C0 Heizou Is ok but I'd Rather Spend my F2P Resin on Characters from Sumeru | Genshin Impact

0:00 – Summons
0:34 – Heizou Build
0:54 – Character Overview
3:27 – Initial Showcase
6:08 – Constellations
7:30 – Taze Oh
9:00 – Building Auto Attack Heizou
13:09 – Abyss 12
16:30 – Final Thoughts

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45 thoughts on “C0 Heizou Is ok but I'd Rather Spend my F2P Resin on Characters from Sumeru | Genshin Impact”

  1. Sometimes I Feel I'm "Not ALLOWED" to dislike a character that everyone likes.

    I understand why you guys like heizou; He is just not for me. On my f2p account & my batteplass welkin account i can't even justify wanting a character like this because the resource cost to make him useful is just too high.

    If you want him and want a fun character thats cool I just dont find him reliable or fun. I played with him for about 6-8 hours so far and It's just not for me. Theres no synergy for future characters theres just a really low tier version of xiao with big nukes.

    I prefer characters that will have more team possibilities instead of characters that have damage per screen shot which to me is not fun to do.
    Im not in to "Tony To Style" gameplay.

  2. He seems to be a good on field sub dps character.
    You just want him for the skill and burst, then switch to a proper dps.
    We are used to sub dps E-reaction slaves…and ya, I prefer sucrose by far.

  3. I think Heizou is basically just a viridescent driver that can reduce elemental resistance and throw in some nuke numbers once in a while (like sucrose in a taser team but with some more dmg)

  4. He is the smoothest catalyst user out there compared to EVERY SINGLE CATALYST USER. I found him fun when playing especially when you use Kazuha to group up enemy and you use his burst to kick them away from you. And you do it again and again on every single humanoid. TOTALLY SATISFYING. He is the most fun character for me. Even better than xiao, kazuha, beidou, itto. I don’t care if you’re saying if he’s bad or not. People 36 starred the abyss with the starter characters showed that fun > meta

  5. I Dont Know Why, But Heizhou Basic Skill Looks Like Akaza's Needle Compass :/.. And His Ult Just Straight Out Akaza's Skill From Demon Slayer: Hinokami Chronicles Game :/

  6. If you dont like a character, feel free to say so man. After all, you're entitled to your own opinion.
    I do agree that Heizou's more of a fun-oriented gameplay type of character instead of meta-defining.
    But most importantly, its DE-CLEN-SION lmao 😂

  7. I understand that he might not be crazy good or do big damage but I find him mad fun to play and I enjoy playing him a lot. If you are pulling for Heizou I don't think you should have high expectations in terms of damage and should only pull for him if you like his design and gameplay.

  8. It is a team for swirl
    But unlike Succrose – some kind of solo target
    For example for 12-3 array this team with Heizou would be a lot better than Succrose

  9. IMO Heizou is amazing! My only note for you is that you are comparing him to 5* characters like Hu Tao, Ganyu, Xiao, etc. Of course they do more damage cause they are 5* characters. You don't like him that is totally fine. He is unique character with that fighting style that he has. Hoyoverse could buff his autos a bit since his style is punching and kicking enemies

  10. Xiangling, Beidou, XQ, Sucrose, Bennett <- they are 4* too but 1000% better than that shit character. Fun? Fun in extremely personal thing, I dont find it fun do do 0 dmg and kill everything 3 times slower, no thank you Hoyo.

  11. You have every right to like or not like Heizou. That's the point of an opinion on a character.
    Exemple : I know Hu Tao is Big dmg, amazing hyper carry etc etc, I love her lore and her design BUT DARN THAT I HATE HER GAMEPLAY.

    I think, with the number of characters we have right now, there is for everyone. You want meta ? You have plenty of characters, You want fun ? You have plenty of characters.
    Genshin isn't a competitive game so I understand why characters like Heizou, Sayu etc are here, they're fun to play, have their utility depending on the situation.
    Personally, I am more of a "I want to have fun" type of player, so I don't care if it takes me a while to build him XD
    If you're really watching your ressources, micro-managing hardcore or very into meta, sure he is not for you.

    Every point of view is valid, let's just be polite and respect each others :3 aka don't go insulting Seka because he isn't really into Heizou XDD

  12. The more stupid people are the more time it will take for them to realize that Heizou is not that good as they claim him to be.Also there is a chance that they will never recover and fall into a infinite copium hole.I'd say let Heiuzou stants LAMENT and ferment because clearly they dont listen to what you say.

  13. Ok so no one is mad because you don't like Heizou, because it's completely ok to not like a character. At the end of the day, everyone has different taste.

    However, making Heizou seem TRASH is not ok. Even if you don't like a character, when you're showcasing him, you gotta be completely objective. You weren't. Heizou was doing very respectable damage for a four star, and everything you had to say was "omg yelan does more damage". Well no shit. Yelan is a five star, it's only natural for her to do better. "YunJin makes his normal attacks hit double". Omg, isn't it crazy that like supports are meant to maximize your damage?

    Throughout the showcase, your commentary felt like you were showcasing some 2 star character or some shit. Comparing a four star DPS to a top tier five star DPS (like Ganyu, Xiao or Hu Tao) just isn't fair. It puts the four star in a bad light and makes it seem like shit. Heizou is extremely fun to play, and his damage output, for a four star, is insane. Comparing every new four star to Bennett, Xingqiu, Raiden or some other cracked character only makes the game experience less enjoyable. Instead of waiting for the next meta, game-breaking character, we should see the strenght in every character and objectively present it to everyone, so newer or less experienced players can choose who to pull for.

    Making a character look like trash just because you're biased or you don't think it's as good or better than some cracked character isn't right. So next time, even if you don't love a character, show it's strenghts and weaknesses being as objective and honest as you can be. 🙂

  14. I'm sure you won't read this but I'm curious what he's like in tazer as directly compared to Sucrose. I imagine she contributes more due to her support passives but tazer and variants with an anemo driver don't really rely on the driver's damage, since you're supposed to be providing constant shred. Of course driver damage isn't ignored either, which is why I am curious.

  15. Well, it looks like it is confirmed: Thoma chance is boosted through the roof. Mihoyo really wants to ensure everybody has this m… f… n-nice guy. =)

  16. like most of the playerbase I got Heizou while pulling for kazuha and honestly besides he's auto attack animation I don't really see a motive to build him right now. I mean he's cool and everything but resources…

  17. I'm at the point in the game where I have all the characters and team comps I need to clear the abyss, so for me I'm able to now just kind of build characters I find fun. heizou is super fun, and even though his normal attacks aren't the strongest, I will, without a doubt, build him!

  18. Yeah! that's honest review and I agree with it. I summoned him on alt account just because I have no anemo toons on it (except traveler). And he feels REALLY good in my case. But on my main account I have Venti, Kazuha and c6 Sucrose. And I even don't think about summoning Heizou on such account. It's just waste of resources.

  19. He's good for a 4star character, at least way better than the average 4star Inazuma characters. I think his best build is 4piece VV set with a taze team or so. (The dmg of the rest of the team will be higher than his, but he fits well i think)

  20. @Sekapoko, your review on Heizou is biased. 1st you you were reluctant to pull for him and still pulled for content, 2nd you were using the wrong comp. Other content creators are using 2pc Gladd with 2pc VV and hit 80k on his skill 30k on his burst using Mona, Jean and Bennet; no to mention they are speed running the abyss with him.

    If you get C6 Heizou and use Kaguras verity and that same comp his skill can hit up to half a mil, bennet can't even hit that and you're saying that he's just ok and not recommendable

  21. He tries to compare and play him like xiao instead of playing him like sucrose unlike every other content creator did. And for the short amount of time he plays tazer he says he feels like heizou is doing the least amount of damage. like no shit youre comparing him to lvl90 c6 4 stars and its way more personal damage than sucrose would be doing

  22. this video mildly irritated me when i was watching it yesterday. i couldn't even finish it because of this.
    it wasn't because you did 400k and said it was "ok". that was fine.
    it wasn't because you didn't really like him. i can respect that opinion


    (this is partially a joke. no harm to the creator of the vid ^^)

    edit: removed something


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