4 Star characters you should be using pt.2 | Genshin Impact

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43 thoughts on “4 Star characters you should be using pt.2 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Everyone shitted on Shinobu when she came out and I spared no expense on first day. I expected at least an Itto and walked out with C4 Cookie. And I loved her since day 1.

  2. Hold up who said Layla's shied is bad? It can attack from long distances and can withstand a lot of damage and the shied only breaks from large explosions and the shield lasts long unlike Diona. Diona's shield disappears after like 5 seconds.

  3. once upon a time i was bored and was fighting childe with low leveled characters in co-op, i used diona. i started liking her playstyle. then, i built her and i am very happy to announce she is part of my team now ✨

  4. In AR 55, but I havent had a shield since AR 53, for when I got Diona, im glad I built her, she really helps alot. Because I needed a bow user that shields/heals. wow, she does all 3, so when I got her I was happy? But then I accidentally got her C2 i was surprised but also happy because then I could shield other players ❤

  5. Kuki, like my first five star Mona, has literally never left my main team since I got her. I basically main her and Mona but Kuki cemented her spot on all my teams because of the fact she's the first and only C6 I got. Her constellations are so good for her too. She gets longer skills, grass ring and burst, gets +3 from cons on both those skills, not to mention a damage boost and her fourth or fifth con gives a lightning mark occasionally when gras eing hits someone and it literally summons a lightning bolt for big extra aoe damage, however! Her C6 constrllations makes it so she can literally survive hits with one hp. Even if her health is low, it can only proc within a certain time limit but she gets a guaranteed survive on a death hit like once every 30 seconds. Which is great because the lower her health is it buffs her healing and damage.

  6. I got fischl earlier while my brother whose more experienced then me helped me with wishing and stuff! (Since he had better luck then me lol) and I think I’m gonna level her up more and add her onto my team since she seems like a good character to have on my team!

  7. Im ok with my team i can kill a boss easily with them at level 50-70 and when i use these 2 i cant get the little dendro bombs plus my barbara is ny best healer and my other 3 work together to go great dmg

  8. Kuki is definitely my favorite 4 star. Built her full EM and HP. She has great heal and a must have in a hyperbloom team(my most used reaction in the game.)

  9. “Noelle also has both sh-“
    ONE OF. ONE OF y’all don’t know english or something?!

    one of= There are more, this is part of the group
    one of the only= There are multiple, but a very little amount, this is a part of that group


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