The Bennett C6 Slander Needs to Stop in Genshin Impact

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22 thoughts on “The Bennett C6 Slander Needs to Stop in Genshin Impact”

  1. the whole discussion about C6 bennet would never exist, if MHY would have been from begin on clever enough to just fix his C6 with 1 freaking single line of coding text that takes into consideration any pre existing DMG Multipliers other party members have on their characters and CONVERT THEM TOO together with the DMG TYPE conversion.

    The Problem C6 Bennet has and why many people complained about him and kept him like me at C5, despite having already him at like basically C15+ by now in theory is this;

    Physical Build Razor joins the battle and has before Bennets Burst is used like 120% Physical DMG Multiplier Bonus
    Bennet bursts
    120% DMG Multiplier become now suddenly for you 0% Pyro DMG Multiplier, because your Damage Type got changed against your will without your DMG Source getting conversed into Pyro DMG Mulltiplier too, because MHY just smoked some weird weed when designing Bennetts C6….to forget just the most important crucial thing to convert too – DMG MULTIPLIERS!!!

    How C6 should have been fixed for now over 2,5 years instantly the moment people in MASSES were raging about this shit the moment people finally began realizing what a good character he his, instead of hating on him for how bad he looks compared to the other characters at that time and that hes "just a 4s" … (have these people never been teached not to judge books by their covers…/facepalm) is this way

    Physical Build Razor joins the battle and has before Bennets Burst 120% Physical DMG Multiplier Bonus
    Bennett Bursts
    Razor has now not only the increased ATK Bonus from Bennets Burst, but ALSO thanks to the Element Conversion now 120% PYRO DMG Multiplier for the duration of Bennetts Burst, which returns back to 120% Physical DMG Mu,ltipluier the moment the Burst Effect wears off and ends
    THATS HOW BENNET SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIXED years ago and the whole stupid discussion around C6 Bennett would have never existed and the under half of issues from that Showcase Tierlist wouldnt even exist too. It would exist only profits for people to C6 him from begin on, there would be then no negative impacts for any character, if MHY would finally LISTEN for fucking ONCE and make character fixes, that are long OVERDUE and very simple to make.

  2. i look at the bottom of the list and im like….
    xinyan can run physical without him especially with mika coming up and even c6 gives her options
    chongyun likely would run on many many other teams where his normals dont matter and even in teams where his normals matters you were not using bennett anyway cause of shenhe or otherwise
    razor becomes the god of elemental reactions with c6 bennett
    eula…..dont most big damage eula teams not even use him anyway and can just slot in sara?
    ayaka you basically covered it well
    and for keqing aggrvate teams works fine without him
    or in short……its actually more of a benefit than a detriment

  3. DD Bennett in bennet nahida xinque yelan is really strong doing great dmg himself and trigering burgeons.. Shame u didn't get yelan, maybe it works without her idk

  4. C6 is actually benfitial for both Razor (in full EM Overload-Burgeon comp with Dendro/XQ) and Xinyan (can be flex for Mono Pyro as infusion gives oportunity to be built fully Pyro DMG)


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