Genshin Impact Anniversary unfolded into censorship, silencing, and more questionable actions by Mihoyo. But it also caused toxic players to go to the extreme. Here, my boyfriend and I discuss all this plus the review bombing on Google Play store, the value of F2P players, lack of communication and rewards, and more. #GenshinImpact #GenshinImpactAnniversary #Mihoyo
0:00 – Intro
0:38 – Current Issues, “drama” update
2:15 – Value of F2P players
5:25 – Toxic Players and Fan base
9:06 – Review bombing & Mode of Complaint, Protests
11:35 – Mihoyo as a Private Company, Entitlement
15:15 – Will Mihoyo Respond?
19:15 – Concluding Thoughts
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Reddit: u/SevyPlays
Microphone: Rode NT-USB Mini
Webcam: Rapoo C260
Software: Wondershare Filmora
Music: Late Night Radio by Kevin Macleod
EDIT: If you watch the whole video, I am not defending Mihoyo. IMO we have a right to protest, complain, and ask for better. But we have the capacity to do it in a valid, substantial way. Skip to 9:06 or 11:35 if you don't want to watch the whole thing lol.
EDIT 2: Interesting glider…
I didn't know when we were filming this video but players are review-bombing ToT and Honkai too??? Please don't do that and leave them out of this?? Also in case it wasn't clear, I don't have a problem with leaving the 1* reviews themselves. But those who do that while just using mob mentality are NOT helping at all IMO.
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1 year and 4000$ later i want to know why i can't get a small treat for playing this game and paying a sh*t ton of money but they are like a 4 year old child that is angry and ignores what you're saying… fine becoming f2p is no problem at this point, i'm okay with saving my money, it's not about the rewards it's about treating your community with respect, f2p or whale nobody cares but staying silent is the worst way to go
The anniversary was not the coop endgame content the community expected. But it definitely brought people together.
its big brian time. this is exactly why we learn critical thinking in school
leaked a cheat on genshi on his channel! check it 🙂
By the strong emotional reaction of the playerbase as a whole, you can see how big Genshin has actually become during the last year.
Players with their hearts, their time and with their wallets are very invested in Genshin.
And Genshins prices for Primo packs are not exactly low hanging fruit.
Genshin is a predatory gatcha game model, but still the player base have made Genshin big. Very big.
Watching the high growing fruit for a whole year, many players seem to have projected something magical into the anniversary. A moment to even out the odds. To finally shake off the feeling of not achieving. I cant blame them. This is called hope.
But that did not happen.
The strategy of the company is acting directly adverse to the wishes and imagination of the players, F2P and P2W players alike.
A gesture of generosity would have strenghtened the bond between company and consumer but this ball has been dropped.
Shutting down all possible feedback on player disappointment only adds insult to injury for the individual player.
MHY missed the opportunity to turn the anniversary into a positive event.
Humans are emotional creatures after all. Sweeping the playerbases emotions under the rug will come come back to bite MHY in the butt.
i don't think whales are making mHY most of their money they are just louder and like to show off i think the million low spender player WM/BP so in EU that's 14.98euros/month on pc/mobile and 16.48 if you are on playstation (10% more for some unknown reasons ) are the one who makes mHy a consistent reenue and they have to be acknowledged and respected as the f2p and the whales and that's the main problem mHY please acknowledge your playerbase talk to us we love your game
If you're not willing to communicate, then the problem just sits there. If you just keep staring at it without doing anything, eventually you'll watch every last opportunity to resolve it slip away before your eyes.
– yoimiya
Anniversary drama.. I learnt that livestream is the final roadmap of in game content, there will be no other surprises added until the next livestream. And if leaks couldn't spoiled the anniversary then there is really no surprise at all
We just got new glider for anniversary. See ain't that hard isnt mihoyo? Just give us bare minimum, something to commemorate, something to remember, something unique. 1/4 meaning we probably going to get 1600 primos total (400 each * 4) and some other goodies.
Me f2p, brings 5 friends join Genshin, around Zhongli rerun. Also them after playing 1 month start buying welkin and bp even top up for characters. So.. f2p is not important to the game? Also after 2.0, i start buy welkin twice.. but after all this, i PROBABLY wont buy anymore welkin.
listen im not defending anyone here
but the Chinese fans literally told mihoyo they'd kill their families if they keep adding cute girls and no guys to the game and they always seem to get what they want lmaoo
"It's about more than just the rewards" – You're joking, right? These issues have existed for a long time, so to refute your point the game needs to have zero prior problems, otherwise it's impossible to isolate and pinpoint the problem to just the rewards. It's a weak false argument.
Thank you for this video! I just found your channel and I everything I've seen so far! Genshin stans can be so toxic and frustrating. It's really refreshing to hear your point of view.
As a counter point to your views on the complaints, it is natural people have given up giving detailed feedback and critique when the company is just going to try censor any critique no matter how well articulated, valid and polite it is.
You are right to say Mihoyo doesn't owe me anything and I'm right not spending anymore.
totally agree, I really appreciate your level-headed and balanced approach to this whole situation
I just wanted mihoyo to show appreciation for the players and community on the anniversary. They ask us for fan art and cosplay, but when the anniversary arrived they didn't do anything to celebrate a record breaking first year. It felt like a slap in the face and its was insulting, in a greater gatcha perspective, to see mihoyo disrespect their loyal players like this. Especially after we've achieved so much together.
F2P r in a way the same as the PR department, they exist 2 inflate the numbers and activity in a game so that people think "oh this community if vibrant, active, and they're very positive about the game so maybe i should give this a shot. if i like it, i may spend later or spread the word myself." by that logic they pay their PR department so they should give players both F2P and spenders things 2 say they appreciate the support no matter what form it takes. if they don't the narrative will shift, like the current situation, so sure u can pay people 2 only praise u but that isn't trustworthy 4 a lot of people. on the other hand, unpayed word of mouth is trustworthy at the cost of a company not having direct control. the community has more influence 4 good or ill so they'd better keep the customers happy. what people r forgetting is that Mihoyo chose this business model so the F2Ps r a cost of business just like a PR department.
dam it death threats r 2 far, if u want 2 b pissed sure but don't go that over the top and know it's not the VAs or those coding the game it's the executives that r wholly incompatant 4 not understanding the above points. LMAO their feedback system, when they respond 2 me half the time it's like they didn't even read what i said like when i asked about if fortune slips influence or served as an indication of better or worse luck coded in the game 4 that day on artifacts. that's what i heard that this influenced. they just said "monster drops r totally random." that's it, i didn't say monster drops i said artifacts and they didn't mention the fortune slips at all.
"they don't want 2 show weakness" um dude, Rosaria model edit happened so they already caved. they r weak, that is already evident.
"Mihoyo is a business and doesn't owe you anything" is true. This video hits a strawman argument by saying 'so we don't have a right to complain'. Im not saying you don't have a right to complain (I don't see anyone saying that) – I'm saying you aren't entitled to free stuff. If you are a fashion company and someone is a patron of yours – buys your shirts regularly etc. They don't have the right to walk into your store and say "hey, it's been a year – give me some free stuff." By all means, complain about issues – by all means complain about other gacha games getting more stuff than this gacha game gets. But then why don't you play those games instead? I think it's because you ARE getting what you paid for but you feel entitled to more…and that's fine – but I am going to call it whiny.
On the point of private company, there are definitely companies out there that communicate well. Riot games comments often and hires gamers over general developers. One of the director devs streams the game he makes which is absolutely unheard of which needs to be more commonplace.
A very Wholesome video, thank you. Also if Mihoyo truly believed what they were doing was right then they should have no problem addressing the criticism. Hearing and listening to other points of view often gives a better over all point of view. The review bomb on the play store wouldn't have been so effective if there wasn't such a large outcry. To the point, everyone is entitled to their opinions and they are subject to change regardless if they are F2P, dolphins or whales. So when consumer trust is broken and the customers choose to shop elsewhere because of a companies practices there's little that can be done especially when the issues are not addressed. The review bomb on the playstore was, in effect, a consumer courtesy to let the company understand what they could've done better. As another example there was a milk processing company that was discovered to be abusing the cows in production. The public outcry called for a government investigation as well as a boycott until the company was reformed. It breaks down to having a conscientious and moral practice delivering a satisfying product and listening to customer concerns. Any business has to take such things into consideration along with current market trends. MIHOYO can choose to ignore it but it puts all future endeavors at risk of not having the public support due to negative branding. Such are the risks running any company.
Thanks for such a level headed assessment of the situation. I'm getting so tired of seeing the words 'bootlickers' and 'white knights' everywhere… It seems like people defending or still enjoying the game are being insulted and not given a chance to voice their opinion while people who criticize are celebrated. Can people start seeing that there's two sides to a discussion? One being constructive criticism about Mihoyo's business practices and executive decisions and voicing discontent and the other can be pointing out positive things about the game. But it seems like only one of the sides is even accepted and listened to by the mob mentality right now. Let's make the game better by actually working together and not insulting each other! Both sides have very valid arguments and deserve to be heard!
As someone who comes from WoW, seeing people get this upset over not getting free stuff is kinda mind blowing. In WoW we used to be happy if the Devs didn't lie to us and also released content on time. I've seen people in this community lose their shit and send death threats to VA's because they thought a livestream was "cringy". Seriously, some of you guys need to calm the fuck down.
The logic behind, to some degree, disregarding F2P players asking for rewards is not primarily that Genshin should only care about the people that pay their bills. It's that the Free to Play players subsist on crumbs, and so they would prefer a better reward no matter what the reward being offered was. They'd rather 10,000 primos than 1,000. They'd rather 100,000 primos than 10,000. And so on, until eternity. There's no limit to the sentiment. There's no value proposition being considered. And, thus, there's no way for Mihoyo to draw any conclusions from their outrage.
As a paying player (albeit one that also has a strictly-f2p account), I would prefer that I got five wishes per dollar, rather than just one… but I vote with my wallet regarding whether or not the value proposition makes sense to me at any given time. I might have pulled for Kokomi if genesis crystals were a bit cheaper, but it doesn't make sense at current pricing and considering opportunity costs. That's real feedback, which Mihoyo can see in their monthly balance sheets. And, if this outrage depresses spending in upcoming months, perhaps they will be more generous in the future, but people have unrealistic expectations with regard to how quickly they can actually make such a decision, especially with the current banner being a low-demand unit, and the signature weapon being underwhelming at best. If upcoming reruns (whoever they may be) or Yae underperforms, at that point they can start thinking about making some adjustments.
The Genshin Discord is full of "Qiqi Fallen Emotes" and White Knights LMAOOO
We got additional rewards in the mail! Will wait for your review 🙂