Scaramouche redemption arc? | Genshin Impact 3.3

Genshin archon quests have gotten a lot longer and therefore so have my videos. Hope that’s okay~

Wanderer is a very interesting character.

00:00 scara character teaser / demo reactions
3:18 introduction
4:01 trying out wanderer
4:38 summons!!!
7:56 3.3 archon quest
1:16:38 uwu


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 🗝


Outro music:


47 thoughts on “Scaramouche redemption arc? | Genshin Impact 3.3”

  1. I’m so annoyed with scara’s banner. I maxed out my constellations on every four star on the banner EXCEPT faruzan, whom I haven’t even seen once (and I dropped serious money on this one), and exactly one scara. It’s kinda hilarious that I have worse luck with four star characters than the actual five star banner character 😅 but alas I am now spending my days scouring all of sumeru for his and nahidas ascension items lol

  2. My guess is that the unknown voice is the Cryo Archon. It would make sense since one of her elite tried to erase himself from her memory. Also her voice sounded somehow kind and cold at the same time. It would fit since she onced loved her people with everything she had and suddenly become cold-hearted.

  3. I've lost literally every single one of my 50/50s all above 70 pity but i somehow managed to get Scara in a single 10 pull at 0 pity 😭 (ofc it had my c4 qiqi in there as well just to taunt me)

  4. @SarahKey

    I'm surprised you didn't name him "Sora." "Sora," in English, means "Sky" after all and he's an Anemo User. Maybe you should rename him to "Sora?" 😜 I don't know how many renames we get though…

    Also, allow me to attempt to explain what really happened. As I understand it, Irminsul doesn't control Teyvat's History, but rather Teyvat's Memory. So Nahida removing Rukkhadevata from Irminsul didn't remove her from ever having existed, as we were kinda led to believe, but rather it removed her from the Teyvat's Memory and, thus, the memories of all living beings that are of Teyvat. Likewise, Scaramouche removing himself from Irminsul did not, in fact, change History as he had hoped it would, but rather removed him from Teyvat's Memory. Scaramouche basically did to himself what Rukkhadevata did to herself, but without the understanding of what would truly happen. This explains "The Wanderer." Just like Nahida had to exist for Rukkhadevata to remove herself from Teyvat's Memory, so, too, did "The Wanderer" have to exist for Scaramouche to remove himself from Teyvat's Memory.

    So what really happens when a memory is removed from Irminsul isn't that everything tied to that memory is changed, but rather Irminsul rewrites the memories of all living beings of Teyvat to explain the results of actual History without the memory of what really happened. And the reason this, for the most part, works, is because we're talking about History aka events that have already happened. If Irminsul changes the living, written, and vocal memories of Teyvat, how, then, can anyone actually verify what REALLY happened? The answer is, they can't because it's already happened and their records of the events have been altered by the world itself. Ergo, nobody knows that their memories are false. The Traveler, being not of Teyvat, isn't affected by Irminsul and, thus, remembers everything. And I believe THIS is why The Wanderer asked us to tell the remaining descendants of the Raiden Gokaden (like Kazuha and Tougo) what really happened and that it was he who brought calamity upon the Raiden Gokaden. Because the events still happened even if they don't remember it happening like that and The Wanderer doesn't want them to continue living with false memories that were implanted because of his short-sightedness. He slew their ancestors and ruined their families forever and then removed all memories of, not only the fact that he was the murderer, but everything surrounding it including the fact that the Blueprint was manipulated.

    Now there IS one thing I don't quite understand and, maybe, Hoyoverse hasn't considered it. But, can't Nahida restore Scarmouche's Memories to Irminsul and completely reverse what he did? I mean, think about it, those memories now exist in Teyvat again inside Scaramouche himself. She, for all intents and purposes, restored Scaramouche himself, full memories intact. Now, Nahida's mind is connected to Irminsul itself as she is, literally, an Avatar of Iriminsul. She has also demonstrated the ability to create Memory Capsules within a Dream-Land and use them to restore memories to others within that Dream-Land with them. Could she not pull Scaramouche back into Irminsul's Dream-Land, copy his memories into a Memory Capsule, then direct upload it to Irminsul itself, thus restoring Irminsul's Memory? Sorry for the tangent here, it was something that just popped into my head.

    Anyway, that's how I understand what has happened. Nothing appears to have changed with regards to Teyvat and it's people because nothing HAS changed. Only their memories of what happened has changed. What really happened still happened and these people are still who they have always been because Irminsul doesn't rewrite entire personalities. These revelations about Irminsul and Memories actually puts into perspective some other things that have been said to us over our journey. I believe Iriminsul is a central key to everything. But… that is a discussion for another time. I hope this has been an interesting read. I look forward to more of your content.

  5. I just recently started watching your channel purely for your reactions to Xenoblade 3 (starting with the initial trailer, hehe). Super excited to see your reaction to Chapter 6, whenever that's going to be uploaded!

  6. I found it too hard to thow an X into Scaramouche or Balladeer. So I named him Xanderrew.

    The heartless puppet who tried erasing himself from history created a wandering nobody in the process. After regaining the memories from his past life, the gods granted the nobody a heart in the form of an Anemo vision that he wears on his chest.

  7. I named my Wanderer "Tomo". That was the name the community gave Kazuha's unnamed dead friend. I've always loved the name and I've always wanted Kazuha and Scaramouche to be friends. They have so much in common, as well as shared history.

    With the name I've given him, if Kazuha and Wanderer ever meet up and become friends. It'll almost be like Kazuha is being reunited with his long lost friend Tomo.

  8. The song you said you love, 10mins in, "it's so pretty"… that one is so sad! It's the song that plays when Nahida meets Rukkhadevata, finds out that her hero is herself, then has to erase her best self from the memory of the world to save the world. It's so tragic.

  9. The voice at the end is a mindfuck and a half. No one should know about Scaramouche anymore. Even Raiden's voicelines about him disappeared. So it can't be an archon. Only you, Nahida and Paimon are aware.

    But this voice clearly knows.

    So that must mean they're not of this world. Just like you.


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