I can’t believe I never knew this about bennett in Genshin… I’m lost for words
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So thats how you do it…?omg i tried to do that so many times and failed -_-
Bruh the wording on it makes no sense. Thank you for explaining this
Dude i want Bennett so badly
He is the strongest 4 star
Say whatever you want but for me Bennett is the best 4 star
Lol his laught
Benny was born as dps with many utility on him 😯
he is a pyro archon 😀
Bro…. He said "I wanna see the damage and FAILS to do the knock back cancel.
How ik because he burst which already cancels the knock back but he didn't auto after it which tells me he cancelled it bc you can't cancel the autos immediately after the skill it's impossible due to input framing and how input delay works
Is it worded terribly? I'm not native but i understand what it meant the momment i read it 🤔
Neither did I
Pyro archon frfr
truly one of the constellations of all time
Been playing since 1.0 and I never knew that as well😂
Yep , that's our pyro archon
Benny is secret love child of Murata (Pyro Archon)😂
That what I called a good improvement from constellation 👌
No wonder they've stopped making 4 stars like XN, XL or Benny. These 3 will probably be at the top for a long time or even forever, considering the recent trend of 4 stars (very niche kit or just mid)
Spamming tap E is still a higher dps
Benny act stupid and tell everyone that he is unlucky
But that's just a cover story
He is the main protagonist
I… didn't know this either. I forgot about that constellation, tbh. Man, Bennett is so great, it's easy to forget he was originally discounted as "4-star Diluc, terrible character."
Oh my god I see myself in chat MOM I MADE IT XD
but I knew this was gonna be a YT short as soon as this happend on stream
… People didn't know this? I thought any sane person would read constellations? 🤠
Rip bozo
Now I gotta try this
I've been trying to figure that out for the longest time 😭😭😭
I know it since long ago and always did that half charge, release then tap attack. So cool 😁
Me who stuck c3 👀 what
I always use a shield the prevent flying back
Wait are your bennet is c6
What is that Bennett made of? 76k ult?
show us your build king
As you have his C6 (probably), it is definitely a good combo if you have him as a dps/sub-dps. You deal pyro dmg which is what you shown us in the vid. And that attack actually gives extra damage.
Idk why people are saying it's worded poorly… how else would they word it? It tells you exactly what to do lmao
I seriously think it's just that people don't read character's kits. And a lot of this stuff falls outside of what would be considered typical in a rotation, it's like how nobody knows that you can shoot oz with a charged arrow as Fischl and he'll redirect it at an enemy with extra damage. despite it being explained in her passive description.
You have a shield on you can do Bennett's full charge and not have to deal with the draw back