Kazuha Gatekeepers Need to Chill | Genshin Impact

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29 thoughts on “Kazuha Gatekeepers Need to Chill | Genshin Impact”

  1. Kazuha is such an excellent character, but they HAVE to be the most obnoxious mains out there. I would love to pull him, but that character is ruined for me because of the toxicity surrounding him.

  2. What's a Kazuha? Oh that unit that blinds my team with his burst, no thanks 😛
    Fortunately I already have Venti and Sucrose on pretty much every non-trash account I have and I don't level 3 for the same role and element so beyond this point Kazuha might as well not even exist.
    I stopped visiting any forums and discussions a few months ago, even deleted my gamefaq's account just in case I feel like posting again, and I don't regret it. The level of toxicity in this game's forums is only topped my Mihoyo's own. So no interaction with "Kazuha mains" either.
    Honestly, Kazuha never had a chance, his banner was after Klee's so my primo stash was the emptiest ever. And Kazuha never had a banner ever since.

  3. Man, Genshin players are famous for being toxic just because of things like these,and then we wonder why we are hated throughout the gacha and gaming communities.

  4. some just don't have Kazuha simply because they didn't have enough gems to get him at the time, or were fed up with the 3 lack luster updates in a row at that point so they took a break from Genshin. in my case both of those. sometimes it's the simple combination of poor timing and bad luck.

  5. I have Kazuha at level 90 and still use my Venti level 80 more often in team comps. Kazuha is very good but I still think it's a bit blown out of proportion.

  6. Didn’t you gatekeep Ayaka a couple of videos ago you literally said if you just got ayaka from her rerun banner you’re not a real ayaka main lmao

  7. Sadly there were also players (like me) who missed the banner bc of taking a break or didn't have primogems at the time. Hope that kazuha wanters become kazuha havers

  8. Mate have you seen how toxic Kazuha wanters are verbally attacking Venti mains because he had a rerun instead of him? He took a year which is longer than how much Kazuha would’ve taken fyi. Not talking about newer players, but the people who SKIPPED Kazuha willingly and called him 5* sucrose are the ones sparking the drama right now because they’re salty they didn’t get him during his first banner. They called him “bad” and “useless” and now they’re mad.

  9. Thank you for speaking about this, it is indeed very annoying especially when those who are gatekeeping assume all kazuha wanters were kazuha haters in his debut banner. Like…no, I love Kazuha and I desperately needed an anemo user so I pulled on his banner and lost 50/50, after that I didn't have anymore primos left. I even saw some people who were gatekeeping saying that if we lost 50/50 that it was our fault and that we didn't deserve him and don't deserve to get him on his rerun. Wow

  10. The good thing about this game is that characters eventually comback. (Except for aloy, but its a promo and its kind of outside of the universe of the game) And i dont understand about mains in this game, i guess my main is chongyun because i triple crowned him first, but many times i dont even use him to try other teams

  11. "Mains" of all characters do this whenever the opportunity presents itself. Zhongli early-adopters were incredibly smug about it when he got buffed. Ganyu, once called "Cryo Amber," was skipped or missed by many and spawned the same haves-and-have-nots battle as Kazuha. And anyone who knew Bennett or National Team were good before the rest of the community did will be sure to tell you about it… constantly. It goes the other way, too–if I had a primo for every time someone's dunked on Yae users, I could have gotten her for free.

    Maybe it's inevitable, since this game's entire business model is getting people to spend so much money on their favorite characters that the bank thinks someone stole their credit cards. You have to find a way to feel superior afterward, otherwise you just end up feeling foolish.

  12. Lmao, Kazhua mains. Another thing is Ayaka, Yoimiya and Raiden were all super hype and all came right after him. So a lot of ppl me included choose those units over Kazhua.

  13. I don't mind other people wanting Kazuha. He's a great character and an amazing unit. Hope to hear about him getting a rerun soon so others have a chance to get him

  14. Oh no. Bad advice. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT VOICE ANY OPINION, NO MATTER HOW MINISCULE!" people been hella toxic about simple opinions lately… Like niggah, it's ok if our opinions don't align. Just chill.

  15. It feels good having Kazuha because I just like him as a character, getting called out for the "5 star Sucrose" and being told I wasted my Primogems in a single-player experience. This gravy train has to end some day, but until it does, I hope Kazuha never gets a re-run and Mihoyo drags it out as much as possible. Dangle it out until people impulse-pull for Yelan and then Kazuha comes afterward or do it the other way around and force people to whale.

  16. As a husbando main, aka I was Zhongli main since before he got the buff and also a Kazuha main now…IMO, I don't even feel like the hate on Kazuha (which is what most of the Kazuha gatekeepers keep stating as their reason for gatekeeping) is even that bad…I've seen much worse with Zhongli where literally everyone would trash on me as soon as I said I like Zhongli even in his old days, even saying I'm not allowed to say I like him because I'll end up hindering his buff or something. The most I've seen for Kazuha was just that he's just an expensive version of sucrose and worse version of Venti (which I never understand what's so bad about it, but it kinda tied in with your previous videos since people shit talk on new 5* as "expensive 4*" as though that was bad or something, I guess…I mean, so you said he's an expensive Sucrose…OK, but what's so bad about being able to kinda use Sucrose in both halves of abyss?)…Either way, just saying it's actually stupid to be gatekeeping on him over just some very minor group of vocal meta slaves when you should've known that majority of people who want him right now clearly aren't part of that group and it's not good to just generalize everyone as being meta slaves who trash talk on everyone who take liking on any new character just because they just blindly wanted to believe what some content creator said without actually trying to understand what the character does to begin with. shrug

    At the same time, those who are begging for his return and blaming Kazuha gatekeepers for wishing that no one else but them get to play Kazuha also kinda has to chill out IMO. Kazuha isn't even the first character whose rerun got delayed by a year. Xiao and Albedo wanters also had to wait for a whole year before they got their rerun, so learn some patience. Gatekeepers can say whatever they want, but it's not them who decide when Kazuha will return anyway, so don't know why you have to be so pissed at them either.

    As for those who are just patiently waiting…hope you become Kazuha haver once he drops, whenever that may be. ._."

  17. I believe it is because most Kazoo havers think they're gigachads for rolling an underestimated unit and then look at us like we're wojacks crying for a rerun to annoy us more- yes, that meme does not help either in the cause.

  18. Lol i skipped him because I pull only waifus and I was saving for the inevitable raiden banner. Might go for him in the rerun depending on the banners during that time but not too invested in him since sucrose is good enough for me right now. If i get him yay if not 🤷‍♂️.


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