Level 90, C0 Arataki Itto Demonstration ~ Spiral Abyss Floor 12 [Genshin Impact]

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23 thoughts on “Level 90, C0 Arataki Itto Demonstration ~ Spiral Abyss Floor 12 [Genshin Impact]”

  1. This is not indicative of his strength when this abyss is literally made to shill this dude lol. People need to chill and actually be realistic about him. Why do you think they removed abyss lectors cuz if they didn't itto would do jack shit against any form of shielded enemies. Albedo can't. Neither can zhongli effectively or gorou. This is a major big flaw of the team that no one talks about

  2. Wow i was thinking abour his recharge of energy but wit albedo and gorou (with favonius bow) that could be easy to do, and you can add a character that hits off field and recharges energy like fischl, but this recharge is way better than i thought


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