Genshin Impact reacts God of War 4 Final Battle + 2 more! | Gacha Club | Wade

Hello there!!

This is a final episode of Genshin Impact reacting to God of War 4…
The Series will still continue, as I said in the video

And BTW, thank you for 4k Subscribers
I really appreciate it, love you all❤️❤️❤️

Enjoy the Video…



God of War 4 Final Battle by: @ZanarAesthetics

Atreus sees Kratos killing Zeus by: @Prosafia

Kratos vs Sigrun by: @Shirrako



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40 thoughts on “Genshin Impact reacts God of War 4 Final Battle + 2 more! | Gacha Club | Wade”

  1. Awww you could've atleast show the ending it would be very heartwarming… hearing that music again as well hehe… buuut its fine and anyways message from zhongli – don't worry he wont kill all of you besides he changed.. his a "calm and reasonable person" now and if he was in your world he and atreus would totally help you guys 😊😊

  2. 27:46 uh, actually yes. Especially if your in the cronos bloodline. I mean cronos chopped his fathers balls off with a scythe, than Zeus chopped cronos into a million pieces, and then kratos punched his father to death. So yes, some day you’re going to kill kratos 🙂

  3. 30:45 When fighting the Valkyries on max difficulty, I swear to God that I now have a nerve reaction to dodge that attack specifically from how powerful it was if you got hit. Good job making the video Wade, 35 minutes is easy to make.

  4. 09:00
    Baldur never had ice powers. He got them in the middle of this battle after absorbing power from Leviathan. Fun fact!
    Pure light is white, I can see how people would confuse
    his light powers with ice.


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