Hello there!!
This is a final episode of Genshin Impact reacting to God of War 4…
The Series will still continue, as I said in the video
And BTW, thank you for 4k Subscribers
I really appreciate it, love you all❤️❤️❤️
Enjoy the Video…
God of War 4 Final Battle by: @ZanarAesthetics
👉: https://youtu.be/m0pZv48JXoo
Atreus sees Kratos killing Zeus by: @Prosafia
👉: https://youtu.be/KXzFEWB6lhU
Kratos vs Sigrun by: @Shirrako
👉: https://youtu.be/-b-DaQGKlUg
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wtf was that intro, my guy??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
One question, will you continue with the genshin impact but will they react to the GOD of war Ragnarok?
Can’t wait to have them see thor
will they react to god of war ragnarok by any chance?
Hello guys!!
Yes, I will continue the series of them but different characters…
They will react to God of War Ragnarok…
React god of war 2018 end in jothuheim laufaye pls
Awww you could've atleast show the ending it would be very heartwarming… hearing that music again as well hehe… buuut its fine and anyways message from zhongli – don't worry he wont kill all of you besides he changed.. his a "calm and reasonable person" now and if he was in your world he and atreus would totally help you guys 😊😊
I just say something, "Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about", and I just cough my food on my phone.
Make them react to his full past
I always love your❤videos never disappointing 😊
27:46 uh, actually yes. Especially if your in the cronos bloodline. I mean cronos chopped his fathers balls off with a scythe, than Zeus chopped cronos into a million pieces, and then kratos punched his father to death. So yes, some day you’re going to kill kratos 🙂
Pls bonus
Damn he's dead🙂👍
This is the best reaction series you have ever made!!!!😎😎😎😎
Next video?
Awesome vedio but it is time for ragnarok
I hope they will react to kratos vs Thor
may they react to kratos telling freya about his daughter next
Great video! Hope we get Kratos VS Odin!
Make them rect o gow3
Can you have them reacts to the 2 endings next please
I love the sus intro, keep it up!
Hey make them react to to who kratos was
reactions need to be improved a fair bit………but ok
Next video can be god of war ascension video please
30:45 When fighting the Valkyries on max difficulty, I swear to God that I now have a nerve reaction to dodge that attack specifically from how powerful it was if you got hit. Good job making the video Wade, 35 minutes is easy to make.
React to Kratos vs Zeus?
How about you show them kratos back story, how Kratos kill Zeus what do you think?🙂
W video
In case anyone was wondering , Atreus is 8 years old. Cory Barlog, the direct of God of War 2018, confirmed this in an interview
Baldur never had ice powers. He got them in the middle of this battle after absorbing power from Leviathan. Fun fact!
Pure light is white, I can see how people would confuse
his light powers with ice.
I think the genshen impact characters needs to meet kratos personally to have a chat😅😅😅
Fue la reaccion mas larga hasta ahora y fue genial, aunque algo largo por el gameplay de relleno. Y por fin aparece Nahida
Make them to react god of war please
Scaramouche : stares at Ei with killing intent yeah..about that
God of war ragnarok
Kratos vs thor
Would they react to doom?