I instantly regret picking Klee (Genshin Impact)

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ヽ(*・ω・)ノ Thanks for watching, my ninja!

#jeikage #genshinimpact


31 thoughts on “I instantly regret picking Klee (Genshin Impact)”

  1. How is the literal daughter of the woman who runs shit in Shneznaya some random, copy paste, Cicin Mage… What the hell are y’all doin’ over there?

    Also you blasted that man into a Chinese hole.

  2. I got guaranteed I wanted Klee for so long cause I actually started playing a lot more during her rerun but in didn’t know how to wish but I did know how to test it and I love her so I’m not missing my chance to get her in 2.8

  3. rookie number, i havent done Xiao story quest all of inazuma characters story quest yelan story quest the newest quests and a lot more sidequests from Mondstadt to inazuma 😎

    edit : oh and every hangout quests

  4. I want Klee so bad it’s not even funny…now In order to win the 50/50 I kill every crab I see. And I have no jean so there’s nothing stopping Klee from fish blasting if she comes home :> (plz Klee come home your the whole reason I started playing genshin)

  5. As a Klee main who doesn't animation cancel: jumpty dumpty and then charged attack until you run out of stamina and are forced to do normal attacks. But tbh, they're usually dead or at least flat on their back before that ever happens

    And Klee with a freeze team? Cackles

  6. Here's a trick on how to do big damage on Klee if you don't know how to cancel her animations. Press E, jump, Charge attack, Press E, jump, Charge attack, Q, attack twice, jump, attack twice, jump, repeat until her burst ends. you can also go for overload and use Fischl right after you use Klee's E, and immediately change to sucrose to explode the bomblets at the same time Oz fires it's first attack, which will shred resistances for both electro and pyro, and allow the overload to hit as many enemies as possible.

  7. i always go and co-op with randoms cause im end game rn and 99.9% of the time its wholesome fun! there is the 0.1% who are just rude or meta hungry but for me its been very rare to find them! i also love to help lower lvl worlds with dragonspine, because i remember doing all the quests by myself and it was a nightmare!


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