Are the Heavenly Principles to blame for Khaenri'ah? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore, Theory and Story)

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #dainsleif #natlan

an objective look at who is responsible for what occurred in khaenriah some 503 years ago. following the dainsleif archon in 4.7 (bedtime story) seems like some more are starting to suspect that khaenriah had a larger role in the catalcysm then originally thought. idk though the lore hasent really told us though, the wording seems careful by both dain and the sibiling so as to ensure the dislike who they dislike for failing to prevent the disaster, while not really speaking as to what the disaster was, nor who caused it. anyway im like 100% im pulling for Emilie and then backing out till natlan drops in 5.0. sigewieinineitghwi is whatever shoulda been 4 star. although tbf her leaked gameplay animations looked nice. also returning to hsr in a week with the conclusion to penacony and firefly. nice change of pace it should be.

0:00 Intro
0:35 Who is responsible?
2:10 Celestia
5:33 Khaenriah and the abyss

#genshinimpact #genshinlore #dainsleif #natlan


29 thoughts on “Are the Heavenly Principles to blame for Khaenri'ah? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore, Theory and Story)”

  1. If I were to guess: King Irmin caused the Cataclysm, the Archons stopped it, the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles decided to neutralize Khaenri'ah to protect other nations in the future, and the Sinners did not care to risk their life to defend it, and the reason why Heavenly Principles decided to curse the people of Khaenri'ah, rather than offer them the swift merciful death, was either because something went wrong (the Sustainer didn't have enough power and fell asleep) or the Sustainer had to make that sacrifice for some reason, idk, the human soul count can't change this drastically or something. I feel like that's the direction we're moving towards, but I would love if Celestia was simply so ruthless that they thought "you'll exist forever as a breathing warning to those who dare to oppose our divine will."

  2. I think that it was a mix of the abyss,celestia and khaenriah since khaeriah was dabbling in forbidden knowledge and even made those machines for helping that just became warfare and that they were swimming In hubris with the stuff they were using forbidden knowledge on. I heard a theory from somewhere that khaenriah was fighting the abyss and somehow they abyssal forces became to much that it became a full on war with the region of khaenriah and celestial saw this and went "nope no abyss on my doorstep" and summoned the archons and used there powers to destroy khaenriah because it would actually became the equivalent to a weed parasite that would destroy all of teyvat (and yes I am referencing what dainsleif said when khaenria was destroyed it was like taking a weed out of the garden of gods or something like that).the whole not preventing the destruction of khaenriah was most likely about what was happening to khaeriah before the gods appeared and destroyed it all to stop the abyss and the reason why the gods were blamed the most out of the incident is because they literally destroyed a entire nation and cursed it people which in celestia's eyes needed to punished since they literally almost brought the thing that wants to destroy everything in the light realm in the light realm. and the reason celestia problem didn't bat a eye to khaenriah to them after the whole ordeal might be do to them sensing or finding out somehow abyssal energies and monsters were there. so yeah that's what I think

  3. A lot of perspectives when learning about new things on figures like Rhinedottir, Vedrfolnir and other prominent figures, you also get a lot of mixed signals like on Albedo's story Rhinedottir is portrayed as a loving "mother" who wanted to create the perfect being, but then you have other characters accusing them that they are the ones who let Khaenri'ah get destroyed and now you get the Sustainer blaming the arrogance of ALL humankind and then we have the Fatui who just absolutely hate Celestia and wants to create a new world order.

    Like, regardless of who actually was the cause of the Cataclysm, better yet whom is to be believed here??? A lot of perspectives and contradictions that just doesn't line up. It doesn't help that the Sumeru Archon Quest + Inversion of Genesis quest proved that even memories and in-game information changes when Irminsul is involved, and finding the truth, we all know that Irminsul is heavily involved.

    Though, I commend Hoyoverse for keeping up the Unreliable Narrator perspective we've been getting. It does keep me hooked in the story on finding out the truth.

  4. About the resounding question in the middle of your video, I think the answer lies on Seirai Island. Specifically, the Asase Shrine. Long abandoned by its priestess (who has probably died), long abandoned by human visitors too. But the acting priestess, Neko, maintains it as an idyllic haven against the storm that engulfs the rest of Seirai Island.
    That, I think, is a model of Teyvat in miniature. Neko (the Heavenly Principles) has a pretty good idea of what the world should look like. But unlike the real priestess (the Primordial One), she does not have a deep understanding of what makes it possible. That's why the visitors would never come, and would never fill the donation box with offerings. That is why the Heavenly Principles can only do superficial repairs, and can only react when it's too late.
    And unless the Traveler does something heroic to restore the world outside of that safe haven, Teyvat will continue to be a fragile place that requires constant sacrifice to sustain.
    And perhaps, people like Hexenzircel and Five Sinners will be instrumental in restoring the world outside of Teyvat.

  5. if Dainsleif failed to protect Khaenri'ah and its people it could mean he just gave away the order for his knights to fight and he could've went away to fight some stronger beings like the Five Sinners of Khaenri'ah. i base it on this: there's NOTHING that says Dainsleif actually WAS in Khaenri'ah during the disaster. also in the new Archon quest we didn't see his fight with Lumine which means Hoyo can be keeping his power a secret. since we didn't see him fighting at all that means we don't know yet how powerful he is thus he can be powerful enough to fight agains atleast one or even ALL Five Sinner of Khaenri'ah

  6. I think it was kanreah (king whatever’s) fault for searching for the abyss and all that. First HP sent either both or one of the siblings as appeasement. When they continued to search the abyss, they stepped too far so they had to step in and all that

  7. From what we know, Khaenri'ah was experimenting and messing around with the abyss, obtaining forbidden knowledge in the process and seeing it as a way to use it against Celestia, but they lost control of it and that along with Rhinedottir's creations went loose and attacked Khaenri'ah and the rest of Teyvat, Celestia and the archons managed to neutrilize the threat, losing many people and gods in the process and to make sure that never happens again, Khaenri'ah was destroyed. The people dainslief mentioned and that "vinster king" could have played a role in the abyss breaking loose and bringing the destruction it did. Celestia might have even been scared of how much they have evolved and progressed and considering their goal was to go against Celestia, they nuked it, or at least that's how i see it

  8. My understanding of this: the sinners wanted to remodel Teyvat and usurp the heavens . They tampered with the abyss to get more power to reach that goal. They lost control over the abyss (basically the abyss took over K'haenriah and threatened the whole world while the sinners interpreted it as their way of reshaping the world and did nothing about it) . Eventually Celestia stepped in and had no choice but to destroy the whole nation as most of it was corrupted by then. I just can't see how celestia would be the bad guy even if is not the Primordial one that rules at the moment. I think the reason the Heavenly Principles stopped the twins are: 1. The twin was tainted by corruption already and was too connected to the abyss. 2. Heavenly Principles wanted them to help in the restauration of Celestia s rule as the Gods lost much of their power fighting the abyss at the cataclysm

  9. Maybe Cataclism was Abyss + Khaenria'ah traitors(sinners) vs surface world. Khaenri'ah was main battleground and it's citizens were collecitvely punished by HP for bringing abyssal corruption and destruction to Tevywat.
    in Raiden story quest it was something about Rifthounds that during Cataclysm they were some sort of "cavalry" – they have been opening portals for othere monsters and were quick strike force bc the were first to emerge from portals. Rittendothir created hordes of Rifthounds which took part in invasion on Teywat, logical explanation why did she do this is: she was on the side of the Abyss and was mass producing invasion army
    Worth to note is that Khaerni'ah people were fighting against abyssal monsters, not alongside them. In big mechs in Sumeru, there are notes in which soliders are describing their fight against abyssal monsters( and not surface gods) while suffering from emerging wilderness symptoms

  10. Well… For me, the term "heavenly principles" refers to an initial idea, from the creator Pahnes, who possibly Asmodeus saw herself as responsible for continuing this idea, or as we know "the sustainer of heavenly principles". It's not necessarily Pahnes thinking. We may have a real usurper who acts in the name of "the cause".

    We have 2 opposing forces acting: Celestia and Abyss.If we stop to think, the tree is the true supporter of the planet, which brings us a 3 force acting. Phanes is an external force. The tree and the abyss inherent to the planet. The question is: What is the external connection that each element has with the "multiverse" and the primordial forces?

    Is Irminsul a representation of the imaginary tree? The abyss to Honkai power? The primordial waters refer to the Sea quanta?There are many references to the external world, such as the sea of ​​stars and outlanders. I believe that there is not just one culprit, but a series of forces that act on each other to try to destroy and prevail. Kaenriah was just in the way, and apparently by choosing one of these "forces" they succumbed to whoever had greater power and control at that time.

    We cannot forget that at some point in the past Kaenriah had a dynasty possibly linked to one of Pahnes' shadows. Kaenriah was not always without protection. Everything seems to indicate that the Abyss took advantage of the Kaenrians, with the idea that they were somehow oppressed, which made them seek knowledge that would free them. If we assume that the tree is responsible for people's destiny, studying it, as Alice does, may have made people discover more and want to take control of their destiny ( arrogance of humanity). At no point can we say that this is a primordial thought. The speaker is the "sustainer", the one who does not want people's destiny to be under other control…Are we f talking about Phanes and his ideal for humanity, or for the one who is really responsible for the loom of people's destiny? Sybilla had warned Remus of the destruction of his kingdom yet not created…Wouldn't the same have happened to Pahnes when he arrived on the planet?…..Wouldn't Irminsul be the true "supporter" of its own principle, controlling Asmodeus?

    If the abyss tried to corrupt the tree during the war, it was because they knew very well that by controlling the tree they would control everything….The Kaenrians just didn't know that the abyss, like the tree, had your own plans….

  11. People been theorizing about dragons in Natlan, maybe Snezhnaya will be full of dragons. I mean we met one dragon in Mond, then many vishaps in Liyue and Inazuma, then a sovereign in Sumeru, then Neuvillette and vishaps in Fontaine. Judging from the pattern, the influences the dragon race has in each region as we go on.

  12. Hey, I've just learned something pretty interesting. Zapolyarny is an actual place in Russia. It's a town near the deepest hole ever dug by humanity.

    Could it be possible that somehow correlates to Khaenri'ah or the Abyss having a connection with the Tsaritsa?


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