I CRIED Watching "The Road Not Taken" Animation | Genshin Impact Reaction

This animation is stunning and absolutely pulls at the heart strings. Watch the original here: …


17 thoughts on “I CRIED Watching "The Road Not Taken" Animation | Genshin Impact Reaction”

  1. Damnnnn
    I am not sure but I think I read the article saying that Genshin Hired some people ages ago and they were training for all these years on how to do animations for Genshin specifically and now the team is trained.
    I think from this point on we can expect 1 anime short every patch or every other patch.

    Awesome stuff. I love this game mannn!!

  2. This short really just nails what it feels like to be forcefully separated from someone you spent your entire life with.

    This game just loves to pull on heartstrings 😂

  3. I will copy my comment from other place (I'm sorry if there are mistakes, it was translated from russian with Google)

    This animation is so beautiful! I was afraid that the Hoyovers would again go down the path of “since these are the main heroes, then we can do it lazy,” BUT NO! How much love, how much soul was invested! How carefully everything is thought out, how beautifully the parallel between the twins and their travels was shown, how cinematic everything was, just like in the works of Makoto Shinkai! And of course the animation is simply magical! The colors, the style… I don't know, every frame can be used as wallpaper, it's amazing!

    A I M E R sings a song!!!! My beloved Aimer!!!! When the anime from Ufotables was announced, I even thought “oh, how nice it would be if they invited Aimer to perform the opening or ending theme!”… But I didn’t even have to wait for the series to come out! And this is not just an opening or an ending, this is a full-fledged 3-minute MV about my favorite twins, for the sake of whose plot I play!
    And my favorite boy Aether!!! How beautiful he is here! Hoyovers are clearly on the same wavelength as me (or am I on the same wavelength as them?) in terms of how we see Aether <ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ
    I don’t know how else to express my happiness from this video! I will consider this a gift for my birthday, although my birthday is in October! Hahaha XD But really! This is such a cool gift that I feel like it’s my birthday today!

  4. This is really important both story and the anime style they will be used, if they keep this quality for anime ,i absolutly impressed and i understand why they need so long time to release the anime. Iam only have 2 reason for it 1.is the cost is crazy and the quality is peak and 2.They wait for teyvat chapter end so we will understand if the anime story will taking timeline 500 years ago.

  5. Seeing the twins so close when they were together and whown how lonely they are separated makes the past times they saw each other hurts even more with how distant they were (like the reunion during the dain quest were they barely acknowledged their sibling other than saying to stay away from Dain etc)

  6. Oh I saw this video was posted but didn't have time to watch it, now I get to watch it with you

    This is pure evil, it's like they're journeying side by side but they're in different timelines and can't meet each other

    3:31 yeah exactly, it's very sad

    I sometimes forget the traveler is such a tragic character


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