FREE & OP | Genshin Impact Beidou Build Guide | 2.0 UPDATE BUILD

Make your 2.0 EVENT FREE Beidou OP with this Genshin Impact Beidou Build Guide. The best Genshin Impact Beidou Build with the best Beidou Artifacts & best Beidou Weapons, as well as best Beidou Team Builds.

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45 thoughts on “FREE & OP | Genshin Impact Beidou Build Guide | 2.0 UPDATE BUILD”

  1. For some reason I’ve never got her from Gacha and my Serpent Spine was collecting dust as I was waiting for her to come home and use it. Finally got her today and hell yeah she’s a powerhouse (put her in my Eula team)

  2. From what I've read, Beidou needs ~150% ER in a dual electro team and ~170% when solo. Running favonius weapons on your other supports will also help keep this low. So ultimately, however you can get to those numbers while still retaining as much ATK, CRIT, and set bonuses as possible is what you want to do. Severed Fate can be very good on her, but it's not necessary BiS for her. It's just that it's a more farmable and "universal" artifact set then Thundering Fury/Gladiator combinations. And the additional ER it gives means that you want to focus your substats more on ATK and CRIT and less on rolling into ER. But if you already have good stats then it's not really going to help you. Finally, if you are running any ER weapon or the Severed Fate artifacts, I would never recommend an ER sands. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it ever unless you REALLY need the ER and have sufficient ATK% substats on your gear.

  3. I just got the Blackcliff Slasher for Beidou because I want that sweet sweet crit damage but I may get the new craftable weapon at some point if I get excellent rolls on the new ER artifact sets while griding for Baal

  4. 2020 Beidou release, i play Beidou i say she is good an her Kit is very fun and her Counter is insane.
    Hobbyexperts say she is Bad, 2021 say the Player she is good 🤣
    Hobbyexperts are so funny in the Genshin Community.
    Give a Shit of Tierlists and you have the most fun in the Game.

  5. I already have C6 Beidou even before Inazuma release and she's really good and fun to play. Currently farming the new artifacts because I think it's a lot better than my current thundering fury and oblige set.

  6. I’ve farmed the new domain every day full resin and still only have one useable 4pc set and it’s not even god rolled lol. it destroys on beidou though. i cap out at 182% Ear with attack sands on the new claymore and I really like it. 6.8k ult dmg unboosted, with kazuha it’s around 13k, with bennett ult with noblesse it’s around 19-20k. on floor 12-1 you’re doing 100k a swing basically it’s madness

  7. you forgot about one arguably best in slot weapon. sacrificial greatsword.
    Especially if you have refinements on it.
    sacrificial greatsword is a better option compared to the inazuma craftable greatsword.

  8. If you use fischl you really don't need energy recharge on main stat or weapon. I use beidou, childe, fischl, zhongli comp alot and even with just having a little recharge on sub stats its easy to keep her burst up. I use serpent spine and attack sands and it works great.

  9. You don't actually need to clear the Tatara tales to get the Claymore blueprint, but not having to worry about radiation poisoning makes it much easier to explore the area.

  10. Should I be building diluc or beidou? I got both of them yst but I'm stuck between who to build… I like both of them playstyle wise so I'm really stuck… I also don't know what weapon to choose, I'm f2p so can someone tell me what to do?

  11. Was a Beidou believer since 1.0 despite the fact that most people built razor because he "deals more damage". I haven't heard of anyone talking about razor for a while now.

  12. Unless you use Beidou as a solo electro ult bot, you don't need that much ER and the new Inazuma claymore isn't BiS option. Beidou Mains learn to perfect parry and get double the energy because of it. Dedicated burst teams that run fischl have no real energy problems. You can get away with 160 ER and get ult off cooldown regularly without the sword. I run 120 and get it off CD with perfect parries. Archaic is still BiS for a free weapon unless, as stated, she's you're only electro and you don't learn to switch and perfect parry

  13. I haven't been on genshin after lantern rite and now im returning to genshin. I main beidou back then and now i think i need to rebuild her from the bottom up

  14. I started pretty late so I'm not used to managing characters yet. Once I got Beidou, I instantly levelled her to 60/70 and the Archaic to 70. Still convincing myself that I didn't make a mistake, but the fight with Raiden really got me hesitating (I can still use max-charge Tidecaller to boost my normal attacks).

    Though I admit, I already made a mistake by making her a main physical DPS. I just love her counter and tried to build my way around it…

  15. My queen Beidou is c8 😂💖
    She's has always been my fav🥺
    She was my first 4* character and carried my team and rank when it was lower. She has been in my main team since day one and never left.
    Now i'm ar 56 and she makes me happy everyday like the first day i've been playing her. I can't help but love her unconditionally. 💖

    She's my fav togheter with my best boy Xiao💖.
    I love all my characters so much.

    (My main team: Xiao 90/Yoimiya 90, C6 Beidou 90, Zhongli 90, Kazuha 90/Venti 90 – sometimes i also use C1 Jean/Qiqi)

  16. I'm so mad I missed out on the event just as I started because I got her from an acquaint fates summon and I really love her gameplay. If I had played any sooner, I would've had her c2.


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