If You Are Bored Of Genshin Impact, Watch This…

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28 thoughts on “If You Are Bored Of Genshin Impact, Watch This…”

  1. If you guys are bored with playing genshin impact, Try out these games
    1. Devil may cry 5 SE (highly recommended)
    2. Persona 5 Royal
    3. Punishing gray raven
    4. Scarlet Nexus
    5. Bayonetta 2 or 3
    6. Tales of arise
    7. Nier series
    8. Monster hunter

    Only PGR is gacha. the rest are paid games but theyre basically S-tier games in my opinion

    edit: Also Megaten games

  2. Psshh. Who wants 70 pulls and a free 5 star when you can have a fungi pet you can raise… and then have taken away two weeks later? Or what about being able to take photos of things for like 10 primos and a few items? But wait, you wanted a free five star right? Right? Well you get it! As a trial character for 5 minutes as you do a no effort challenge! For like maybe 15 primos if you're lucky. Why wouldn't you want to play Genshin with rewards and content like that?

  3. Why other game gives out more rewards? to keep player + a free SR are just stats, these character are 2D with simillar stats. In Genshin a new character offer you different playstyle and team. on these game they describe character in a class form for example "Shield" "Long range/cast" "healer" "support" "close range" and others. This allow the other game to be generous because it doesn't matter, they could release character with higher stats next update. For example if Mihoyo rebrand "Amber, Lisa, Kaeya to fivestar with extra dps and animation" player will still replace other with new units because it's better and less niche. This doesn't justify why mihoyo isn't generous but gives basic idea to people. Even if mihoyo deside to give free tighnari/diluc/qiqi/mona/jean/keqing it won't affect much because these are "outdated" character and won't benefits their existing team. this won't stop them to pull newer character. however if they decide to give 80 pulls then it would affect alot of sales they would prob save these pull for long time. If you think these gacha are better and more generous why not move on? I mean if you play the game for the pleasure when getting new character then this is the one to go. I've download few gacha game back after finishing both Liyue and Mondstad and for em these game doesn't reward much. New character are just class with higher or similar stats and skin are pretty much NFT. This is like comparing gacha to lootbox, gacha system is wayy better compare to lootbox(theme box, free, guranteed after certain pull) but why people prefer game with lootbox? because the gameplay not the reward simple as that

  4. get me back into epic 7 pls i peaked in challenger and my whole guild quit one by one and i was one of the last to leave šŸ˜­
    i still love e7 but i can't get myself to get back on and grind in wyvern 13 for moooooonths on end for speed gear

  5. This guy only went to 12 and saw one bad substat roll and was like ā€œthis is garbageā€.

    Like if he just took it 20, it couldā€™ve had over 28 Crit damage, which is fantastic on Crit Rate circlet

  6. So when does he mention the insane powercreep the game has that forces you to spend to keep up? There is no such thing as a generous gacha. The more generous one of these games is, the more you'll have to spend to actually play.

  7. If your looking for other gacha games Mtashed. Maybe Arknights is for you
    Amazing endgame, minimal to almost no powercreeping and far far less predatory then most gachas in the market.

  8. You streamer types really do think all anyone cares about is pulls and getting free stuff just because thats all you types seem to think is worth making "content" around eh? Its started to dawn on me this is how you truly think.


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