Mavuika is the most broken character in Genshin Impact…INSANE!!!
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I was showing Mavuika to my bf who doesn't really play Genshin and while we were talking I got distracted and ended up making her do donuts up and down a narrow cliff and he was like "ohhhhh sh-" and was thoroughly impressed by her bike movements 😂
Wow Pompeys daughter is sick!!
If u have her c2, you can either use her burst to nuke, or if you wanna have fun you can also c6 Bennett, pop her skills and use normal attack😂
Use Traveler animo burst on his birds. It hits all of them and they don't even fly away from it. You don't have to get too close to birds because of how far travelers burst travels. 🙂
Almost every archon is broken.
Remember when Furina could infinitely walk on water?
How about Zhongli's unbreakable shield?
It fits right in Genshin.
Genshin went from ' play this character because they are cool' to ' play this character because they are broken ' type of game. Next patch hoyo is going to release a more powerful character until you learn that this dev is not good for you and the cc are just here to make money…
First I thought the bike was immersion breaking, but then I got her …..and her bike is SUPER fun
She is crazyyyyyyyy
i mean she can basically do everything but the duration of it is just 1/2 of the natlan characters duration skills, also she has a motor cycle… in a world where there are swords and magic, where the hell did mavuika get her motorcycle? roller blades are fine since theyre just rollerblades and flying gun is also fine since theres alrdy guns in teyvat and they just made it able to fly using elements but a motorcycle is just weird as hell
I got her (my literal first single pull and I nearly screamed) and I'm so glad I did. She is the only five star from natlan that I have, and it has made the exploration INFINITELY easier. I know her traversal abilities in air and water aren't much better but pairing her with my venti and learning when to use her while climbing has made my exploration a breeze!
I seem to be the only person that hates mavuika till now.
Feels like just another character than an archon.
A jack of all trades, master of none.
Bad for me.
I'm a min maxer
I don't like the motorcycle yeah it's fun to use but it makes no sense the only time you see the motercycle is when it's under some ruble and they fly about of the reincarnation fire
The only ppl who don't like bike are the ones who didn't use it .
female version of dante on genshin impact
She's to broken!!! I made 25k on level 50 with her 😭
Her design is so ass, she doesn't strike like an archon at all 😂
I legit pulled her on my first 10 pull as soon as she dropped (F2P) and my only other 5 star is chasca. I haven't gotten use to her yet . I find her bike doesn't last as long as chasca's gun . She kills it going up walls and over obstacles but I still like chasca's movement more and it feels like she can make it farther with no obstacles.
She is good fir natlan explorations
Me:already hundred percent 💯
I love her design and animations but I can't help that she feels a lil chunky to me 😢
You can spam her burst if you use artifacts that has elemental mastery
(I forgot what it's called but it charges you burst fast)
doro no wuwa 2.0 video doro being forced to play only genshin in their contract
I'm officially mavuika main 🤧💖🎀
i just won the 50/50 on her banner and she is so cool. i was supposed to go for citlali but mavuika totally stole my heart
If you want to play like genshin impact then user mavuika as support since her support kit fits that, but if you dont care, go donut with your gameplay (no pun intended)
Thats just every WuWa character lmao, boring.
She is broken, i use useless artifact woth 6/7/7. I did 1.7m dmg.
She can fly, she can climb, she can swim but she can never replace our Kinich
Add her with xilonen and Citlali, it’s hilarious
Back in my day we had Venti's E and we were HAPPY with it !
She’s broken but not neuvilette level broken
i have everything done the map all 100% and theater and abyss all done and they moved lantern so i can’t get her and people say they don’t like her, im dying over here that i can’t get her
See Kinich will never be replaced
Ororon elemental sign to
From a Design point, I find her to be the worst Character in Genshin. Its like putting Darth Vader into the story of King Arthur. It just does not fit at all
Can someone get her for me, i lost the 50/50😭😭
worst Archon 😹🫵🏻
My Citlali hit harder at 257k dmg