#Genshin #Klee #Banner
Klee Banner Rerun in Genshin Impact patch 1.6! Should you pull for Genshin Impact Klee Banner in Patch 1.6? Klee is still powerful but has some intricacies that you must master in order for her true power to be realized! Is Klee worth your precious primogems?
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Still strong, but can you jump through these hoops to use her effectively?
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Have yanfei c2 = skip klee
I’m the opposite of a lot of these comments. I love her complexity of use, I like a new challenge! I already have Diluc and Hu Tao and I’m still gonna go for Klee bc she’s wholesome and I need a chaotic baby on my team haha. I’m very excited 🙌💖🔥
Since I already have Yanfei its a cold hard pass on the Klee Banner.
One of my best friends is just starting again and really wants Klee so he's gonna be learning on her and I feel if that's the case he's gonna be terrifying with her 🤣
The animation cancelling in most games often has me wondering why developers don't make the actual combo numbers more efficient to not cancel… I feel like animation cancelling should be a trade-off of maneuverability/speed vs damage instead of being a no-brainer best option. A good game should be a series of interesting choices after all 😛
I have waited since Albedos banner (thats when I joined) to get Klee.. I will not shut up anytime I see a Klee main… I missed her the first time and I will not miss her again😌
Could Jean be good with Klee??
omg!! I just wanna play for fun did you know that??
I don't mind the animations playing out as it is meant to be, not a fan of cancels…. but then again i don't use catalyst and bow users anymore, cause they control horribly on PS4.
Bro I don’t give a shit if she is strong or mega op. She is fun to play
I just need klee and i will be happyy
Definitely happy I'm skipping klee
Klee elemental reaction spam can also work with Beidou's burst.
Spamming overload sounds nice. Even more explosions!
She’s perfect for me, I got a strong healer (Qiqi, crowned btw ) for her clunkyness and i got venti and planning to awlways have him on my team.
Im only waiting for ayaka
Im pulling for noelle on the klee banner
Yeah, she has no place in the game rn. Why would they even release Yanfei and then rerun Klee? Looks like MHY don't realize how profits work. Yanfei is a replacement for her. Easier to function and almost as strong. Doesn't need all that animation canceling either
i dont know if i should get klee or kazuha or however his name is spelled
all of klee"s problems are all things i dont really care about because i just like the characters so im happy ^_^
As someone who pulled Klee the first time around, I struggle to enjoy any other characters playstyle nearly as much. She's the only one that constantly feels engaging and has room for improvement.
I'll be dumping another 30k+ primos on this banner for constellations. Not because I care or need more power gains, just because Klee is best.
Animation canceling feels like a super overblown argument to me, it's something I've adopted over time because I prefer how it plays, but the game really isn't in a place where you need to be playing that optimally outside of the last 2 abyss floors, and even then I've seen people make examples of clearing it with Klee WITHOUT animation cancels just to prove a point. If you hate animation canceling more than you hate the full attack string then you do you. It'll still work.
I may not whish on her banner since a got enough dps in my teams, but, for those who would…may you be blessed with her constellations…
I'm tired of Nigguang animation cancelling, then comes Klee.. Skip
She is kinda shitty, I have her and use Zhongli more just switch to her for dmg
what a bs
I did not even watch this but IM SURE SHE WILL BE GREAT
The character I am waiting for is Varkas because he might be a muscular character with his description…But he might be release like 5 banner later.
Just the title make me want to pull for him Varkas Grand Master, Titan of the Knight of Favonius, Knight of the Boreas.
I will pull for klee since i have guaranteed klee 😄
Seka did a test between Klee and Hu Tao with similar artifacts and 4 star weapon on floor 12. Both cleared the floors almost on same time. So just know Klee is still very viable especially for F2P(like me), you just need to practice around her animation cancels.
I usually spin for keqing but she's gonna have to wait now
Didn't you do this with Eula
I will pass on Klee especially if it has no new characters
i really want klee, i have 76 wishes saved for her. but i really just want fischl (constellations) and sucrose.
Me with a C6 Klee, C6 Diluc and C6 Hu Tao: Haaaard Pass 😂
I already have her …c1 maybe?