DPS SHOWDOWN! Aloy vs Diona vs Amber! WHO'S THE "WORST" DPS?! Genshin Impact

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In this video, we have an epic DPS Showdown between three of the “worst” dps characters in the game, Aloy, Amber, and Diona.

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50 thoughts on “DPS SHOWDOWN! Aloy vs Diona vs Amber! WHO'S THE "WORST" DPS?! Genshin Impact”

  1. I mean… considering the fact Diona can kill geovishap in under 10 seconds with a full nuke team is pretty impressive. Cause she's not made for DPS. She's usually apart of nuke teams, but as a support, not a main dps.

  2. funny thing is, i love all of them and if only mihoyo would give me diona i’d definitely build her
    i kinda suck at the game and i’m a masoch- i like challenges so maybe that’s just me
    edit: holy shit pls give me ur c6 amber

  3. You're gonna have to sell me on this "using Xiangling's Pyronado early enough in Maguu Kenki's invuln start-up that you lose initial+3 revolutions of dps" tech you got at the end there.

  4. Like I have been saying.
    I have fun running Mona and Alloy as a freeze com with sacrificial bow which I personally think is best in slot for her even with 5 stars if you can get some good crit and crt damage on substats

  5. Amber will easily win if you use melt. Her bunny nukes deals a lot of damage. At C0 Aloy will win but with constellations, Amber is superior. Another thing about aloy is that aloy is faster and easier to use as Nuker whereas Amber as Nuker is slow.

  6. I got a hate love relationship with Amber. She was long time my only archer and pyro character and thus a permanent team member. However, rapid fire and the baron bunnies were so useless that she might as well throw pink cotton balls… her charged attack can however one shot the hillichurls. Her ultimate is surprisingly powerful and has an acceptable recharge rate.
    However, I quickly found out that Barbara does far more DPS with her default attack! If you supercharge her with Beidous ultimate move, she becomes the most broken character in game!


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