Why Endgame Content Is CRITICAL To Genshin Impact's Longevity

Endgame/replayable content is a huge sore spot for Genshin Impact ever since the game was released. Some people say that it doesn’t matter too much since the game has more casual players than hardcore and so in response to that I want to explain why lack of endgame content hurts ALL players.

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#Genshin #Endgame #Content


21 thoughts on “Why Endgame Content Is CRITICAL To Genshin Impact's Longevity”

  1. I'm sorry but simply no, your proposition of making content that requires specific mechanics is terrible. Look at how much people hate specters and Thunder Manifestation just because they mostly requires ranged DPS to be dealt with efficiently.

    People don't want to play every single characters, they want to play their favorites, just because I have Sayu does not mean I want to play Sayu for example, and that works for everything, just because people have Razor does not mean they want to raise and play him. Most people care about who they play, they don't summon out of functionnality only.

    To take your fine meal analogy, once you eat a meal, you've consummed it and your plate is empty. You then don't ask the plate to refill itself, you wait for the next meal to be prepared then served and eat small pieces of bread while waiting, events in Genshin are the bread you eat while waiting. Sure you could say more regular content means more bread so it's good, but that's still going to be bread you take small pieces of while waiting the meal, so not content that actually matters anyway.

    Then your arguement of "but what's the point of raising talents above lvl 8 ?" is also not good, because there simply won't ever be content that will requires that, and you say it yourself at the end of the video, so what are you even trying to say here ? Plus in the first place, there's anyway going to be a huge power difference between a random team that's max leveled with perfect artifacts and an actual meta team with sub par lvl and artifacts, so which point of reference are you going to base the difficulty on ?

    Like most people already dislike the Spiral Abyss and find it too hard, so how is making more content that's even more challenging going to help in any way ? Sure the more hardcore players would like it, but that's such a tiny fraction of the playerbase.

    I really dislike how you simply totally dismissed the teapot as if it wasn't content, it's a small sandbox for people to get creative, you yourself may not like it or care about it, but don't make it seem like it's not actually there for you to do stuff.

    Honestly this video reeks of the people that heavily critisized the game when it first launched because they wanted the game to be something that it wasn't. You want the game to have more content that'll naturally become another chore after the novelty fades, because in the end any permanent content they add is going to get stale and people are going to get annoyed doing it. And the more you add of those to have more diversity, the more the game will become tedious and time consumming.

    While I'm not really against some more content, it shouldn't be that much more anyway, I like that I don't have to spend tens of hours a week into the game to do the daily/weekly stuff.

  2. The thing I think many people miss is that Hoyoverse doesn't want endgame content beyond the Spiral Abyss (which takes like 1 hour every 2 weeks), because they don't want players playing the game. Playing the game costs Hoyoverse money. Not directly, but indirectly by requiring higher server capacity to handle more concurrent players. Genshin, being a gacha game, exists purely for the purpose of making profit for the devs/publishers, and so Hoyoverse wants to keep their costs as low as possible, by reducing the amount of actual playtime to as low as possible.

    At the same time, if players don't play the game at all, then obviously they can't get revenue from players spending money on Genesis Crystals. So it's a balancing act. The way they seem to be balancing this is like how many/most gacha game devs do, by constantly pumping out time-limited content so as to induce FOMO in the player-base.

    Doesn't mean that we as players have to like it, of course. But given that other gacha games have done fine with this kind of model with no true endgame, I don't think Genshin's longevity is that much at risk with the current setup. Personally, I'd love something like the Labyrinth Warriors event to be permanent, with maybe updated maps every 2 weeks like the Spiral Abyss, but I just don't see Hoyoverse ever doing that, since that would mean more hours that players would spend playing the game, which cuts into their bottom line.

  3. The next time we get a survey, we got to let hoyoverse know that we can't keep playing without anything to do that will let us put our characters to the test.

  4. I want a "Labryith" in genshin impact. Which has 100 (or a few) floors, which has traps that u can disable, chests, and bosses every 10 floor, with a few monster inbetween with some "horde monster traps"

    Each floor with have the level and difficulty of the monsters to be gradually increases. Not to mention puzzle difficulty.

    And the same goes for characters, whom level up quickly (very quickly) without ascension. But they max out at what current "outside" level is.

    This also includes weapons.

    Now, every level, you can get upgrade artifacts and weapons via chests and what weapons monsters drop. And best part is you can take a "selected amount" of these new weapons and artifacts to add to your regular build in the open world.

    Oh wait. This isn't genshin impact. And can never be genshin. As genshin is its own game.

  5. I know it is incomparable, but I’m actually kind of happy that there isn’t as much to do in Genshin as in Honkai. I could grind for hours in Honkai and still reach nothing or stay behind all the others, it just leaves me feeling bad abt the things I haven’t done that day. So as someone with not much time, I’m glad that I can finish off Genshin rather quickly.

  6. The fact that my artifact farming route and result is the exact same as when i unlocked ar45/50.

    I wish your artifact luck could scale with ur ar, then at least it would ur reaching ur ar wouldn't be so meaningless. Or daily c. primos, like up to 100 or smth, just gibe me a reason for being so high level. A sense of progression is not there

  7. I suggested a few things back in your "5 things Genshin Needs" video, but I'll summarize it better here alongside new proposals:

    1. Reputation Ranks: After reaching lv.8, you can continue to gain extra reputation and obtain things like Delicious Food, materials, and perhaps even Boss drops, primogems and Crowns of Insight at certain thresholds like lvl.10/15/20/etc.
    1.1: Elite Bounties/Requests: As part of the new endless Reputation Levels, Elite Bounties/Requests can be done alongside the normal ones, offering double or triple the rewards, but the enemies are way more difficult with more specific ways to kill them. Requests can specify more items, get rid of highly aggressive enemies, or do something crazy like doing a special version of a world boss.

    2. A raid-type of Domain that is more comfortable to do in Co-op but could also be done in Solo, it's a 3-part domain where you need to solve puzzles before reaching a Boss room, and rather than having Doors of Resurrection, you have Doors of Remembrance that act as Save Points in case you need to leave and return moments or days later. Now, in order to unlock this Domain, let's give it a fancy name like *Abyssal Domains*, you need to complete every single original Story Quest, the region's Archon Quest, and have at least 80% of total exploration of said region.

    3. Serenitea Pot commissions act pretty much like Daily Commissions done on a weekly basis, and you need to do stuff both inside and outside the pot like mining, getting wood, crafting furnishing, making sets and interact with characters… This after the pot is fixed, of course, and can give currency and Primogems.

  8. 11:17 correct me if I'm quoting this wrong but I'm sure honkai has a similar feature with its own abyss. So when the abyss resets every 2 days for endgame players (lvl 81+), there will always be a abyss weather suited towards that one character for example, Asaka which is a ranged weather boss is designed for HoV and Elysia is designed for Silverwing Bronya. If genshin had something similar to that, that'll be really nice as it might encourage me to roll for some characters which I initially wouldn't pull for since I thought they had no use such as Kokomi.

    Amazing video BTW everything was spot on

  9. Playing Genshin Daily at endgame feels like being a soldier in times of peace. We're training everyday for a war that may or may not come. But if it ever does… we'll be ready.

  10. Now that you mention it, as much as warframe was a pure grind and that was my initial driving point of the game, there are a lot of goals to achieve. You can master your strategy for each mission type, you can figure out monster hunting, you can simply collect all the weapons, you can find out new fun synergies for each desired result.

    Tbh that was also what I hoped to see in genshin. Collect characters and then design them accordingly to challenges that lay ahead. Turns out you can't farm all characters if you're not a whale and even if you have all the tools you can use, there is no easy place where you can even see your progress. I remember how o finally dropped Yanfei. I leveled her, gave her all my best artifacts and I was like… Okay, now what. There was no place to use her, that's why I wish Hyakunin Ikki event was permanent because it's easy and perfect for quick testing and for a fair bunch of resources for free

  11. They should just add this current event as a permanent game mode for now and have it rotate every week with spiral abyss. Idk if that'd be good long term but at least for now it would give us some semblance of meaningful endgame content. It'd also be nice if they put some effort into the little bit of challenging content content we get instead of just being like tankier enemy = harder content lol.

  12. It really isn't "critical" at all, the game isn't going to die from that. The main content (new story, new areas, events) is and always will be the core of the game. Do people still believe this is a mmo or something where the real game starts with the endgame?
    It's cool if they add engame but I don't care if they don't and NEITHER should you. Just play multiple games instead of 24/7 Genshin.

    It really doesn't matter that much unless you are a content creator ($$$) or a hardcore Genshin player… that's fucking cringe ngl. You seriously need to touch some grass.

    But overall, I still don't know why events that feature a different game-mode aren't permanent

  13. What would really make the game better for me – is more interactions with the characters. They are so good, but we see so little of them. More events featuring playable characters (like the bartending one) or commissions with them would be so refreshing to see. There's this one commission where you can find and talk to Xiangling, and I found it awesome!

    Also, I haven't realised how much voice acting really brings into the game until I've played Divinity: Original Sin II – I think world quests in Genshin could be much more memorable with it.

  14. I just came up with an idea today. I noticed it was Diluc's birthday. So why not create missions based on each character's birthday, mostly as small cinematics in order to not have monotonous dialogue prompts.

  15. One of this days I installed an old game I liked as a teenager and remembered how much fun I had grinding and defeating the current events, after playing for a while, I decided to set some limits for genshin, if hoyoverse don't add end-game content by the time sumeru ends, I'm just quitting. There's no point in grinding for something meaningless, and I could very well just spend the money I spend on genshin on new games with new experiences

  16. Just like you mentioned in one of the previous video, the diversity is not there also partly due to the build cost is too high.
    I quitted last year about May and came back this February, I have hard time building anything because I only have so much resin to go with.
    Do I farm talent material? Or should I clear weekly boss? Oh the weekly boss drop is not what you want? Too bad better luck next week.
    I found myself constantly stretching resin thin between artifacts, talent material and ascension material, not to mention getting fuck over by the RNG of artifacts.
    I think they should make some of the resources less pain to get.


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