Why She Was In The Water | Paimon Is The Key To Everything – Genshin Impact Theory

In this Genshin Impact theory I finally take my first crack at explaining what I think Paimon’s true purpose is, and what I believe her character arc to be. That is to say, I explain why she was out in the water at just the perfect time for our traveler to fish her out, and the reason that she is likely to be the key to EVERYTHING.

#Paimon #WhySheWasThere #Paichon

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28 thoughts on “Why She Was In The Water | Paimon Is The Key To Everything – Genshin Impact Theory”

  1. I'm afraid that "Paimon is emergency food" will come true.
    Paimon will be the traveler's strength in a very critical and emergency.

    And a promise to Paimon… "Paimon is the best traveling companion ever!".

    This is just my personal opinion.

  2. The biggest problem I have with this, is that Paimon was around before meeting the traveler, as stated in Liyue before moving on to inazuma when Zhongli talks about it being closed and tense, Paimon says that “it wasn’t that bad last year…” stating she was there last year.

    I do believe that she is a God, possibly the god of moments, a fraction of herself as the god of time was long forgotten, and as we go on with the story, not only do we get our memories back but it seems like Paimon is also getting memories back. Just a thought

    I also like to think the Sustainer is actually corrupted, like Kiana, go based off what is covering her arm, it reminds me of a certain Honkai beast, the way those cubes move up her arm.

  3. OR… Paimon lied to us that she almost drown and about being friend with us for months until the prologue cutscene on the beach. Maybe the MC has just woken up because Paimon woke us up, after the battle with Heavenly Principle.

  4. My own wild guess:

    (possible spoiler?)


    Paimon is not an entire "separate entity", she(or he? it?) is both the vessel/prison and part of the original Traveler, that was "divided" when the Unknown Goddess (or somebody else) intervened. Probably including the original Traveler's powers (the powers are not gone, just… separated/obstructed). In such a way, she cannot be truly separated from the player. The link may not be physical, though there may be physical distance limitations as well. the only case where she is "shut out" was in Raiden Ei's conscious realm? though it may be that she was still "there" but just suppressed.

    But it could also be that the Traveler is also not entirely made up of what he/she once was: it may included some part that was from the original source of Paimon. This created a symbiotic relationship between the two, where each entity contains parts that was originally from the other. Maybe the Traveler can use the elemental powers only because Paimon is fulfilling the functions similar to a Vision: an external magical organ for channeling (elemental) powers.


    Original Traveler (T+t) + unknown (P+p) + alpha-> present Traveler (T+p) + Paimon (P+t) + beta?
    (alpha + beta could be related to meta concepts like the "player" and the "system/game")

    But just who is the "unknown"(!!)?

    And how is this division possible?

    One interesting possibility is… Time 😉

    (iow, the unknown could have already appeared as another being that we have met… whom Paimon could be made up from a past/future part of)

    Contrary to the common speculation that Paimon is the "hidden/true enemy", I am inclined to believe that Paimon is the ultimate ally (who IS part of the Traveler).

    It could even be so: the "player" (the person playing the game) is divided in-game into 2 avatars: the Traveler which you directly controlled, and the "subconscious" which is embodied by Paimon. Noticed how often Paimon seems to voice the comments/questions of the "player" which is not voiced explicitly by the Traveler? Because they are two facets of the "player".

    It is a little scary though, to speculate that if the Traveler ever need to get back his/her original powers, Paimon may choose to sacrifice her current form to break the "division", so as to "return" to the Traveler, but in so, losing her individual identity (once again becoming the Traveler's subconscious)

    Though I am interested by the possibility, emotionally, I really don't wish this is the way things are "destined"…


  5. That would mean Gnosis were not created by Celestia, but rather the First Throne? I wonder od they can be easily exchanged between ppl. Cause nowdays its Celestia to grant these to nominated Archons, no?

  6. Paimon is a guardian angel, ever seen it’s a wonderful life where he saves the angel from drowning I think this is similar, I mean she has a friggen halo over her head.

  7. What if the harbingers delusion (foul legacy) gives them the power corresponding to the other element from the same shade his element is from. That could be confirmed perhaps if scaramouche's second element is hydro, like childes is electro.

  8. I like the idea that time is the 8th Element with Paimon eventually becoming the archon of it (if only for a while), I was also thinking about how we still don't know what Dain manipulates, as the final chapter teased wasn't tied to a specific element and the region was the abyss. Now IDK how time/space abilities would work but I know I want to see it lol

  9. Paimon has the upside down triquetra on her chest. The upside triquetra is showed only on ONE temple ( The thousand winds one). All the others have the regular triquetra or the quadruple arms version of it, including domains. This leads me to believe that Paimon is indeed a god that has lost a cruel battle to another entity ( which would explain why she's in the water, weakened) and is simply using the traveller to re gain the lost power. In any case we'll be all too old to play Genshin in 10 years time.

  10. I think actually paimon be the king genosis and traveller who has the ability to control all elements paimon chose him as 8th archon of unknown element of time prolly just a theory anyway

  11. Generally I'm ok with any game's mascot, but Paimon is just too annoying and obnoxious for me, and it vexes me more because of the decision of not letting the Traveler speak their lines, and being just over-all redundant in her dialog. The fact that they give that much significance to an annoying mascot like that is… certainly a choice I personally hope they regret sooner than later. Of course this is my personal opinion, but I really doubt I'm the only person finding her annoying with her pushy dialog and screechy voice.

    At any rate, it was one of the most discussed theories that Paimon is either some sort of final boss or in this case a key to everything, but at the end of the day she interrupts the enjoyment of even the fishing in Genshin, constantly talking and without a button to shut her off or something to soothe players that want to hear the Traveler's voice and want the choices in dialog to matter at all, and those who want to glide or entirely skip the never ending dialog with unimportant npcs that do nothing to help the narrative making everything a chore. I'm not saying to change everything, just to give the people that don't enjoy the mascot or really don't care that much for chatting with npcs the possibility to skip the dialog entirely and shut her up at least, given that it changes nothing to the gameplay or quests and your choices in dialog are pointless.

  12. This video appeared on my youtube recommendations several times and today is finally the day i watch it lol, i wish i did earlier. I subbscribed with 15 accounts hoping you reach you goal before 2022 ends💙

  13. What if paimon is the primordial one trying to guide travel to overthrow the the second that had come and defeated the primordial one so paimon as being the primordial one is joining team with the traveler to defeat the evil Celestia

    Or maybe paimon is one of the 4 shades that is trying to overthrow the evil Celestia. (There is so much theories)

  14. I think everything has to do with Dainslief. If you watched the trailer of Teyvat promotional (1 year ago or so), then you would know that Dainslief will be the final enemy in genshin impact and we will probably never go to meet the Sustainer.

  15. I think that Fatui and abyss are the wrong enemies we focus on. The thing with "reaching this world's end" has to do something with understanding why they are not the enemies (Hence the traveler joined Abyss). It was hinted many times by other lore channels and by the new Dainslief quest in the chasm. I think we will fight either Paimon or Celestia at the end because "that is what everyone's purpose is." Dainslief even said, "Defy this world with the power from beyond." also having something to do with Celestia (or even beyond) and how this world was made.

  16. I think Paimon was a moon sister who lived in Celestia. The Gods of Celestia killed her sisters one day for trying to rebel against them. One of the moon sister's spirit can be heard singing/crying in domains. The Gods either spared Paimon or Paimon agreed to do their bidding to avoid death. After the opening cutscene I think Sustainer returned to Celestia or was taken forcefully after the Gods had seen what had happened between her and the travelers. I think it was planned by Celestia for Paimon to wait for the traveler to wake up by their side and had the plan to pretend to drown when the moment arrived, so she could avoid seeming suspicious. The traveler seemed to trust Paimon enough to begin the journey with her. However as we know, Paimon is the one not letting traveler stray to far from the regions we've unlocked and always says "let's explore the area ahead later" as if she is stalling the traveler from finding the sibling. Paimon also foreshadows they will not meet a happy ending and get to go home. It's weird how she always talks traveler into doing meaningless quests which have no relation to finding the lost sibling. Paimon in lore can copy other's powers and can basically clone people/objects. It explains how she used the Sustainer's red cubes during the Jade Chamber battle. Also it's confirmed the characters we summon for are not the main story characters themselves, but rather "dream versions" copied by Paimon. Basically everything in the Paimon menu has to do with her cloning and time powers. Paimon in lore can extract the spirits of people and make copies of them, potentially being fatal to the originals. There is likely a connection between Paimon and Albedo/Albedo's evil copy, and during the Albedo Dragonspine event she foreshadows her and the traveler will split up in a devastating way.. maybe she means her future betrayal. Celestia may use Paimon to clone the traveler or clone his powers of being able to hop worlds as well as his immortality. Then the Celestia Gods can control and travel through the entire bubbleverse rather than just Teyvat. Paimon may also decide to sacrifice herself rather than going along with the Gods' plan, so she may end up letting them kill her for not going through with it, or she will fight them alongside the traveler. For now it seems like she is spying on the traveler while Celestia spies on the two of them, and her job is to actually prevent the traveler from getting to be with his sister by leading him to places to look for her, although Paimon knows she is very far from where they search. If the traveler woke up and Paimon wasn't there, he may have already reunited with his sibling. Not to mention Paimon breaks the fourth wall when you open the Paimon menu and she is floating there while staring at you (the player) with an annoyed/angered expression on her face. I think everything we do in the game is wrong, like using dream versions of cloned original characters and we are fighting on the wrong side. The other sibling seems to know this which is why they have know desire to go near the traveler and the sibling may know much more about Paimon than we do.

  17. In Greek mythos, the titans defeated the giants, then the gods defeated the titans. What if this was to be the story with Teyvat? A chain of dethroning the rulers of the world? But Celestia was able to interfere the chain. Now, we the traveller and possibly the Cryo archon will continue this chain and end Celestia.
    From the Enkanomiya lore, a lot of it is inspired from Greek mythology. What if taking down Celestia was Gold’s plan (but in a despicable way, thus the Archons got involved).

  18. I have a bad take but hear me out. I think Aether and Lumine may be the children of The Creator, which is why they can freely wield the 7 powers. Paimon is likely their niece sent from their family, who just so happens to be the God of Time. Aether is really there to assist Paimon to ascend to Celestia. And with Paimon fully powered alongside Lumine…they will take control of Teyvat, and resurrect Khaenriah.

  19. i have a feeling that the climax of the story will involve a paimon sacrificial somewhat. probably some scenario in which the traveler has to choose to choose his sister or paimon, where choosing his sister means paimon gets sacrificed or choosing paimon means the world is saved or something like that. or either that paimon herself has to choose if she wants to sacrifice herself or not to save either the world or the traveler siblings specifically

  20. I think Paimon is our guide because she was put there to bring us to the right places at the right time to save all Teyvat.
    And our friend Dainsleif might be the guide of our brother/sister.


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