I lost my sanity trying to get Sayu… (Genshin Impact Claymores Only Ep2)

3 days left until Ayaka’s banner leaves. Mission: Get Sayu (and/or Razor). This was suggested to me by quite a few of you, so in this episode, we go through the pains of being F2P again and try to save primogems for Sayu, and also have enough for Itto later on in 2.7.

About using non-claymore characters:
For domains that require you to use the trial character (e.g that first Amber domain) and are ridiculously hard/impossible to do without them, I am going to allow myself to use the trial character, so I don’t have to play Getting Over It or Jump King every domain.
However, for everything else, I should use claymore characters only. In episode 1, I did use non-claymore characters for activating monuments, which was unnecessary, so until I get the characters to activate the elemental monuments legit, I will not be using the billet I got from that quest. I hope you can understand that what is done is done, and I think this would be the best way to penalise myself. I will not use non-claymore characters for things like this anymore.

Anyway, this video took the whole day to record and edit (it’s 10:26pm right now and im exhausted). Thank god there aren’t any exams in the coming week. After episode 3 next week, there will be a three-week-long hiatus on this series due to exams, but I will be doing my daily commissions every day, so there might be a sudden increase in AR. Just a heads up.

0:00 Intro
0:42 Pull for Razor and Sayu
0:55 Other Only Claymores playthroughs
1:14 Back on the account
1:57 Addressing the cheating last episode
3:29 What I plan to do about the cheating
3:46 Amber’s Quest
4:14 First Challenge
4:56 Wishing for Sayu (gone wrong)
6:17 Mission Success
6:30 Second Challenge and… oh
6:40 Forced Cheat
7:19 Murdering Non-Claymore Characters
7:47 More copium wishing
8:09 Kaeya’s Quest
8:34 Exploration Compilation
10:02 Luxurious Chests in Montstadt + More pain Wishing
10:34 Daily Commissions unlocked
11:01 even more copium wishing aa
11:16 Outro

Time spent: 3 Hour 48 Minutes

This was greatly inspired by JavaTheCup, Deelo and Kekvin!
Fellow Claymore Only Playthroughs:
Tiyuji: https://www.youtube.com/c/Tiyuji
Zippity Zane: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXaqlt9_MNDUb6NRvIiNuuw
Noblies: https://www.youtube.com/c/Noblies

Can only use claymore characters
No spending money (I’m F2P anyway)

Claymore Only Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3vwu8TUtta1pbjDDt_vQ4jBL6RGExNwE

Hoyolab: https://www.hoyolab.com/accountCenter/postList?id=87092987

sayu please come home ;-; (Genshin Impact Claymores Only Ep2)
sayu please come home ;-; (Genshin Impact Claymores Only Ep2)
sayu please come home ;-; (Genshin Impact Claymores Only Ep2)
I lost my sanity trying to get Sayu… (Genshin Impact Claymores Only Ep2)
I lost my sanity trying to get Sayu… (Genshin Impact Claymores Only Ep2)
I lost my sanity trying to get Sayu… (Genshin Impact Claymores Only Ep2)


36 thoughts on “I lost my sanity trying to get Sayu… (Genshin Impact Claymores Only Ep2)”

  1. was just doing my daily commissions today and i got "Stop Albert, Stop!", meaning i had to sweep some dumb leaves. i couldnt even do it since no sayu ;-;
    Leaf offered to join my world and do it for me, and then i realised im ar13 and cant do multiplayer… rip reaching ar14 today and 30 primogems ;-;
    thanks leaf for offering your help though!

    Trailer URL: https://youtu.be/WudydV9PEjM
    This video was upscaled to 2k (1440p) resolution, so hopefully this looks better! Anyway this took the whole day to make, but I hope you enjoy this video!
    Also thank you all so much for 1.2k subscribers in such a short amount of time, I really don't know how to express my appreciation!

  2. you should keep the videos a little bit longer like 16 mins maybe? i always feel like i want more 😭 anyways keep up the good work, good luck with your pulls, sayu will come home!

  3. yeah sayu is a must cuz u need to swirl to get elemental shrines of elements u don't have. also idk if u got it but theres a claymore 3* at the top of the Ganyu islands' mountain. And 4* circlet u can get in the camp near dragonspine.

  4. Anemo only? I was suposed to upload vid tomorrow, i've almost finished editing. Oh well, guess we'll be doing it together (although its not a bad thing, i'll gladly see things from your perspective ^v^)

  5. Good luck on your Sayu pulls my guy! She's the cheat code for a claymore only gameplay.
    I tried getting her to C1 but the game gave me 3 Razors, 1 Rosaria, 1 Bennett (off-banner), 2 4-star weapons. Had to stop coz I don't want to get Ayaka (I'm guaranteed). Hoyo had to be trolling me. πŸ˜₯


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