks at Lv 11
I am planning to pair him with Mona in full noblesse to act as enabler and crowd control, Zhongli for the shield and of course the meteor, and a healer/anemo traveller.
I'm just going Sucrose, Xiao, Venti and Jean.
Fucc meta, anemo supremacy!1!!!
the sarcasm on the intro made me chuckle kek 😆
My g put every single character fr.
Fischl bennet Diona or xinqui
Me: gets Xiao Oh cool, here I got a Deathmatch for you.
Also me: ends up getting Primordial Jade Spear Nevermind Xiao, here take your weapon. Zhongli! Put down that Crescent Pike, you're getting promoted with more Crit!
Jean const 0 or Sucrose const 2 with Xiao?
Btw I use C1 bennet and I'm thinking of putting either beidou (c6) or xingqiu (c0) as support
Just put THE HOLY TRINITY (Bennett,Sucrose and Mona), and any Main dps of choice and call it a day.
My team is Xiao – Bennett – Jean – Xinqiu
Is that a good team?
me who has bennett, mona and jean
welp… time to try and get him…. 12 wishes away from pity ;-;
I use geo MC , his burst gives extra crit rate, also the geo + anemo resonance is really great combo.
C1 Xiao, C5 Sucrose, C1 Barbara and C0 Mona, is this a good team?
meh i think this is outdated
My xiao is thankfull with my waifu mona,also running qiqi for heals and xiangling
im late 😭 but i have xiao and im getting venti on his rerun! so excited. is a xiao, venti, zhongli and qiqi team good?
This might be an unpopular opinion, but Lisa works with xiao too. Make Lisa a burst support give her a lot of energy recharge, electro damage, elemental mastery then add venti another burst support, using his black hole gather everyone on 1 area, switch to Lisa use electro lamp on the black hole, then switch to xiao ult and just do total beat down on your enemies with punge attacks.
Bennet, diona, venti for xiao is good? What must i Change, maybe i put xing qiu or xiangling?
Buffing xiao is expensive 🥲