I NEVER Knew This About Bennett In Genshin Impact…

I can’t believe I never knew this about bennett in Genshin… I’m lost for words



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33 thoughts on “I NEVER Knew This About Bennett In Genshin Impact…”

  1. Bro…. He said "I wanna see the damage and FAILS to do the knock back cancel.

    How ik because he burst which already cancels the knock back but he didn't auto after it which tells me he cancelled it bc you can't cancel the autos immediately after the skill it's impossible due to input framing and how input delay works

  2. No wonder they've stopped making 4 stars like XN, XL or Benny. These 3 will probably be at the top for a long time or even forever, considering the recent trend of 4 stars (very niche kit or just mid)

  3. Idk why people are saying it's worded poorly… how else would they word it? It tells you exactly what to do lmao

    I seriously think it's just that people don't read character's kits. And a lot of this stuff falls outside of what would be considered typical in a rotation, it's like how nobody knows that you can shoot oz with a charged arrow as Fischl and he'll redirect it at an enemy with extra damage. despite it being explained in her passive description.


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