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In this video, we have an epic DPS Showdown between three of the “worst” dps characters in the game, Aloy, Amber, and Diona.
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False disclaimers, Aloy is not C6
False Disclaimers
im buying a ps4 just for alloy! amazing dps!
love ur videos dude! but how about guoba vs oz video lmao
yall are lifeless
a week ago in this channel "aloy is cool" now is a cryo amber but looks ugly ….. always the same with youtubers.
Mihoyo seriously should give Amber a buff smh
Bet its diona
ar 56 diona main: at 14:40 what do you mean by standard icg?
as my first 5 star other than aether, i brought aloy to lvl 80…
My Aloy will exist solely as a Cryo battery at lvl 20
the debate now is diluc vs amber…..
I got triggered by refinement 5 polar star. I can never br that lucky or rich
I mean… considering the fact Diona can kill geovishap in under 10 seconds with a full nuke team is pretty impressive. Cause she's not made for DPS. She's usually apart of nuke teams, but as a support, not a main dps.
funny thing is, i love all of them and if only mihoyo would give me diona i’d definitely build her
i kinda suck at the game and i’m a masoch- i like challenges so maybe that’s just me
edit: holy shit pls give me ur c6 amber
You're gonna have to sell me on this "using Xiangling's Pyronado early enough in Maguu Kenki's invuln start-up that you lose initial+3 revolutions of dps" tech you got at the end there.
i . cant tell if youre being sarcastic when you call diona 31k or whatever insane
his worst dps dealing 18k damage while my best unite only deals 5k B'))) yup thats crt dmg
Like I have been saying.
I have fun running Mona and Alloy as a freeze com with sacrificial bow which I personally think is best in slot for her even with 5 stars if you can get some good crit and crt damage on substats
bro imagine barely competing with amber as a "5 star" L
its quite a rare sight to see amber be the fastest at something
This video shows the power of friendship
arrow 2da knee Childe
Could you do albedo vs zhongli vs traveller?
Diona + Aloy is great for hunting those fowl. You can just approach bunch of them and then cast Diona's E, boom multiple fowl
"only few people have amber at c6", I see the rr5 on Newly released weapon, yeah the c6 amber is the reason dude, she performed that good, yeah…
I don't see where you get such good artifacts. I have been farming domains for weeks and haven't gotten shit.
Amber will easily win if you use melt. Her bunny nukes deals a lot of damage. At C0 Aloy will win but with constellations, Amber is superior. Another thing about aloy is that aloy is faster and easier to use as Nuker whereas Amber as Nuker is slow.
Even the worst characters in Genshin Impact are very viable With good support
Not a whale. But have a C4 Amber. I'm "aiming" towards that C6 : )
So basically, Aloy needs some constellations
Nigguang: secret 5*
Aloy: secret 4*
5 star character
16:30 who knows maybe mihoyo will give aloy some buffs when they give her constelations. If they will decide to give her any constelations ofc.
Baron Bunny is better than Diluc , maybe bad Dps but why u need Dps when Boss is dead? :3
Ladrãozinho de uma figa
The sponsorship was genuinely so funny lmaoo might get one just for this
Hey, Have u ever had a channel named ''Induction Gaming'' ?
Hi I’m new to the game in a general rotation do you E first then Q or Q then E not for alloy just in general all characters
The worst is Goku Black
I guess Aloy will surpass them once she gets constellations
Diona is okay if you build her, mine does 30k raw damage with charged attack and 50-60k with melt. Her paws do like 10k damage each but I still use her as support
But … Diona is support , no dps …
Fact: Draft is not Diona's father.
Please do a face reveal bro.. you are so funny XD
I got a hate love relationship with Amber. She was long time my only archer and pyro character and thus a permanent team member. However, rapid fire and the baron bunnies were so useless that she might as well throw pink cotton balls… her charged attack can however one shot the hillichurls. Her ultimate is surprisingly powerful and has an acceptable recharge rate.
However, I quickly found out that Barbara does far more DPS with her default attack! If you supercharge her with Beidous ultimate move, she becomes the most broken character in game!
Wait…does this mean Barbara can do more dps than Amber?
Amber and Aloy is so good-