I Finally Raised Sucrose – She's GODLY! (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact we’re raising one of the OG supports, Sucrose. Let’s see what she can do.

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0:00 Raising Sucrose
2:49 Sucrose Overview – Talents, Constellations
5:15 Weapon Choice, Quick Test
6:14 Sucrose Build
7:31 Sucrose Buffs
9:17 Abyss 9/10
13:55 DPS Sucrose


37 thoughts on “I Finally Raised Sucrose – She's GODLY! (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Definitely recommend her in a tazer comp! Beidou, another Electro (Fischl, Yae, Raiden), a hydro applicator (my favorite is Kokomi but Xingqiu and Childe work well) and of course, Sucrose! You could also mess around with Sukokomon. The rotation is tricky to learn for abyss but in the overworld, it's so fun to use!

  2. Elemental Infusion means the color/element the skill actual absorbs, in the first try it absorbed pyro but then in abyss it absorbed hydro like 3-4 times so keep it in mind Moga 💗

  3. The main advice I can give you after watching this video is that you're not really using her in the right teams. there are 4 teams that come to mind immediately when I think of Sucrose.

    The first was mentioned in the video, where she's a battery for Xiao, but this is definitely not the team she actually shines in.

    Secondly, and probably her most popular team, is the National team with Xiangling/Xingqiu/Bennett. The standard rotation is Bennett Burst, swapping to Sucrose to swirl Pyro, then swapping to Xiangling to use her Pyronado, and then going to Xingqiu to use his stuff. You can then have Sucrose on the field constantly auto attacking, which also swirl, and it amplifies the damage a whole ton.

    Thirdly, Beidou teams work really well with Sucrose. the standard one is Beidou/Fischl/Xingqiu where she's the one on field, continuously triggering Beidou's burst to bounce around, and constantly swirling both hydro and electro.

    Finally, she's amazing in freeze teams. Due to how freeze works, it's incredibly easy to swirl Cryo and it really helps the damage those teams can do, especially if Xingqiu or Kokomi is the hydro applier as that means you can have Cryo DPS/Cryo Battery/Hydro Applier/Sucrose and you'll have constant uptime on freeze.

    There's also a niche team called Sukokomon, consisting of Sucrose/Kokomi/Fischl/Xiangling where you put down Oz, Guoba, and the Jellyfish, and then just constantly swirl all three elements. It's a very complex team though, SevyPlays made a very good guide if you wanted to learn how to use it though.

    Other small bits of advice I can give. Levelling her to 90 is actually a very good investment, she benefits a whole ton from it. SacFrag is a very strong weapon for her if you're struggling to proc the TTDS buff on the character you want to use it for. I would definitely recommend levelling her auto attacks as well, it does help her damage quite a bit.

    Sucrose is actually one of the strongest units in the game, in my opinion, she's incredibly versatile and can amplify other characters' damage in a way that is really difficult to find in other characters. I very much recommend investing a little more time into learning how she works and how you can use her.

  4. how do you play this game and not hear of the sukokomon team. sucrose, fishle, xiangling, and kokomi. summon oz, summon jellyfish, summon boba. start swirling with sucrose and watch the reactions and numbers fly in the air. that build has helped me build the characters i want. sucrose with sacrificial frags and viridecent set just destroys everything plus your reacting off four elements at the same time

  5. ive been neglecting my sucrose. But I had her at 70 and i got her talents almost maxed out , at lvl 70 she has helped me out in a pinch. btw I like to use her to farm fowl.

  6. That's the good thing about anemo – they literally fit any element team comp and in case of sucrose her anemo is a massive AOE that just swirls and swirls ~~~

  7. I got sucrose really early in the game, I love playing her with klee, she clumps up the enemies and klees bombs, so that's really helpful. I also like to use her with Ei's skill and xinqius ult it makes some nice electro charge

  8. Leveling her talents is not that important it's just a nice bonus. Since swirl damage scales with em and character level the most important thing to do is getting her to 90/90 and she is ready to slap enemies.

  9. Running sac fragments and pure EM 4 pc viridescent, she actually buffs your team’s damage more than kazuha until his c2, but he has much better/consistent crowd control because his E’s pull lasts for so long

  10. I actually use succrose in my hu tao team, where i use thoma as pyro infuser and shield giver, then succrose can swirl it.
    That way you evade having benni heals, and you still have a shield that pertty much enough for hu tao

  11. As an anemo character applying swirl on every hit, she'll gain about 30%+ damage by going from level 80 to 90, because character level affects transformative reactions (swirl). God mode Sucrose is level 90 with 4pc Viridescent all Elemental Mastery, using Sacrificial Fragments (for the EM). Pair her with Fischl+Beidou+Xingqiu or Kokomi+Xiangling+Fischl and watch her swirl huge amounts of damage while proccing everyone else's on-hit damage.


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